Friday, November 23, 2018

Pan Universal Breathing Day

Pan Universal Breathing Day

In honour of "my head een good" Bahamian self, and my attachment to breathing, I am desginating June 10th. as Pan Universal Breathing Day.

This is a day for beings spread far and wide in the various universes to pay attention to their breath and celebrate various aspects of breathing and on the importance of breathing to their life.

Do your part to make this an annual event by breathing on June 10th. every year!

Help is sought in the design of a marketing strategy for the day, in the design of logos that properly represent breathing and the day.

This early announcement should give us Bahamians ample time to plan to breath on June 10th. next year.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Invitations To The Grammer Police

Invitations To The Grammer Police

  1. We have that exact same problem, only different.
  2. We always do that sometimes.
  3. He is sort of unique in that respect.
  4. You'll have to be more pacific.
  5. Dew it right.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Slightly Off

Slightly Off

Last update October 2018.

October 05, 2018

Well, I had the idea for this this morning but between the time I had the idea and now when I come to document the idea, the beginning example has slyly slipped out of my mind. Hopefully it will return sometime and be recognized but as of now, this starts without a founding example.

The idea is still mostly with me however.

What is supposed to be recorded here is sayings (and words) that are slightly off. Common mistakes or purposeful errors.

  1. Could you be more pacific. (Asking someone to clarify.)

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Suggested Domain Names

We shall see where this goes.

  1. - this would be a good domain for a vet that specializes in donkeys.
  2. - this would be a good domain for a rancher that will get your young donkey ready to ride.
  3. - great domain for a personal trainer who specializes in helping you develop a six-pack.

Saturday, March 10, 2018


The Day The Banks Found Fear

It was the day after the hot summer night when the beach was burning and all was unfolding as normal. All over the land people were eating breakfast or breakfast sandwiches. Some were even eating doughnuts. These latter were in the majority law enforcement officers.

This, however, was to be a day unlike any other in recent history. A day of monumental importance. A day for the likes of the Monumental Whit. This latter star was breaking his fast with Frank, the Norwegian Narwhal.

By this point, and armed with the preceding information, I am sure that all of my astute readers will know where this is all leading. However, for the benefit of my readers with 'higher' intelligence, and, of course, Mr. Kite, I must continue. Those of you who fall into the astute category, may now leave our humble company and pursue a Samuel R. J. Higginbotham thriller.

Statisticians and other intellectual greats in the realms of probability theory are still trying to pick up the pieces of their once highly respected art. The art that was smashed to subatomic pieces on the fateful day in question. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that once highly respected art is now a shambles and great minds are now asking how it can be put together again if the king himself was not able to deal with that fabled egg.

Now I want to warn you that, in the past, I have been attacked without Ruth by those supposed intellectuals and Welsh Wallabies who differ with my conclusions and with my journalistic integrity. It is too much to hope that it will be any different in this instance. Now really, I don't ask for much, just that they will wait until Ruth arrives before unleashing their vindictive barrage.

On the day in question (now I ask that you will suspend your disbelief if only for the duration of this piece) at precisely 12 noon, just as 12 native boys in Taipei yelled "ZOTZ", all of the depositors in the country descended on their respective banks and demanded their money. At this point, I am sure that even those readers with slightly lower than the 'highest' intelligence will be beginning to see where this is leading.

This occurrence is of course, a statistically impossible event. Almost as impossible as for all the people in China to just happen to jump in an easterly direction at precisely the same instant. Unfortunately, it had almost as disastrous effects. On a side note, Albight Von Boatschnegle has recently completed a three year long computer simulation (his report runs to 5760 pages) in which he delves at length into the detailed ramifications of exactly what would happen if the second impossible event above were to occur.


Slow Moments

If you look
 and she looks
And you breathe
 and she breathes
If you purse
 and she moistens
And you see
 and she sees.
Then you know
 and she knows
And time flows
 and time slows
And you breathe
 and she breathes
And you know
 and she knows
Then you breathe
 as one.


Two Barefoot Boys

We were just two barefoot boys
Hot summer days and simple joys
A love of horses, riding trails
Blue jeaned rides on PI waves
Summer's sandy pockets.

How I long for those rolled-up pancakes
That thick, spooned-up syrup.
Second story dawns with sunrise over the ocean
Let's swim out and get that barrel.
See the squids under the dock
Taste those sweet sea grapes.

We were just two barefoot boys
Hot summer days and simple joys.


Like a River Run Dry

When I think how much I love you,
the words flow like a river run dry.

Emotions well up from under the surface
to be lost on the desert of inexpression.

Yet your presence fills my nights
your closeness brings me joy.

You sang a song for me of unknown meaning,
we laughed, its still a cherished memory.

It breaks my heart to make you cry
I sit in quiet sadness, I wonder why.

Yet I love you more than I can tell
and sometimes the words flow like a river run dry.

for Penny, my love, my joy...

Friday, January 26, 2018

A Monty Puzzle

A Monty Puzzle

You are a contestant on a game show.

Here is the setup:

The host takes the contestant into a room and shows him 2 boxes.

On top of one box is a card that reads "A"
On top of the other box is a card that reads "B"

The host tells the contestant that:

In one box is a wonderful prize.
In the other box is a dud prize.

Before he came into the room a lovely mystery assistant
has chosen box "A" for him.

The host asks the contestant if he would like to stick with the
assistant's choice or switch to box "B"...


Can what happened in the room before the contestant entered
affect the contestants chance of winning the prize?

Should the contestant stick with the box chosen for him or switch?

Does the contestant's chance of winning depend on whether the
host is telling the truth about which box the assistant
chose for the contestant?

Does the contestant's chance of winning depend on how the assistant
chose the box for him?

Explain/discuss what you would do and why...