Saturday, December 12, 2020

Re: MindYourDecisions - Puzzle From A Math Teacher

 Here is the link to the YouTube video by MindYourDecisions:

Puzzle From A Math Teacher - If AAA + BBB + CCC = BAAC, What Are A, B, C = ?

The solution seemed a bit too complicated to me. My take which I think is a bit easier...


1. Given base 10, looking at the digits column, A+B=10 (2 digits cannot add to 20)
2. Since we carry a 1 to the 10s column, C+1=A (Cannot carry a 2, see above)
3. Since, A+B+C results in carrying a 1, looking at the thousands column, B=1.

Putting B=1 into 1. above gives A=9 (from A+1=10)
Putting A=9 into 2. above gives C=8 (from C+1=9)

We now have A=9,B=1,C=8 or:


Is there a flaw in this reasoning chain?

Consider this wrinkle:


Indeed, order that has one and only one of A,B, and C in a column will give the same sum BAAC.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Noughterize vs. Naughterize

Ya Gramma lesson fa today:

Granny say I ga learn ya two new word today.

Noughterize: set to zero, Noughterize(x)=0. Noughterize dis 10 fa ma.

Naughterize: to destroy completely. Teacha, da neighbour dog done naughterize ma homework lass night.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Who Dat On Da Corner


Da story start right up in now...

Sherm say, "Man Mike, who dat on da corner what always be wavin at erry wan what does pass by in da road?"

Mike respond, "Sherm! All dis time you been commin round my house trying to sweet my sister and you doon know who dat boy is? He is da fella I been tellin you bout who does be tryin to play his guitar all night long tinkin he ga ching-a-lick up da place!"

So den Sherm come back, "Oh! Dat fella what you say all ya neighbour does tell to go jump in bay from long dock an tell him to swim ta Alaska?"

Mike say, "Das him!"

Sherm axe Mike, "So?"

Mike axe Sherm, "So what?"

Sherm suck e teet, "Man Mike, stop skylackin! So what e name?"

Mike finally answer, "Oh! He name Eddie!"

Here ends the story...

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Groaner 20200725_001

Groaner 20200725_001

Prepare to groan:

So, I was at a party the other night when I happened to see this ravishing beauty dressed up like a pirate and wearing an eye patch.

I asked the gentleman I was conversing with who she might be.

"Ah, I see you have spied out the unique and delightful Miss Gott. Impeccable eye!" says he.

When I inquired further as to the eye patch and the odd costume for a formal dinner, he smiled, "Our lively Miss Gott lost an eye in a sailing accident on her eighteenth birthday and since then has made it a habit to appear at parties dressed as either Anne Bonny and Mary Read and always wears her patch."

"So, what you're trying to tell me..." I began.

"Correct!" he interrupted. "Ain't no woman like the one eyed Gott!"


Saturday, June 20, 2020

Rolex, Watchdog!

zotzBrothers : Rolex, Watchdog! - by drew

Rolex, Watchdog!

Rolex received his training under the "ICE METHOD" and his masters
never regretted their decision.

Rolex was a special dog. He lived alone in a three bedroom, two
story house, on a canal front lot on Miami Beach. His boat, "Long
Enough" was moored at the dock near the pool. It had twin 235HP.
Evinrude V6s on the stern. Such a boat. Such a watchdog!

Rolex's masters did not live in the three bedroom house with
him. They lived in a one bedroom condominium. Can you figure that one

One of Rolex's favourite pass times was to have ice thrown into
the pool. He would then plunge his head under the surface, search for
the ice from beneath, quickly raise his head and plunge it back in,
snagging the ice on the way. Rolex liked lizards. He would hunt them
with a passion at every opportunity. Any lizard would do, as long as he
wanted to escape!

Rolex has a great party planned for next year. It is going to be
a lizicle party. Picture this - a Lizicle is an odd thing. You can make
a lizicle for yourself or your dog as follows: Catch a lizard alive, any
type of lizard will do. Quick freeze him in dry ice in an extended
position. Prepare your popsicle mold by filling with water (you may
colour or flavour the water according to your taste) and then place the
lizard head down in the mold. His tail will serve in place of a popsicle
stick. Now, freeze the whole thing in dry ice. Voila! A LIZICLE!

Rolex plans to have at least a hundred gross of lizicles at his
big bash next year. He is now seeking competitive bids on lizicles from

As you can tell from the story so far, Rolex is no ordinary dog
(by the way, much of the above is true) yet, to look at him beside
others of his breed, you would be hard put to notice his special
qualities. As a result of this uncanny ability to appear normal while
possessing outstanding qualities, H.M.S.S. is seeking to recruit Rolex
as a 00 spy. His masters are not sure he will be able to make the
transition from watchdog to 00 spy but they are considering the

In the meantime, Rolex continues to live on Miami Beach, hunting
lizards and eating ice. And he watches. He is after all ROLEX, WATCHDOG.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Wilder Furies

Wilder Furies

"Furies Incorporated complaints department, how may I help you?"

"Yeah, I ordered three wild furies last week Tuesday with the primo delivery option."

"I see, and they haven't shown up within the 48 hours, do you have a tracking number?"

"No, no, that's not the problem, they showed up before the 48 hours was up."

"Well then, what can I do for you?"

"Well, the thing is, I ordered three wild furies, but the three furies you sent me are tame furies."

"I am sorry sir, that is just not possible. We don't carry tame furies. All our furies are wild furies. We have never handled tame furies at any time. We deal in only the best, freshest, Wild Furies on the planet!"

"So, let me tell you a little story about one of my uncles. Hopefully, after hearing the story, you will understand how to help me. OK?"


"I remember when I was young, we were out at dinner with my uncle at a nice restaurant in Miami. My uncle placed his food order and the his drink order and asked for too much ice in his drink."


"So, after the waiter left the table, I asked my uncle why he ordered too much ice in his drink."


"So here's the interesting thing. He told me that he used to order his drinks with a lot of ice because he liked his drinks cold."


"Well, he told me that way too often his drink came with far from a lot of ice. So one night in particular, after ordering his drink with a lot of ice and getting his drink with three cubes in it, he told his waitress that he had ordered a lot of ice but only got three cubes. At this point he looked up and laughed. Then he said she told him that it was enough ice and so he told her to bring him too much ice then."


"Well, I thought this hairy dog story might enlighten you."

"What hairy dog story? Do you mean shaggy dog story?"

"Well, I mean hairy dog, I am not dragging it out longer and longer for no real purpose enough for the dog to be shaggy. But it is certainly no Mexican hairless or mangy potcake! Anyway, he said from that night on, he always ordered his drinks with too much ice right of the bat to save all the back and forth."

"OK... And???"

"I thought the point would be obvious by now. If those three furies you sent me are wild furies, I propose that I ship them back to you and you immediately send me three Wilder Furies! Or better yet, your three Wildest Furies."

Friday, February 14, 2020

Who Can Lie To Whom?

Who Can Lie To Whom?

Working some more on my US civics education:

In the US, who can legally lie to whom and under what circumstances?

In the US, who is it a crime to lie to and under what circumstances?

Is there any person or group that it is never legal to lie to?

Is there any person or group that it is always legal to lie to?

What other questions do I need to ask to better understand all of this?

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Shortest Distance

The Shortest Distance Between Two Points Is Seldom Paved.

A good number of years ago now I came up with the statement:

The Shortest Distance Between Two Points Is Seldom Paved.

Today on Slashdot I saw something similar along the lines of "The Shortest Distance Between Two Points Is Under Construction."

Unfortunately I close the page before deciding to write this and I don't recall who gets attribution. Perhaps a search on Alta Vista will find it for you... <grin>

In any case it made me recall my long ago invented cousin and got me to thinking...

Pick two points on earth in the following ways and say what are the chances that the shortest distance between them is paved.

  1. Pick any two random points on earth.
  2. Pick any two random points on earth such that both are on land.
  3. Pick any two random points on the same random land mass on earth.
  4. Pick any two random points on the same random land mass such that the points are 100 miles from each other.
  5. Pick any two random points on the same random land mass such that the points are 100 yards from each other.
  6. Pick any two random points on the same random land mass such that the points are 30 feet from each other.
  7. Pick any two random points on the same random land mass such that the points are 3 feet from each other.

Can you think of how you would approach writing a program to do this for you? What assets would make the job easier? What language do you think might make the job simpler?

Any other questions you think might be interesting in this game?