Rock Hunter, Rock Hunter by drew Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Rock grew up into his name. This is a rare occurrence. That is, you will seldom find a person who is his name but Rock Hunter was a rock hunter. He never made any conscious decision while growing up to become a rock hunter on a professional basis. It just sort of happened naturally.
Rock grew up on an island with lots of rocks. This was lucky since the island also had a lot of dogs. Get the drift? Mostly, they were limestone rocks. There were different shapes and sizes of rocks to be sure, but mostly just limestone. Occasionally, Rock would find some smooth river rocks in a pile near the shore where an illegal sailboat had run aground in the night and subsequently broken up.
The dogs on the island were mostly Pot Cakes (a rare breed of very expensive all-purpose dog) and they were extremely fond of being belligerent. Happily, the vast majority of them were well trained. If they were bothering you, all you had to do was to pretend to pick up any of the handy, near-by rocks, and they would immediately turn tail. Rock liked to put them through their paces.
Rock spent many of his early days beaching it. Riding the waves of the shore break on days when the waves came in big from the north west. Jumping out of the water like a porpoise on calm days when the water was warm.
Whihihihihilberrrr! Floating on his back in utter bliss. The water rolling gently over his chest, the sun bright in the sky, the salty spout from his mouth accenting the wild and peaceful joy he felt at being a part of the mighty oceans of the world.
While still a young boy, Rock began a pebble and shell collection. His prized possessions were the agates that his cousin brought back from Minnesota and the Flamingo Tongues that he occasionally found on sea fans while diving.
When Rock got out of high school, he went on to take his first two years of college at a small community college in Winter Haven Florida. A most significant event occurred to Rock during his Freshman year. He was walking along Avenue A towards town when a Spitz ran out at him from around the side of a house, barking like mad. Instinctively, Rock reached down and pretended to pick up a rock. The Spitz came on. Rock knew in an instant that this dog was untrained, he knew that he would need a rock in earnest. As he looked around, fear began to grow within his breast. His eyes cast about but no rocks were in sight. The Spitz came on. Quick, what could be used in a pinch? The dog was very close when his mind hit on the solution. He ran out and removed a lug nut from a passing car, he had an uncanny knack for doing the impossible, and let it fly in the general direction of his attacker. It hit the animal between the eyes and knocked it unconscious. Rock made a safe getaway but he was shaken by the close call.
That night, Rock lay awake in bed and pondered the day's events. He had never before noticed the scarcity of rocks in Florida. He had noticed the scarcity of Rocks but that fact had no bearing on his present thoughts. Could this be why the dogs in Florida were generally so ill trained? Were there any possible substitutes for use in the training process. (Rock, by the way, is the real originator of the ICE METHOD of dog training.)
Rock finished his schooling in Boulder Colorado, a place that has no shortage of rocks whatsoever. It, too, had a shortage of Rocks but that was no big deal. Rock was never chased by a dog while in Boulder so he never learned if they were well trained or not.
It was while in Colorado that Rock started collecting rocks in a serious way. By mid way through his Senior year, Rock's collection had grown to the point where it was listed in the ZOTZ BOOK OF GALACTIC RECORDS.
When Rock graduated, he moved back to the island. It cost big bucks to ship back his rock collection but at least he did not have to pay much duty. The customs agent thought he was out of his mind to import rocks when there were so many all over the streets and everywhere else but his motto was "Everyone has their own way of going crazy!"
After two years of working for the local morning paper, Rock received the letter that was to change his life. It was from an eccentric man who lived in Thanet and wanted to know if he had a specimen of a very rare rock found only in Kenya. Rock did, but didn't want to part with his only sample and wrote back saying as much.
A month later, another letter arrived from the same man. Would rock mind going to Kenya to procure a few samples. All expenses would be paid plus a handsome profit. Rock thought that he could handle the job and sent off his reply immediately. In the meantime he would book provisional passage to Madagascar.
That was Rock's introduction to the high priced, fast paced world of professional rock hunting. With his unquestioned success, Rock's name began to spread by word of mouth through powered circles. Sip Sip at work.
And so a rock hunter Rock Hunter became. Now, he goes on about three or four big rock hunts a year. Mostly just for kicks as he has already amassed more money that he could spend before dying. (This is partly due to his lack of imagination in this area as well as to the size of the amount.) He is now involved in R&D into the area of new and improved big rock hunting weapons and accessories.