Saturday, December 12, 2020

Re: MindYourDecisions - Puzzle From A Math Teacher

 Here is the link to the YouTube video by MindYourDecisions:

Puzzle From A Math Teacher - If AAA + BBB + CCC = BAAC, What Are A, B, C = ?

The solution seemed a bit too complicated to me. My take which I think is a bit easier...


1. Given base 10, looking at the digits column, A+B=10 (2 digits cannot add to 20)
2. Since we carry a 1 to the 10s column, C+1=A (Cannot carry a 2, see above)
3. Since, A+B+C results in carrying a 1, looking at the thousands column, B=1.

Putting B=1 into 1. above gives A=9 (from A+1=10)
Putting A=9 into 2. above gives C=8 (from C+1=9)

We now have A=9,B=1,C=8 or:


Is there a flaw in this reasoning chain?

Consider this wrinkle:


Indeed, order that has one and only one of A,B, and C in a column will give the same sum BAAC.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Noughterize vs. Naughterize

Ya Gramma lesson fa today:

Granny say I ga learn ya two new word today.

Noughterize: set to zero, Noughterize(x)=0. Noughterize dis 10 fa ma.

Naughterize: to destroy completely. Teacha, da neighbour dog done naughterize ma homework lass night.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Who Dat On Da Corner


Da story start right up in now...

Sherm say, "Man Mike, who dat on da corner what always be wavin at erry wan what does pass by in da road?"

Mike respond, "Sherm! All dis time you been commin round my house trying to sweet my sister and you doon know who dat boy is? He is da fella I been tellin you bout who does be tryin to play his guitar all night long tinkin he ga ching-a-lick up da place!"

So den Sherm come back, "Oh! Dat fella what you say all ya neighbour does tell to go jump in bay from long dock an tell him to swim ta Alaska?"

Mike say, "Das him!"

Sherm axe Mike, "So?"

Mike axe Sherm, "So what?"

Sherm suck e teet, "Man Mike, stop skylackin! So what e name?"

Mike finally answer, "Oh! He name Eddie!"

Here ends the story...