Saturday, July 25, 2020

Groaner 20200725_001

Groaner 20200725_001

Prepare to groan:

So, I was at a party the other night when I happened to see this ravishing beauty dressed up like a pirate and wearing an eye patch.

I asked the gentleman I was conversing with who she might be.

"Ah, I see you have spied out the unique and delightful Miss Gott. Impeccable eye!" says he.

When I inquired further as to the eye patch and the odd costume for a formal dinner, he smiled, "Our lively Miss Gott lost an eye in a sailing accident on her eighteenth birthday and since then has made it a habit to appear at parties dressed as either Anne Bonny and Mary Read and always wears her patch."

"So, what you're trying to tell me..." I began.

"Correct!" he interrupted. "Ain't no woman like the one eyed Gott!"
