Last update February 2025.
- The Secret To Excess Is More.
- Friends, we are all interested in the past as it is the only thing we can remember.
- When the rainbow shaves you clean you'll know!
- Q. When do you know the Bahamian driving in front of you is drunk? A. When he is driving in a straight line.
- What we have here is a failure to commiserate.
- Do what you can just to keep your Lava Light.
- Bag, the tea bag.
- Bag the tea, Bag.
- We were all jello!
- Dragon and the George.
- Better Layton than Trevor.
- Better late than Trevor.
- The importance of being furnished.
- The importance of being furnace.
- A Day Without Moments.
- A light breeze named expire.
- A street bar named Uriah.
- Sarah and Dippity.
- Space Monkey Mafia.
- Jung Hearts.
- Living Large But Just Getting By.
- Robin Hood National Bank.
- The King Of Cyan.
- Mervin's Magic Mung Beans.
- Condo Leasin Mice.
- I tried to read some Kant last night but I couldn't.
- Artificial Ignorance
- I'm so funny I could eat a farce.
- I will walk a mile in your shoes if you put in odor eaters first.
- What was that canal you were interested in Holmes? Alimentary my dear Watson, alimentary.
- The Wizzer of Oz.
- The Life Of Psy.
- The White Nile Vi Race.
- This one goes out to the enigmatic Mr. X. Would you kindly stop marking up the place!
- The International Registry of Undiscovered Resources.
- All other things are seldom equal.
- To each his zone.
- So they fix dogs but they don't fix horses. They break horses though. After they fix dogs, they don't work anymore but after they break horses the horses can still work. What's up with that?
- A rising tide does not necessarily raise the boats with holes in their hulls.
- Later Pablo's Banking Share.
- Go Out And Take Some Dim Sum Classes.
- Seaside Samurai.
- Nassau Ninjas.
- Manni Kan Productions.
- WedgieMatic.
- Deep End Dances.
- Matchstick Movies.
- Eric the Red Bull.
- Eric the Red's Bull.
- Abra Cadaver.
- So, were the Frat Boy, live goldfish swallowers just ahead of the sushi curve?
- whoyouis the Bahamian take on the whois utility. see man whois &c
- If the foo fits, share it.
- If the foo ships, fear it!
- Loshin Sun Tan.
- The Good Ship Sue.
- Loose hips, zinc ships.
- Lucktober.
- Lucktoberfest.
- Complexity is the Enemy of the Little Man.
- Income Replacement Therapy.
- All of them Knights down in Mexico.
- Differently Difficult.
- I really must make some time, I don't seem to be able to find much...
- Communistic Parlour Tricks.
- Ladder Mercy.
- Lava Mercy.
- Love or Mercy?
- whoyoutinkyouis advanced whoyouis, see # 52.
- In the age of overwhelming information, ignorance is unavoidable.
- Gobi Wild!
- Memphis Autarise.
- The Do Right Inn.
- The Doo Rag Inn.
- Skid Vivious.
- The Year Of The Cap.
- Quiet Nine Water.
- What we have here is a failure to commune at eight.
- Memphis on the Rice.
- The Bay on FunDay!
- You're so Wayne!
- There's a bat phone on the right.
- Jim and Coconut Water!
- Half a good knight!
- Ackee sauce? Man you een had good ackee sauce till you try Terry own.
- You can't win without understanding. (dR)
- Web Now.0
- Mr. T and Pitty da Fool.
- I'm trying to live a life, not make a fortune.
- If you can't trust anyone, who can you trust?
- We are in the age of information overload and ignorance is unavoidable.
- You have the right to be wrong... and so do I. (Think about it.)
- Disturbing the peas.
- Digital Thunder.
- Electric rain.
- I duct taped your promise to the bottom of my shoe.
- Poetry and lotion.
- Poetry in lotion.
- Temporary Ugly.
- Captain Odious.
- Time Travel Assistance Bureau.
- KlikFu
- Start and Iterate! Don't wait and wait!
- All the time sometimes.
- Putty like its 1999.
- The Godfather of Droll.
- I do, you do, 'e do, ve do, yinna do, dey do.
- What if I told you I had nothing to tell you?
- The Doubt House.
- Are we there yet?
- Are we here yet?
- Are we hair yet?
- Is it hair yet?
- Are we their yet?
- Don't it make my brown adze blue?
- Don't it make my brown ads blue?
- Don't it make my brown abs blue?
- The expandables.
- That horse is a real Neigh Sayer.
- Paul Van Cluestick
- Whoeye Yam.
- Helen Bach.
- Helen Black.
- Better Nate than Trevor.
- Copyright. Taking the World Wide out of the World Wide Web every chance it gets.
- The University of Now. (TM)
- Food for breakfast, failure for lunch, success for dinner.
- Purse of Ear.
- She is like the crème brûlée of Femme Fatales.
- What could be better than wurst?
- Don't tell the young brats!
- Raycation.
- Playcation.
- Deskepticon.
- Skepticon.
- Can you have a Free Market where the people are unenlightened?
- The other side of Wow!
- Wild Bores.
- RMA Ford.
- The Fateful Knight.
- Can you bear to sit in the woods?
- Exporation - a limit imposed on the amount of expos one may attend.
- Unsatisfraction - 22/7.
- The Idea Of Odour.
- Underpreneur.
- From here to maternity.
- From here to modernity.
- Me and my I.Q.
- Playing in a margin band.
- Art for Art's sake.
- Libertrarian.
- Fool's Bold.
- How's it Glowing?
- I'm Sketchy and I Know it.
- Car Berator.
- One Way Dreamers.
- Track Road Schemers.
- The Man With A Tan And A Rocket Home.
- Did you hear about the guy who dropped his waffle on the beach? Sandy Eggo!
- Luther Of Andros.
- Luther Van Andros.
- Shake Ya Bawdy Lime!
- lowercase love.
- Das Howie Rolle!
- You crazy ey? Dat een Howie Rolle!
- Pull It Sir Prize.
- Pullet Surprise.
- Rose Hanna. Rose Hanna. Dana.
- A Clue Stick Guitar.
- Das My Pajama Band By Da Sea.
- Das My Pajama Band In Da Tree.
- Match de Roach!
- A Three Dog Knight.
- With All Dude Respect!
- Hawaii's 5 Hos. (1. Don. AKA Tiny Bubbles.)
- One Ring To Rule The Mall.
- Wahooligans: teenage wahoos up to no good.
- Aunty Lye say stop!
- Ignorance is Inevitable!
- If you're not ignorant now, just wait a bit, you soon will be.
- It's Everything You Never Wanted And Less Besides!
- Junkquwine.
- Ghettitude.
- Señor Kammel to bed!
- breve -> crotchet -> semiquaver -> quaver
- Coinchidence: Two unusual things that almost happen.
- Junkanoo: more cowbell!
- Jim and coconut water.
- Gym and coconut water.
- Excess of Awesome.
- He's such a meme person.
- One Knight In November.
- Pullet Proof Vest.
- Commie Lipstick Parlour Tricks.
- "You seen Matt?" | "You mean Computer Matt?" | "No, no. Not him, I mean Laundry Matt."
- Night Wear on Pine Street.
- Knight Wear on Oak Street.
- Knights Swear on Birch Street.
- The SetGo Den.
- The GoOn Den.
- Liberation Parlour Tricks.
- Odom Ale Gone On Sale So We Buy It All De Time.
- Sir Cool And The Triang You Laters.
- Veracity Yoga
- Beauty is in the Eye of the Bee Holder.
- Shenigma.
- The Downward Adventures Of No Surrey Bob.
- Conchcrete, it's a Bahamian Thing!
- Conchtent: 1. Happy with your allotted conch. 2. A Conch's temporary housing.
- Don't Mind No Pure Bread, You Needs A Potcake!
- Kayaktivation!
- Three Poles Walk Into A Bar.
- Fat Dudes Day.
- Skunks: The Power Of Positive Stinking.
- Cafeteario. Noun: A river that results from the spilling of vast quantities of coffee and tea combined.
- Just In Time Earl.
- Berl's Fishin Grits!
- If you want it. Here it is Carmen. Get it.
- The Andros Orfice! An Androsian Blue Hole.
- Chips On The Right.
- With Chicks You Get Egg Rolls.
- Shack Rat, Me Shack, and I Betta Go!
- Sharktoberfest vs. Croclumbus Day!
- The Kaptain and Chenille.
- Sponge Cob Square Dance.
- Counting Toes.
- Look At All Them Rokers, Running Around!
- Wine an Go Brown. #memedatyoubad
- Jim an Coconut Water #memedatyoubad
- History: Life In The Past Lane.
- Ignorance Is The Natural State Of Modern Man, And There Is Nothing Good To Be Done About It. #memedatyoubad
- Whose Lime Is It Anyway?
- Whose Crime Is It Anyway?
- Whose Time Is It Anyway?
- Whose Twine Is It Anyway?
- Whose Grime Is It Anyway?
- Whose Spline Is It Anyway?
- No you can!
- Yes you can't!
- Can Obama Sue? Yes? OK then, what about Endama?
- Paper bike riders, pay per bike rider!
- Tequilas Mocking Birds.
- My niece says it's nice in Nice.
- That Dern Bruce.
- Conchiousness.
- Beijing Doctor Love.
- You can't talk to a man, with a shop vac in his hand. Shop vac...
- Oliver Peace.
- Gadgetation - frustrated / agitated by gadgets.
- But it's a J.L.D.oosie!
- The Reaper Cousins.
- Together We Can Collide!
- The Lincoln Logger.
- His Happy Tight.
- Irish people watching Irish people watch Irish people in Ireland.
- Murder She Roach!
- Bartender: Bar Tender. Get it?
- Bartender: Bart Ender. Got it!
- Green Turtle Cayper.
- Simply Dread.
- Simply Bread.
- Your Adze Is Mine.
- The Duke Of Hurl.
- The Department Of Mixed Metaphors is like:
- Forget Lukka Kairi, Check Out Luchador Karri!
- The Peeking Man.
- The Peaking Man.
- The Pea King Man.
- Dis Een Dat Meme. Carry Ya Hip!
- If a bear fits in the woods, can he iron?
- Brotox.
- I Slipped And Fell On My Green Turtle Cayster....
- If There's One Thing That I Know For Certain, It's That I Just Might Be Mistaken.
- Carmen's Lipstick Parlour Tricks.
- She Does Like Ezra Tate.
- Kayacting Lessons!
- The Vinyl Countdown!
- Juan Threw Over The Coopers' Next.
- Wealth Without Money.
- Increasing Your Wealth Without A Job Or Money.
- Five Non-Bonds.
- There Is An Awful Lot Of Pot And Kettling Going On In This World These Days.
- Aren't I Ronic?
- Isn't It Iconic?
- The Daily Male.
- The Daily Sail.
- The Daily Flail.
- Extranauts: We go above and beyond!
- Extranaughts: When you need a lot more nothing!
- Overachievers Anonymous.
- Profficient: Professionally Efficient.
- The Saline Jungle.
- Lego My Leg Bro!
- Quarter Past A Deadline, Eastern Island Time.
- P Diddley X. Guaranteed To Get You In Shape!
- Vacation With Fronds!
- Engine Earrings.
- Sharkasm.
- Scarcasm.
- Starcasm.
- Back Room Al.
- Black Rum Al.
- Leander is tall. His sister meander is tall too. And so is their younger brother Neander. In fact, he is dead tall.
- "You know dat fella Nate what does live round da corner?" 'Yeah, I know Nate.' "Well what he title?" 'He name Nate Diaz.' "Das him! Een he gat a sister name Casey?"
- Sons Of Abstinence.
- Diversi-Tea.
- Solidari-Tea.
- Divers'-ITea.
- Pro Toe Sower.
- Pro Toe Sewer.
- Pro Tow Sewer.
- Satisfraction: (a+b)/a=a/b
- Celebruction: That magical spot/line between a celebration and a combruction.
- No Man's Lamb.
- Defibulator. You know why we need these.
- Electric Monk Seals.
- Wind Easel.
- Cuda Tat.
- The Migratory Habits Of The Ageing Male's Hair Follicles.
- London Bridgette, Mayfair Lady.
- Stuck On A Minor Cay.
- Impressionate.
- Bahamian Rap Shoddy.
- Bahamian Rap Shawty.
- Bahamian Rap ShawnT!
- How To Care Less.
- 0/4 Out Of Time Club. (There are no beats in this bar!)
- Big old hairy Long Island he goat likes to go down to the boat ramp and graze at low tide. They call him the Sea Moss Ram...
- Double Your Earnergy In 21 Days!
- Old Mister Sippy.
- Cane Vest.
- Half The Distance To Nowhere.
- Rude Evan.
- Evan Rude.
- Evan Rude Hey?
- Hustle Builds Muscle.
- Your Crazy!
- Tru Wu U!
- Joe Karo. Mean On The Outside.
- Vernal Ekqui Knox.
- K.D. and The Sometimes Band.
- Scantily Clad & Nervous.
- The Late Saunterers.
- Carry Oki.
- Nessa Scary.
- 1 Bit Love.
- Hoosier Daddy.
- Proper Gander.
- Crack Pea Okra Pudding.
- Steel Work & Music.
- Deja Blue.
- Deja Blues.
- Dat Gyal? Dat Gyal! Man, she's a DupliciTease!
- Middle Man From China. That's Deep! I Know Right!
- The Good News And Bad News About Mummies.
- The Bee Trail.
- The Bee Trial.
- Samba Conch.
- Samba Patty.
- The Eclectic Bike Ore Chest Bruh.
- I'm not disrespectin it, I'm just reflectin it.
- Comfydences.
- Spy And The Funny Bone.
- Vans Hailing.
- Java Punks.
- Java Ranks.
- The Stall Warts Show.
- The Weave Of Destruction.
- The Wave Of Destruction.
- You Smell Like October.
- The Weave Of Combruction.
- Bartender, mix me one Bacardi & rum on da rocks please.
- Fire In Ice: Bird pepper frozen in the centre of an ice cube.
- Good things come to those who bait. (The fisherman's motto.)
- The Sound Of One Hand Clapping In The Woods.
- One Of These Gals Is Not Like Her Mother.
- One McCartney, Two McCartney, Three McCartney, Four, Five McCartney, Six McCartney, Seven McCartney, More.
- Joe's Rogaine.
- Guster-Ray Bowleg.
- Unca Michael Road.
- See Yanni And Coolio Down By Da Julliard.
- Him Sane.
- Don't Sleep On Schlumberger.
- The Discoppearance Of Maybe Jaine.
- Lady In Red Red Wine.
- Right For Love, Left For Dead.
- Built For Love, Left For Dead.
- Y Kings.
- Vi Kings.
- Emacs Kings.
- Making Sense Of Dollars.
- Making Dollars Off Scents.
- Sell Tex.
- Sell Techs.
- Cell Tex.
- Cell Techs.
- Seedy Baby.
- Breeder For The State.
- Association For The Promotion Of Navel Gazing.
- Association For The Promotion Of Naval Gazing.
- The Lost Jed, Aye?
- The Last Jed, Aye?
- Alpha Bet Easer.
- Aplhabateaser.
- Athol Eats.
- Graduality.
- Fungigate.
- Flumigate.
- Frumpigate.
- Micro Digressions.
- Rare View Mirror.
- The Andros Esfakis.
- Da Pirst Ferson.
- SkyLaxin.
- What Did Sarah See?
- Where Did Sue P. Sail?
- Wade Jet Ski.
- Juan McCleese.
- Pacifically Vague.
- Tigah Vade.
- Stubiggity.
- The Can Guru.
- The YesI Can Guru.
- VeeTree!
- Cool Knights, Hot Daze!
- Recried Scenes.
- Hole Lipstick Defective Agent C.
- Reading Between The Wines.
- Turn Around Before Nobody Gets Hurt!
- Ancient A-Listers.
- #BDDD (Been Dere Done Dat.)
- Luigi Anna.
- A Groupie Kind Of Love.
- The Weekend Is A Funny Place To Cry.
- She Puts The Sand In Sandals.
- She Puts The Moon In Moonshine.
- She Puts The Fun In Fun House.
- She Puts The Fan In Fantastic.
- Our Tickle.
- R-Tickle.
- Farmer Gideon.
- Time Hose.
- Toxic Noodles.
- Nick The Watchmaker.
- Down By The Crypt Tonight.
- Very Close Veins.
- Very Close Waynes.
- The Structure Of Adams.
- People who say Money Can't Buy Love, never bought a Dog.
- The Sunday Bathing Club.
- The Bite Of Old Robinson.
- The Gooder The Better!
- Stoop Aid.
- Stoop Aides.
- King Of The Last Dance.
- American Ghost: Red, White, And Boo!
- D.J. Ova Dere.
- I Would Do Anything With Gloves, But I Won't Do Hats!
- What does Batman say then the Barber lick 'im? Quick Robin, ta da BatRoom...
- Carnigan.
- Neo Mayan Fields.
- Neo Mayan Roads.
- Pro Motion.
- The Hopping Octopus.
- The Hoping Octopus.
- What Do You Call A Dude Named James Who Works Around The Clock? Labour On James.
- Full Mental Jacket.
- Euchre Layla.
- Euchre Laylie.
- When The Ship Hits The Van.
- Wulff's Cry Acting Club.
- Juan Moore.
- Juan Moore Tynes.
- Juan Moore Grimes.
- Metro Gnome.
- Equal Opportunity Offender.
- At The End Of The Day, It's The End Of The Day.
- Cruel And Hun Usual.
- Money May I?
- Sir VybeAl.
- Mr. Frigate And The Gulls.
- Let's Get Ready To Rumple.
- Let's Get Ready To Rumpole.
- Let's Get Ready For Rumpole.
- The Last Band Standing.
- The Last Band On Earth.
- Rich Like A Bug.
- Dense As A Jasper.
- Purple Like A Flush.
- Pimlico Pete.
- Avogadro Green.
- Avogadro's Green.
- Avogadro's Greens.
- Probable Floss.
- Hemogoblin.
- Hemi Goblin.
- Hemi Globin.
- Fratboy Jim.
- Fratbuoy Gym.
- Respectful Rebellion.
- Respectful Rebel.
- Keep Calm And Carry Yarn!
- Nice Skies Finnish Blast.
- Nice Sky's Finnish Blast.
- Youth And Ager.
- The Merry Ackee Band.
- Shoe Tube.
- Chew Tube.
- Blue Tube.
- Blew Tube.
- Rummate.
- Clothes Minded.
- Cole Sore.
- Cold Slaw.
- Coal Sore.
- Cole Miner.
- Til Debt Do Us Part.
- Bane Of Clones.
- Odour Of A Lonely Fart.
- Private Ireland.
- My Private Ireland.
- Freddy's Stairs.
- Freddy's Stares.
- D.J. Honduh Myke.
- Rake And Steak.
- Rake and Stake.
- Coward Huge.
- Savage Sushi.
- Funktual.
- Catsup, Cats, And Kittens.
- Robot Vacations.
- Android Vacations.
- Buns And Hoses.
- Just A Pie.
- Just A Pi.
- Some Don't Ask Man.
- Dat 'lutra Gone Chick.
- Wind And Sneeze Party.
- Wine And Sneeze Party.
- Howie DeWitt.
- DiDi DeWitt.
- Pair A Guys.
- Cue Tube.
- That Boy Can Swing A Mean Fiddle.
- You Lie Like You Smell.
- Listen Up Al, I'm Not Norm!
- How Much Loa Can You Goa?
- Billy, What Happened To Jack? Jack Sick Ma.
- A Party Of The Ways.
- A Party Of The Weighs.
- Tooting Coming.
- It's Hardly Terminal To Be Pretty.
- It's Terminal To Be hardly Pretty.
- Every Now And Wren.
- Le Galatees.
- Famous In An Obscure Way.
- Famously Obscure Manners.
- Terminally Fit.
- Almond Island Boy.
- Uniquely Equal.
- The Karachi Kid.
- Barber Q.
- Shangri Liar.
- Melon Collie.
- Miz Poke.
- Martial Therapy.
- Gonna Be A Hoedown.
- Thursday's Soul.
- Insubordination Builders.
- In Sub Board Y Nation Builders.
- The Brand Cherry.
- Propular.
- Pisa Paper.
- Ministry Of Pourism.
- Ministry Of Poorism.
- Pat Bennet Hour.
- The Riches Are In The Bitches. (Breeding Kennels)
- Brew Tality.
- Brew Public.
- Vatless.
- Mash Abba.
- Urbane Mists.
- Urbane Myths.
- Jerry's Hat Tricks.
- Gerry At Trix.
- Mug See Bogues. (Upper and Lower)
- Mug Sea Bogues.
- Toter Via.
- Sufficient Excess.
- Gorges George.
- The Harp Of Rock And Roll.
- The Back Seat Of Indiana.
- Fuel Y Fishin.
- Bahamian Glance Contest.
- Heifer Filter.
- Motor Vation Al.
- Motivation Al.
- Mystic Al.
- Music Al.
- Inspect Ted.
- Norm Al.
- In Love Or Wherever.
- Natural Bald Weave.
- Respect Ed.
- Ab Show Lutely.
- Brando Lee.
- He Already Swang The Blues.
- The Girl With The Illegal Smile.
- Foolish Gin.
- I Witness News.
- Wool Fee.
- Fanta Sea.
- Curio City.
- Hand Crafted Double Entendres.
- Artisanally Crafted Double Entendres.
- Organic Locally Grown Double Entendres.
- Machine Perfect Double Entendres.
- Double Good Double Entendres.
- Houze Monet.
- Houze Money.
- Whey Cation: A Month Of Curds Only.
- The Peak Euler Conjecture.
- The Con Sequences.
- Egg Cited - Humpty Gets Written Up.
- A Wider Shade Of Whale.
- Acting All Hip No Thighs.
- Tom Waits In Nassau.
- Tom Waits Under The Boardwalk.
- Tom Waits Up On The Roof.
- Tom Waits For No Man.
- I Done Quit Da Please Department.
- Flo Ryda VS. Hal Hubama.
- The Future Of Now Is Forever.
- Expert Tease.
- Rick O'Shea.
- Peas Out Hominy.
- Jimmy Doors.
- Logger Rhythms.
- Radio Know Who.
- Radio Know What.
- Radio Know Where.
- Radio Know Why.
- Radio Know When
- Radio Know How.
- She Retails For Money.
- Pluperfect Peanuts, Post Perfect Pecans.
- Gone All Meta In A Club.
- Me Thane.
- Seen Your Frogs Lately?
- Wayzier.
- Moon Agony.
- The Duru.
- The Air Can Dude.
- The No Can Dude.
- The Air Can Doo.
- The No Can Doo.
- Baby Doomers.
- Ira Nicholls.
- Intervert.
- Eric The Dread.
- Repitrition.
- Hunan Beings.
- Jeannie Adze.
- Jeannie Ads.
- Dude Is On The Cabo Diet.
- From She To Shining She.
- Worrycane.
- Harry Cane.
- Harry Caine.
- Hairy Cane.
- The Dooru.
- The Man Eating Gabardine Suit.
- The Man Eating Gabardine Soup.
- Sad Sax, AKA What's The Matter Horn.
- Foreign Ice.
- Fur N Ice.
- Nice Erroneous.
- Me Tan Guru.
- That Tan Gent.
- She Went Off On A Tan Gent.
- She Ran Off With A Tan Gent.
- Why The Wise Went Away.
- Positive Metal Aptitude.
- Vaccine Waters.
- Vaccine Watters.
- Two Cat Noon.
- Porta Gal.
- Any Port In A Storm Sherry.
- The Flu Fighters.
- Juan Badapple.
- Farley Dan Drussman.
- Plenish Dat.
- The Deep Forgetting.
- Crazy Law Idea.
- Multivariate Testing For Horse Racing.
- Positribe.
- Positrive.
- The Fried Bologna Cookbook.
- Coincidentery.
- Coincidentristy.
- Plain White Tease.
- Plain Green Teas.
- Plane Green Teas.
- Plain White Peas.
- Plain Green Peas.
- Plain White Shes.
- My Rise To The Bottom.
- Who Put Da Potcake Out Da House Last Night?
- Oregamic.
- Fair Mongering.
- Fare Mongering.
- Bread, Broth, & Briand.
- Jimmy The Door.
- Nest Of Opportunity.
- I Saw Ya Boy.
- Wine Glass Woman.
- I'm Not Norm Al.
- Portu Geezer.
- Portu Gazer.
- Born To Be Mild.
- YYY Dividers?
- YYY Divide Us?
- Al E. Katz.
- Bubba "Muscle" Shoals, Southern Jock.
- The Prim Reaper.
- That's What I Met Her For.
- That's When I Met Her, Four.
- Pair A Dice And A Crass Bored Life.
- Wordaholic.
- In Tents 'N Purple Fish.
- So Very Shad.
- Comfortably Bummed.
- Hare B And B.
- We Didn't Light The Fryer.
- Margarita Dill.
- Margarita Bill.
- Laxity In Bloom.
- LAX, City In Blue.
- Outten About.
- Sandy Sommers' Sandy Summers.
- Conchs Or Wenches?
- Obverse All-Stars.
- Booger Eyed Man.
- You Connect I Cut.
- Toe Jam Blues.
- Micro Dane.
- Mini Dane.
- Average Dane.
- Mediocre Dane.
- Normal Dane.
- Pair A Dice And A Crass Bored Wife.
- Pair A Dice And A Chess Board Wife.
- Pair A Dice And A Dash Board Wife.
- Kurt Austin Powers City Limits.
- Dark Banana.
- Hambition: Turns A Pig To A Hog.
- Matters That Don't.
- The Chronicles Of Narcissism.
- Chipper Fools.
- Chipper Fuels.
- The Taming Of The Few.
- The Training Of The Few.
- You Smell Like Friday.
- My Mistake's Better Than Your Mistake.
- WhimperFI. (Group for people who complain about Financial Independence.)
- Designed With Foolishness In Mind.
- Hollow Achoo Boy.
- Cool And Luke. (Cool Curry & Luke Lowe)
- Bougie Banned Son.
- Ineffective Dave Webber.
- Doc Tomorrow PhD In Temporal Physics.
- Grocery Bob.
- Grow Sir ReBob.
- Coconut Groove.
- Fact Shaming.
- Electric Truth Brush.
- The Kick The Can Guru.
- Jumbo Liar, Crawfish Pyre, And A Philly Gunboat.
- Vibe Rates.
- Vybe Rates.
- Water Friends 4!
- Go Joe Geo!
- Shoo Tube.
- Glue Tube.
- Moo Tube.
- Brew Tube.
- Shrew Tube.
- Choo Tube.
- Clue Tube.
- New Tube.
- Grew Tube.
- Groove Tube.
- Jane Andante And Mary Largo.
- Wolf Fees.
- You Want Flies With That?
- Prize Of Admission.
- Prides Of Admission.
- Prize Of Ambition.
- Surrender Tea.
- What's In Your Closet?
- Odd O Meter.
- Lettus Bee Lovers.
- Dame Cold.
- I Challenge U.
- Ant Article.
- Aunt Article.
- Aunt Art Tickle.
- Marshawn Bahama Land.
- De Vice Grip.
- Rich Dead, Poor Dead.
- Deddy Rolle.
- Go Slow, He Row Tree.
- Offend Dread.
- Suddenly Icy.
- Ma Cheezy Mo.
- It Doesn't End Well In The Beginning.
- It Doesn't End Well In The Big Inning.
- I May Not Be Perfect, But Most People Think I'm Not.
- Seamstress Slow.
- Al Gore Rhythms.
- Humblility.
- A Man And His He-llusions.
- The Ballad Of A Dollar.
- A Groom With A Clue.
- Raisin The Roof.
- Rays In The Roof.
- He's A Bad Ask.
- He's Half Ask.
- Suborbital Dreamer.
- Scent Overcast.
- Cynn T. A. Reckley.
- Single Board People.
- Sir Nathan Edward Howe.
- Dr. Hu Dunnit.
- Johnny Curb say "If ya ever stop dating, ya ga soon turn to prune or raisin.
- There's no need to be alarmed. It's already finished. Any damage is already done and we don't expect damage in any case.
- Bondo, Jim Bondo. (Bush Mechanic.)
- Closet Phobic.
- Philo Phobic.
- Phobophilia.
- Phobo Philic.
- Grey Ink Pilgrims.
- Gray Ink Pilgrims.
- Horizontal Cliff Climbers.
- Muddering Law.
- Muddering Laws.
- The Two Eckys, Tight And Thump.
- Recent Logins Of Miss Ena.
- Replican.
- Graplitude.
- Al A., a Monkey's Father, and his younger brother Al B.
- Anachro Lipstick.
- Narco Lipstick.
- Oneamatterpeeker.
- America's Vest Poochie.
- America's Best Poochie.
- A Man's Toyhood.
- Rick O'Shea's Biscuits.
- U/Alice.
- When The Dead Get To Reckoning.
- The Man Delay Shaving Club.
- The Man Delay Saving Club.
- Rocky's Fellas.
- Rockies Fellas.
- Rocky Fella -> Da Ting.
- I'm With Dupid.
- The Meta Terranian.
- So Far, The Apes Have Made Seven Plans That Failed... They Are Working On Another.
- Dark Vega.
- Dart Vega.
- Dark Fader.
- Dark Vager.
- On Ward, Up Ward, For Ward, Together.
- On Wards! Up Wards! Four Wards, Together!
- Lee's Van People.
- Free Rechills Every Day.
- Pay Per Trace.
- Pay Per Lace.
- Pay Per Vase.
- Pay Per Trail.
- Corn-fed, Oil, And Me.
- Out Of Sink.
- Out Of Zinc.
- When Lorraine Watches You Clean You'll Know.
- The Myth Of Too Much Pepper.
- Scent From Above.
- Hup Date.
- Apopka Lipstick.
- Toucan Mary.
- The Long Gone Now.
- Worth The Weight.
- The Old Bacon Switch Trick.
- The Ephemeral Server.
- Herculete - > Strenght Athlete.
- Old Man DeYoung.
- Old And DeYoung.
- Make It To The Stars Or Die Flying.
- Vinyl Thoughts.
- Can Da Harry.
- Can Du Harry.
- The Can's Ass.
- The Can's Adze.
- My Vinyl Thought's On The Platter.
- Electrippery.
- Elecfrippery.
- The Green Nude Eel.
- Portia Linda.
- Portia Linda's Ides.
- Eggs, Press Yourself!
- Shakes Pear In Paradise.
- Snakes Pair In Paradise.
- Silence, Like A Can Sir, Grows.
- Shakes Pear And A Pair A Dice.
- Electronic Mustard.
- Family Fugue.
- Caveat Emptor Enterprises.
- Caveat Emptor Marketing.
- Terminoodle.
- Half Of Anywhere.
- Rome Ants.
- Udder Plans.
- Dat Boy Gat Udder Plans.
- Which Is Better, Alpha, or Beta?
- I Don't Give An Iota Of A Gamma What Theta Says.
- Jack Like Burn.
- We Didn't Start The Fryer.
- Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Beth.
- Justin's Thyme.
- Justin's Time.
- The Terrible Sound Of Tomatas.
- The Dye Was Forged.
- The Die Was Forged.
- The Faux Bowl.
- The Foe Bowl.
- G Rated Danger.
- G Rated & Dangerous.
- Seville I.T.
- Female Deer, Only Eats Pizza.
- U./Al.
- U./All.
- U./E.Z.
- U./Ai.
- Lukas, Carry Ya Hip.
- Thoracic Park.
- Matt's Yew Tree.
- Cousin Earl's Custom Oils.
- Cousin Earl's Custom URLs.
- Custom Earl's Custom Oils.
- Custom Earl's Custom URL's.
- Blinded By The Likes.
- Bahama Ham Prince.
- Blind Ed By The Lakes.
- Blind Ed By The Lykes.
- Nudi Bank.
- Nudi Prank.
- Nudi Brank.
- Alky Lying Water.
- I'm Not Norm Al.
- The Art Of Worry.
- Now I'm All Suspicious / Why's He Doing Dishes?
- It Was Lava, Lava Lone, Cause King AdWords To Lose He Phone.
- Radio Sandwich.
- Looking For A 4M Girl.
- Rusty Haskell.
- Mal Area.
- One Less Memory To Forget.
- Real Eyes Water Kiss.
- Game Of Tones.
- Cherry Key.
- Cherry Cay.
- Sherry Key.
- Watta Hammer.
- Rose And Linda's Ice.
- Iffen Looper.
- Scented Metal.
- Newly Old.
- Aren't I Conic.
- Aren't I Comic.
- Don't Bring A Sword To A Knight Fight.
- Necesscary.
- Communing Tea.
- Apologista.
- Apologangsta.
- SackSongs.
- Umber Ella.
- Merkin Eye Doll.
- Mini Sodas.
- Port Man Two.
- Port Man Toe.
- Shatter Day.
- Flying Phoenix.
- Parvo Rotti.
- The Side Wok.
- We're The Side Wok Hens.
- The Soul Annoyed.
- The Annoyed Sole.
- Dairy Tactile.
- Peter Robbers.
- Peak Annes.
- Bonagua.
- Bonaqua.
- Don't Ezra Tate!
- Lester's Flat In Baton Rouge.
- Lester Flatt In Baton Rouge.
- The O'Aces.
- That's So Meme!
- Your So Meme!
- Theo Aces.
- Pre Tyred.
- drew Jitsu.
- All We Are Slaying, To Give Peace A Chance.
- My Name Is Bound, Un Bound.
- League Of Humans On The Prairie.
- Amy's Whine House.
- Amie's Wine House And Raisin Bar.
- He Retired To His Grave.
- Iowa State Fair Dairy Judge And Even More Specialized.
- Old People's Products.
- Jerry Curl Jones.
- R Can Saw.
- Our Can Saw.
- I Scream Someday.
- Booty Judge.
- Juan For The Ages.
- Juan For The Aged.
- A Weaker Shade Of Frail.
- Santa Tres Fail.
- His Big Shorts.
- Watching The Defectives.
- Watching The Defectors.
- Rags To Riches Around The World.
- Broke In The Morning, Flush At Night.
- Towards A Theory Of Evil Matter.
- Ozzy "Hombre" Diaz.
- 2 Broke 4 Woke.
- Just Us And The Peas.
- Pregin: Start Too Soon.
- Expert Ignorance.
- The Art Of Ignorance.
- The Ignorance Of Art.
- Studied Ignorance.
- Active Ignorance.
- Passive Ignorance.
- The Myth Of Power.
- Anna Lytiks.
- House Of Carbs.
- Faux Dreads And Don't I Know.
- Use This Juan.
- Eaton Beats.
- Apey Gnus.
- Simultaneous Slip.
- Subcutaneous Slip.
- Dream Taster.
- Dream Taser.
- Parry Posse.
- Punk Rock Bowling Palace.
- Come See, Come Saw.
- Come Sea, Come Saw.
- The Secret Hope Of Bob's Life.
- The Secret Hope Of Bob's Wife.
- Deep Water From A Shallow Well.
- Deep Thoughts From A Shallow Mind.
- Bitter Wind.
- Don't Play With Johnny's Car Son.
- Don't Play With Johnny's Car's Son.
- Speech As An Act Of War.
- Proportional Violence.
- Slow Dancing To Free Birds.
- Slow Dancing To Free Bird.
- Slow Dancing With Three Birds.
- Slow Dancing To Three Little Birds.
- Income Inequality By State.
- Wealth Inequality By State.
- Nixed And Bitter.
- Life Of The Potty.
- Death Of A Potty.
- Death Of A Sail Man.
- Death Of A Mail Man.
- Rigum Tony.
- 1 Miss Zippy.
- Nero Linguistic Programming.
- Ragoofing Off Again.
- Duplicate This Twice Please.
- Gumma Lumber Laine.
- Hicknotized.
- Hick Hop
- Wild Walkers.
- Walking Wild.
- Cat Ass Trophy.
- Steve Miller's Banned!
- Jim's Tennis Club.
- Ova Dem & Ova Dose.
- Radventure Time.
- Whatcha Open Four.
- Copper Head Rogue.
- Eleven Says Nine.
- Weider Wong Emporium.
- More Alley Tea Please.
- Loyokra Jean.
- Rock And A Hard Life.
- She Makes Me Wander.
- Sink Hole de Mayo.
- Don't Barry Da Cuda.
- Better Dan Expected.
- Hard Headed But Persuadable.
- The First Cup Is The Neatest.
- Jonsers versus Junglists.
- No Lie! Relax Sir!
- The Cult Of The Bored Drummer.
- Metal In The Microwave Lounge.
- Know The Orifice Of The Pine Minister.
- Mr. Boom's Bass Stick.
- After All Is Said And Done, Is It Really?
- Mandolin Train.
- Save The Fails.
- Cathode Specific.
- Da Yute Stem.
- HDMI Juan.
- Brungkiteus.
- Luchador Golf.
- R. Caint Saw.
- Landing Zone Johnson.
- Living A Back Woods Life.
- You Can Do One Good Thing For Two Good Reasons.
- Hard Time Homies.
- Hot Time Homies.
- AUtotuning His Raps.
- The Wrong End Of A Boom.
- Empire Of The Brine.
- Sarah Nora Getty.
- Carmen's Sandy Eggo.
- Enkitelment.
- Cointerrupted.
- KetoSake.
- KaroSake.
- ChemoSake.
- Where's Your Mamba Gone?
- Educated Money.
- Money Flows Uphill.
- EX's And Ho's.
- Easy Opening Unix.
- Six'll Get You Business.
- Fry Ternity.
- Sigh Coaches.
- Psy Coaches.
- Who Dis Is? Dis Tract Ed!
- The Honest Tease.
- When Okras Attack.
- There's A Bad Tan On The Right.
- Outcome Gap.
- Results Gap.
- Happiness Gap.
- Education Gap.
- Credentials Gap.
- Friendship Gap.
- Dating Gap.
- She Kinda Likes Wearing Blenders.
- A Better Bridge To Nowhere.
- It's Too Late, That Chip Has Failed.
- Good Things Come To Those Who Skate.
- Around The Corn.
- System Of A Gown.
- System Of A Brown.
- System Of A Crown.
- Crow Tone Bush.
- Martial Hearts.
- We Are Martial!
- Gif Ted.
- Psy Cosies.
- Today Juan.
- Two Day Juan.
- Juan de Dos.
- One Day Dos.
- Parafull.
- Lil Big Band.
- The Early Pablo
- The Late Earl Pablo.
- Back Stage Psychologist.
- Synchronized Quip.
- Me An Tree Udders.
- Gooder Guana Getta.
- Tugs Gatta Tug.
- Canned Easy.
- This is your first warning, I suggest you do not rely on there being another.
- One dark night, I seen this Super Marine spit fire from his mouth, raining down death from the sky. That same night, this fella Sydney took his pet hawk out to hunt in a hurricane.
- Tidy Not.
- Tidy Knot.
- Solid Iffy.
- Bad Hare Day.
- Odour Of A Lonely Harp.
- Odour Of A Lonely Heart.
- Odour Of A Lonely Hearth.
- Noses Are Red My Love.
- 40 Days 1 June.
- 60 Days 1 May.
- Money Well Wasted.
- Eigenspectres.
- Norm, Al, y T.
- Hypomythical.
- Juan Ting.
- New Posidence.
- The Dinner Crab.
- Queen Of The Ether Openings.
- Should I Sell Or Should I Grow?
- You Can't Believe Everything He Don't Say You Know.
- Fake Tea With Adam King Of Scots.
- When The Clock Strikes No.
- Crosbie's Stills Are Naturally Young.
- One Bite At The Apple.
- Dame Of Gnomes.
- Shame Of Tomes.
- Stay In Your Own Lime.
- Maude Earn Her Tea.
- Maude Earn Her Tee Time.
- Juego de Fuego.
- If It Ain't Juan Ting, It's 'E Bruddah!
- Pan Galactic Hyper Bowl Industries.
- Bob's Hyperbole Party Incorporated.
- The Unknown Rich / Wealthy.
- The Pursuit Of Misery.
- He's Been This Way For A Good Half While At Least.
- A Late Late Announcement.
- The LIEbrary Of CONgress.
- Phil's Harmonicas.
- To Shave A Knife.
- The Koffee Kat.
- The Deadly Knight Zhade.
- The Good Knight Mune.
- Sea Billy Business.
- Flat Billy Business.
- Bar Stay Longer Vs. Sea Villa.
- Ron de Vieux.
- Ron de Vous.
- Couplaid.
- Juan de Vous.
- Meaningful Cliche.
- Relief Actor.
- Every Juan I Know.
- Banana Ham Prince.
- Only My Thyme Is Blue.
- Dolla Shade Club.
- How Weak Was My Shadow?
- She Said She Didn't Love Me, Only For A While.
- She Mixed Me Up Some Gin And Kerosene.
- The Oral History Of Teeth.
- Milli Scary In Duckstrial Complex.
- The Van, Morey's Son.
- The Van Moreys, Son.
- De Al Gore Riddin.
- Can't Wake.
- Can't Weigh.
- Great Minds Think Like Fools Who Seldom Differ.
- Bee Leaver.
- Bee Lever.
- Get Busy Flowing Or Get Busy Flying.
- The Pain Of Hair No Longer There.
- Shaken, Not Heard.
- Your Tender Sea Lamb.
- Lil Dickie's Chicken.
- Sometimes, All I Need Is The Hair That I Breathe.
- Long Cold Woman In A Sack Dress.
- Why Does A Socialist Economy Need Money?
- Peas And Plenty.
- Etude Brute.
- Bling Ed By The Lights.
- Idioptic.
- Nepalling.
- Gymspired.
- Simspired.
- Finspired.
- Sinspired.
- Kinspired.
- Binspired.
- Dinspired.
- Ginspired.
- Minspired.
- Pinspired.
- Vinspired.
- Winspired.
- Innoscents.
- Innerscents.
- Outerscents.
- Abbey Tester.
- Abe Tester.
- AmeriSka.
- Radians Attack.
- Differently Twisted.
- Conchtinental Divide.
- Last Weak Man Standing.
- Take One Dough.
- Take One Doe.
- He Is A Product Of His Factors.
- Tundah An Likenin.
- Outside With Limes.
- Lost My Wages.
- Old Is The New New.
- Upend Ed.
- Append Ed.
- Ghee Tar.
- Speedo Libido.
- Better Than Mesmer.
- Euchre Lady.
- Hairy Matter.
- Dat Woman Iza.
- Cabbage Spray vs. Lettuce Spray.
- The Fram Dangle.
- Cold Knights & Warm Beer.
- Hot Knights and Cold Bears.
- What's The Matter Harry?
- What's The Matter Drum? What's The Matter Horn?
- The ESP Hen.
- Is String Theory Just An Attempt To Deal With Hairy Matter? By J. "Mango" Smith.
- Go Kart Champions. AKA. Unsprung Heroes.
- Judge Mental.
- Counter Feet Man.
- Al Duit.
- Psycho Logical.
- Wasting Dream Time.
- Most Of My Better Plans Are Crazy.
- 24Tool.
- Making Rugs Out Of Nothing At All.
- Taking Drugs Outside By The Wall.
- The Oval Teen Office.
- The Oval Tyne Office.
- The Oval Thyme Office.
- Say Win. Win!
- Soldier Neeki.
- Open Candle Store.
- Eddie Ted.
- The Tardy Grade.
- Synchronized Slurp.
- Pearson Alley Tea.
- Dead Of Knight.
- P.I. And Shiny.
- Ida Down.
- Ida One.
- Cedar One.
- Tudor One.
- Custer Mary Dreamer.
- Aspirational Truth.
- JBob - pronounced Bob.
- Rapidium Jones.
- Moral Wrecked Etude.
- Inexspensive Adrenaline.
- Long / Do.
- Long / Due.
- There Goes Bob With Shoes On.
- The Husky Hanna Hat Company.
- The Stop Rilla Versus The Go Rilla.
- Minor Key Fish Geeks.
- You have suffered a great loss of something valuable that you can never regain but you find yourself in a better place as a result.
- Monet Bach.
- Diamond Bach.
- Silver Bach.
- Garcon Tiegue.
- Dead Men Sell No Snails.
- Dead Men Set No Sails.
- Dead Men Trim No Sails.
- Epis Tamale.
- Cisco Bob.
- Anne Bowling.
- BroTox.
- Cornfed Earl.
- Gooseberry Number 44.
- Auguste Munday.
- Arrest My Case.
- Orwell and Goode.
- 4Ten From Macaroni.
- The Knightly Daily.
- The Daily Daily.
- The Daly Daily.
- The Daily Up Chuck.
- If we can force our enemy to become us in order to defeat us, we have won.
- The Vowel gals: Agals, Egals, Igals, Ogals, and Ugals. And sometimes, Ygals?
- Dog and Cat work for Turtle. Piecework. Both work daily shift. Turn in work at end of shift. Pieces counted in public. Always the same number. Pay to be picked up in the morning. Every morning, Cat gets what was expected, Dog gets double. Cat complains about unequal pay. Does not know Dog comes back and works another shift as he has no social life. (Expand story with wrinkles.)
- Jumping Whiners.
- Jumping Liners.
- Cold As Knights.
- De Fishin Sea.
- High Wasted Pants.
- Alum NiCad.
- Woeful Candy.
- Coastal Rico.
- Cheap Shot Hartis.
- The Dopey Mean Hit.
- A Real Factpot.
- Oscar Bleak.
- Ad For Duvet: Get Down Tonight.
- The Graceful Dread.
- The Graceful Bread.
- Gerry Attics.
- Juan Eat A Bacon.
- Da Lignum Plan.
- Path O Gin.
- The Boy Whose Wolf Cried.
- The Boy With The Crying Wolf.
- He's Friends With Oscar Bleak.
- Proper Cision.
- War Hacker.
- Bunka See, Bunka Do.
- The Freida Watch Show.
- Siri & Alexa Plays.
- Taken For Granite.
- Shaolin Cowboy.
- Howlin Cowboy.
- Howlin Shaolin.
- Junegician.
- Banamas Busted Trucks.
- Spa VS Bath.
- Litoneov.
- Hard Work And Prestidigitation.
- Alexander The Grape VS Elvis Parsley.
- Gordon AKA Cirque.
- Emergency Rum.
- Brisilient.
- Eggpsychic.
- Pro Pain Gender Rater.
- Hunker Down And Huddle Up.
- Blue Long Gone.
- Bit A Bitter Fun.
- Bitter Bit A Fun.
- Da Berry Lease.
- 3 Cat Monty.
- Part Time Jones.
- Alabama Clammer.
- Shop Gun Wetting.
- A Fast Majority.
- Euphemistically Caring.
- Don't Judge An Individual Person By A Statistical Trait.
- No Friend To Mine.
- Finnish Ted.
- Dapple Cheese.
- Chin Chiller.
- Beer Hunting.
- Apoctopus.
- The Art Of The Feel.
- Pay Per Tiger.
- Mort And His Feelings.
- Game Of Tomes.
- Game Of Domes.
- Game Of Crones.
- Louisiana Parvo Rotti.
- Tonique And Gin.
- Tonique And Jim.
- Prose And Cons.
- Rosé Hammer.
- Yankee Doodle Dandelion.
- Whoa Mangini!
- Heel And Dough.
- Own The Wow!
- 4 end 2 wrists.
- Yellow Prose Of Taxes.
- Kanye Twitty.
- Sir Linda.
- Bands Like Who.
- You Know She Ate A Pizza, Dancing To The Beat!
- Burn A Deck.
- A Darker Shade Of Ale.
- A Wider Shade Of Sail.
- When The Gravy Bakes.
- You Can't Put Your Arms Around Your Missing Horse.
- I Scream Some Days.
- How Green Was My Wish List?
- How Green Was My Wally?
- How Green Was My Wallet?
- I Dream Of Blue Money.
- I Sing Blue Money.
- Mockskeeter/Mocskeeter.
- Gladstone Rouge.
- Gladstone Rover.
- Andros Ursula.
- Tidy Can Guru.
- Vanilla Bain.
- Hawk Tober.
- Curio City.
- Disco Bob You Late!
- Our Kind Of Trader.
- Sir Pepys, The Reigning Knight Of Georgia And His Lady Gladys.
- Dinners, Drivings, And Divers.
- Peasant Wally's Sundaes.
- Status Symbol Lamb.
- The Manly Scot.
- Brandit James.
- Clair The Loon.
- Late Night Human Beans.
- Late Night Human Genes.
- Late Knight Human Genes.
- Caught Her Eyes Four.
- Cauterise Four.
- No Shirt, No Shoes, No Serve Asa.
- No Shirt, No Shoes, No Cerveza.
- A Little Cafe They Call Europe.
- Ahead Of His Dime.
- Cadabra Dog.
- Intefectual.
- Sarah Nancy Getty.
- Saul And Ted's Cafe.
- Hunter And The Hunted.
- Hunter The Hunted.
- Young And Healthy, More Than Wealthy.
- Art Write Us!
- Waggy T.
- Pasta Jones.
- Young And Healthy, More Than Wealthy.
- Brass Town Balding Schemers.
- Cord And Nate And Dem.
- There's No Share There.
- He Puts The F In Art.
- In The Moment, Humans Are Not Consciously Logical.
- The Habs Versus The Hab Nots.
- The Habs Versus The Hab Nuts.
- Eric Attacks Us.
- Bach Girl.
- Tings Tough, Ice Tougher.
- Orwell And Goode.
- Male Bag.
- Excess Lint.
- Buck Fumble.
- Laws as contracts / laws as algorithms.
- One 6 Pack Of Abnesia Please.
- 5 Young Cantilevers.
- A Second Handy Motion.
- Ecbatana Boy.
- Ecbanata Boy.
- Ek, Banana Boy.
- Ron White Versus Red Green.
- Nerudite.
- Sandy Tea.
- Dem Broke Pines.
- Twitter Violins.
- Vindalusian.
- Tanks Verstappen.
- Warren's Peas.
- Bob Stout Versus Joe Lean.
- Documentally Challenged.
- The Last Bonsai.
- International Bidet Day.
- Daylight Shaving Time.
- Rad-ish.
- Jim Buck Tree.
- Bota Dem Tree.
- Cuda Gras.
- Cuda Grass.
- Lava Suckla.
- Brilly Ant.
- Brilly Aunt.
- Bruiserthink.
- Meddletating.
- My 4 Bears.
- Dynamic Laws With Built In Algorithms.
- Paul, The New Man.
- Abstraction Of Justice.
- Abstraction Of Just Us.
- That Boyar Mine.
- Trouble With Pair O' Dice.
- Ray Portage.
- π d Chess. (Pi d Chess)
- The Late Boys.
- The Latte Boys.
- Toad Management.
- Miss Sconsin.
- Lock & Switcha, Conch.
- Emotion Activated Camera.
- John Locke vs. John Wick.
- Shopcation.
- E-Relevant.
- Online Lynx.
- Conan The Barbudian.
- Gollum And Tracy.
- Gollum And Tray.
- A Life Of Buying.
- New Chap Settee.
- The Russel And The Wilson Twins. Russel & Wilson Russel, Russel & Wilson Wilson.
- Believe Tall Women.
- Who Bull Dat Is? Das Terry Own!
- The Funken And The Frivolous.
- Lawn And Odour.
- The Synchronized Slip With Adam Scott.
- Some Hardy Handed Kent, Done Run Amok In The Gents.
- On The Right Side Of The Median And Not Mean.
- Dos Young.
- Dos Yung.
- Amateur Poetry Competition, Pros(e) Cannot Enter.
- Who Tief Jimmy Door?
- Trepadizing.
- Eenno Eno Round Here.
- More Farm Blondes.
- Jailhouse Booze.
- Blind Ed On The Right.
- Bling Ed By The Light.
- Blind Ed By The Knight.
- Blind Ed And The Cataracts.
- Blind Ed And The Cater Acts.
- Blind Ed And The Cat Eracts.
- Are We Domed?
- The Fourth Wrightly.
- Cove Hitch.
- Clove Itch.
- Securiteaser.
- Securitaser.
- Securitizer.
- Why Are Globalists So Tribal? Or Are They?
- Mount Failmore.
- Failing 60% Of The Time Is Very Difficult.
- Colon Bowel.
- Just Go Dazz.
- Jisgo Dazz.
- Deep Spacer: "I May Moon From Time To Time, But I Never Planet."
- Disaster Peace Theatre.
- Disaster Piece Theatre.
- Roar Shaq.
- The Roar Shaq Test.
- Shack Roar Test.
- Hair Club For Hen.
- Barely Lethal.
- Lou Tellin.
- My Cyber Past.
- Polar Roids.
- The Mistake Club.
- OK Booner.
- Better Off Cred.
- E. Stoney Yah.
- East Tony Yah.
- Fruit Of The Boom.
- Ad Hominem Industries.
- Vacation Garret.
- Frogs Found Living In De Nile.
- Desalinated Tears.
- The Cyclical Nature Of Voter Intelligence.
- Does Any Political Party (Worldwide) Choose Its Candidates / Leader / President / Prime Minister By Direct Popular Vote? (One Person One Vote?)
- Set Rate For Incoming Phone Calls As Solution To Robo Calls, etc.
- Is A Person Who Is Able To Reason A Reasonable Person By Definition?
- Normally Reasonable, Currently ???
- Currantly Indisposed.
- He Is A Man. He Is Able To reason. Therefore He Is A Reasonable Man.
- K (o) N D.
- Reasonable Versus Reasonwilling.
- Person And Pooch Marathon / Races.
- And I Improved This Message.
- What Percentage of Bahamians' (living in the country) Wealth Is Invested In The Country Versus Out Of The Country.
- What Percentage of Bahamians' (living in the country) Investment Income Is Derived From In Country Investments Versus International Investments?
- In Peach Mints.
- In Peach Mince.
- Portal Prince.
- Portal Prints.
- Monster Rat Mistake.
- Graph Current Wealth (On The Y Axis) Versus Accumulated Lifetime Income (On The X Axis)...
- Mac Scott.
- Mack Scott.
- MacScot.
- Deleter In Chief.
- De Leader In Chief.
- De Leader In Briefs.
- Amateur Pain.
- Pro Pain.
- Duty Wok.
- Long Wok.
- Perp Wok.
- Long Wok, Short Pear.
- What percentage of the world do you have more wealth than? Does you family have more wealth than? Your neighbourhood? (Answer again with respect to the wealth you control.)
- License To Speak.
- Haulinh Adze.
- Hauling Ads.
- Cheques In Balances.
- Czechs In Balances.
- Czechs In Balance.
- Billy Hangs Round With Sir Kull.
- Twin Car Berators.
- π Youths. (Pi Youths.)
- Guppy Show.
- Coastal Mo.
- Postal Jo.
- Martin Eaks.
- Martin Neek.
- Inform Ya Later.
- The Good Knife.
- Tempowary.
- Temperwary.
- The Honest Crook.
- Pinder Ella.
- Ella Pinder.
- Pinder, Ella.
- Combleakly Different.
- Brit Knee.
- Scot Shank.
- The 7 Tic Cafe.
- The 7 Tick Cafe.
- Da Tam Brim.
- Cut Nip.
- McDongles.
- Racontoon.
- Partially Smart.
- There Is Often A Good Reason To Do A Bad Thing.
- The Ledger King Rules In His Ledger Domain Protected By His General Ledger.
- Digital Malarky By The Pound.
- Sinking Past The Sail.
- Polly, You're A Thane!
- Polly Warner, Cracker.
- The Mythical Moon Landing.
- At First It Hurt, Then Came The Pain.
- CSI Mayberry.
- Guido Missed The Goat That Day He Left The Track.
- Office Of Management And FudgeIt.
- Unicorn Or Common?
- Rage Against The Murine!
- Who Gee Da Monkey Tambrin?
- How Many Top 10 Players Are There In Each Sports League?
- Pain It Forward.
- Whendey Let Me In.
- Gold Bars And Once Cent Coins.
- True Or False: It's OK To Be You.
- The Good Knight's Moon.
- Organic Bees Now.
- Organic Peas Now.
- Doctor Do More.
- Doctor Dew Moore.
- Doctor Doo More.
- Doctor Do, Moor.
- Miss Tumeric And Pie.
- Miss Tumeric And π.
- The Cartridge Family.
- You Smell Like Seven Integrated Circuits Monsieur!
- Put Dat In Ya Pipe An Toke It!
- More Billy Tea.
- More Billy's Teas Please.
- Donkey Haute.
- The Cryfecta
- Single Used Plastic.
- Bull Chic.
- Bovine Au Pair.
- Banana Duct Tape Art Shows Way Around Campaign Finance Limits.
- Let's Go Anec! Doting.
- Anecdoting Industries.
- Anecdoting Heavy Industries.
- What about Quarter Time mom? Now son, you know the rules. Just in the Nickel Time.
- Dashing Trudy Snow.
- Hot Lan Tick.
- Hot Lan Tic.
- Mountain Juice.
- Charmer Ant.
- Charmer Aunt.
- Nacho Bud.
- Buddy Nacho.
- She Thought I Was One General But I Was Pacific.
- She Thought I Was Too General But I Was Specific.
- She Thought I Was Too General But I Was Pacific.
- Designed By Great Nuts.
- Designed By Great Nutz.
- These Shoots Are Made For Wokking. (Bamboo?)
- The Best There Never Was.
- Cay Koncepts.
- Ack Says Your Eyes!
- Juan More Rivers.
- Juan's Way Or His Brother's.
- Pan Galactic Island Movers Inc. - Hey Britain, just heard you were leaving Europe. Give us a call and let us know where you want to relocate to. 552-3212. Office. 867-5308 Cell.
- War And Tease.
- War And Peas.
- One Bud Later, Two Bud Later, Tree Bud Later, Four.
- One But Later, Two But Later, Tree But Later, Four.
- The Big Yeasty.
- Emo Marketing.
- Coat Of Harms.
- Robert da Nitro.
- Howard Ace.
- Man Buys Solar Sells.
- Man Buys Solar Cells.
- The No Can Doo.
- Tired Of Wonderful.
- Do you understand how insulting it is when you say people voted against their own interest?
- Do you only have on interest? If you have many, do some contradict others?
- Chopra Cabana.
- M.V. KaLinda.
- 20 Something Nothings.
- Lunar Sea.
- Luna Sea.
- Avocardio.
- Tyronasour.
- Cobra Cam.
- Sailor Rentals.
- Cowboy Comfy.
- Abdicted.
- They said we couldn't lose, but we proved them wrong!
- I ♥ C/BB.
- "Where you is?" "I'm at ya funditty." "How it is?" "Dis ting deep!"
- Cast Alone Yeah?
- Mine Cave.
- Mind Cave.
- The Oregon Transplant.
- Kang Of The Road.
- Red Marzipan.
- Mary Gonna.
- Merry Guana.
- Blak Cryer.
- Debtless Shrimp.
- Louder Silence.
- Who Get Rob On Bay Today?
- Dey Dun Brung It!
- Mudder In Law.
- Murder In Law - caption to a family photo at a Crow(e) wedding.
- Quat Empires.
- Low Quat.
- Kum Quat.
- Hight Quat.
- Battle Of The Johnsons: Doris vs. Boris.
- The Great Sarah Nicole Getty.
- Dead Spider Bite Him!
- Lower Than The Pass.
- Life Postponed Due To Apathy. Film At 11.
- Robert J. Sledd Jr.
- The Troubling Truth About The Truth.
- The Troubling Truth About Lies.
- Two Mornings And A Knight.
- Tirdpole.
- Cocoa Moe.
- Sarandemonium -> that noise you make when you pull the plastic wrap tight and blow.
- How To Speak So No One Listens.
- Once Boiled Twice Fried.
- How about we ban dense living instead?
- Hans Hakimber.
- Road To Regret.
- If The Foo Sits, Spare It.
- Fact Generation Inc.
- Hi Jean.
- The Charm Of Art.
- The Max Battle.
- Is there a way to give them what they claim they want without giving them what you suspect they really want.
- Will Cox.
- Quarter Boy.
- Blended Fire Water. (1oz fire ants, 3 cubes frozen water, 4 ozs water.)
- Learn Eggs Sell.
- Learn Eggs Cell.
- Ted Mel And His Evil Twin Mel Ted.
- The Miseducation Of Adam Sean Henry.
- Journey Come Lately.
- How To Easily Overcome All Odds. Just Add Or Subtract One.
- The problem is, you don't always know it will be a waste until after the fact.
- If You're Not Into Yodas, If You're Into Campaigns.
- Half Your Life's Lived In The Limo.
- When It Comes To Systems, When Things Are Broken, Other Things Break Too.
- When Da Thyme Come.
- When Dey Thyme Come.
- Ice Trini T.
- Ice Trini Tee.
- Morris Pheiffer.
- Da Big Bed Wolf.
- Either May.
- I Da Man.
- Eider Man.
- Eye Demand.
- New Chap City -> great new western.
- The Famous Pixel Dance.
- Tic And Tin.
- Tic And Tim.
- Slowly Fasting.
- Fasting Slowly.
- Fastly Slowing.
- Why's Lester Square?
- Don't Let Me Brown, Don't Let Me Brown.
- Echo Friendly Products. At Least Reverb Friendly.
- Brainy Gorillas And Massive Chew Sets.
- Marching Dice.
- The Ogre Bone.
- Whenever I Speak To People, They Always Hear What I Said In The Past.
- History Is Not Predictive but It is Instructive.
- The Algorithmic Enforcement Of "Unimportant" Rules.
- Pain And Simple.
- Digital Glue Master.
- Am I Duff Enough?
- Indie's Pendants.
- Nice Boca Chica.
- The Yonder Dogs.
- Banker Li.
- Banker Lee.
- Inland Woman.
- O.K. Shroomer.
- Presearch.
- Come Seek One Sock.
- The Mono Cay.
- The Mono Key.
- Private Ice, The Mono Key.
- Private Ice's Mono Cay.
- The Smartest Way To Flop.
- The Smartest Way To Stop.
- Operation Ova Deah, Aka, Raising Prices.
- Operation Ova Deah, Aka, Rising Prices.
- Czech Mate.
- Czech Mat.
- Czech Matt.
- Fact Breeding Industries.
- Macon Eggs.
- Macon Eggs And Macon Bacon.
- Making Eggs And Making Bacon.
- Grassy Año.
- Buckram Rolle Is One Stiff Neck Man.
- Two Rhetts.
- Earl Peake.
- Earl Of Peake.
- Duke Of Peake.
- Mush Tang Savvy.
- Corn Rose.
- Ku Band Skies.
- I Got Sidetricked.
- So, What Went Bang Exactly?
- Miss Applied Science.
- Manu Toote.
- Cold Aberration.
- Happy Man Problems.
- The Lao Sit Up.
- Thixotropical Thunder.
- Can You Have Science Where Logic Is Optional?
- Can You Have Science Where Logic Is Forbidden?
- What Did Will, Mac, And The Farmer See?
- My Gentle Ration.
- The Burr Den.
- Musty T.V.
- Boring Mars For Fun And Profit.
- Where's Your Mambo Gone?
- Where's Your Member Gone? (Question for the Riding?)
- The Almond Brothers.
- Imagine That Each Dollar You Spend Is A Vote Cast. (Especially where you have choices or the spend is discretionary.
- A Wrong Way From Home.
- Two Eckys Virus.
- Good Riddims To You!
- Row A Cylinders.
- Rose Cylinders.
- Row Sir Linda!
- Snipe Life.
- Firm Ended Drinks.
- Firm Ending Drinks.
- Columboat.
- Sir Lenda Hahn.
- Terror Forming.
- It's 5 o Clock, We Must Be Somewhere.
- Myth And Buster's Diner.
- The Crime Is That It's Not Against The Law.
- I'll Believe It When I See It, And Possibly Not Then.
- Meet Me Down By The Raisin Track.
- Say Taint So.
- Say Taint Sew.
- Mythcreants.
- The Captain Of The Doomed Ship Was About To Take Scott Adams Way Too Literally.
- A Tale Of Two Sippies.
- Bees In Queues.
- Peas In Queues.
- The Chill Is On.
- Field Of Streams.
- Field Of Schemes.
- That's My America Vest, Poochie!
- Eric The Enemy.
- Eric The End Of Me.
- The Strategic Use Of Errors.
- The Strategic Use Of Mistakes.
- Grep Juice.
- Grep Whine.
- Gorillas And Their Myths.
- Guerrillas And Their Myths.
- Skip Payless.
- Feel My Schemes.
- Fake Life.
- Fake Lift.
- Pickle Ease.
- Iowanna.
- Vinspelunking.
- Vinonspekunking.
- Baccident.
- Baccidental.
- The Steak And Elbow, A Dress.
- The Cheese Blinked.
- Dis Ham Big You Ate!
- The Land Of The Tree And The Home Of The Stave.
- The Land Of The Three And The Home Of The Knave.
- I'm Forgetting That Wrong.
- I'm For Getting That Wrong.
- Sunrise High Cay Tea.
- Sunrise Tea At High Cay.
- That Smart Alec Xander.
- Under Lobsteruction.
- Hopefully Demoted With You.
- Sun Sect.
- Green Turtle Bees.
- Green Turtle Peas.
- Green Turtle Cheese.
- This Just In: The Vinyl Count Is Down! Film At 11.
- Mike's Row Foam.
- That's Where The Fawn Is.
- That's Where The Pun Is.
- Peers In Queues.
- Peeers In Queues.
- Da Gala Van Ting.
- Rosé Van Vin.
- Rosé Van O'Vin.
- Aussie Wynd.
- Wynn Gamble.
- Smoked Pike.
- Indie Genius.
- The Prose Pros.
- Epi Soda.
- Vans Of Clay.
- 21 Stitches.
- Pre Sisal.
- The Lost Let Go.
- The Last Let Go.
- Overcoming Biology.
- Contrary Music.
- Contrary Songs.
- Remember Dee, Al, And Moe!
- I've Fallen And I Can't Grow Up.
- The Corks Crew.
- Victor, Tom, Olly, Gene.
- A Betting Man, An Aiding Man, And An Aiding And A Betting Man.
- That's Hysterically Inaccurate.
- A Man, A Part, A Production.
- You Look Like A Plan I Would Like To Make Someday.
- Roman Coke.
- Smooth In France.
- Fur de Liza.
- Fur de Lance
- Für de Liza.
- Further Lance.
- Miss Tickle Jones.
- Pasta The Visitor.
- House Of Disembling.
- New Ants.
- New Aunts.
- Fetty Scent.
- Das Indie 'N Edda Tings.
- Life Is Butter Dreams.
- You Can't Write Reality The Way You Write Fiction.
- Handy Wind Tones.
- Gator Raid.
- Dig Nutty.
- Dig Nut Tea.
- Sparks And Recreations.
- Sparks And Re-Creations.
- Toby's Shoe Lube.
- Leder Rip.
- Lederhoisin.
- Big D. Rich.
- Fajita Beans.
- Fajita Beams.
- Das Da Wine Dak See!
- Barry Wine Da Pool.
- See Da Shakes.
- Pay Da Wool Fee!
- Aunt Annie.
- Aunt Anna.
- Meta Daddy Update.
- Met Her Daddy Update.
- Teenage Gypsy Mac.
- Teenage Gypsy Matt.
- Teenage Gypsum Mat.
- Chlorine Rolle.
- Grapeful Bread. (Fresher than raisin bread.)
- Jinney Like Burns.
- The Status Crow.
- If two or more types of justice are in conflict, how do you determine which should prevail?
- The Five Minute Rider.
- The Five Minute Manager.
- Disco Merry Cane Pie.
- Dem Tourist Discovered With Earl.
- Boss Tone Cell Techs.
- Sheesh, scratch your Niche Itch already!
- Higher than the ocean, deeper than the sky!
- Cess Levy.
- Bad Peter.
- Insta Touque.
- Insta Tuque.
- Contractula.
- Is there a wealth continuum, a wealth gap, or multiple wealth gaps?
- Blue Ice Flying O'er The Plains.
- Clayton Maxwell And The Booze Brothers Band.
- Polly's Car Bonnet Love.
- Wan Ted.
- Chicken Wing Jones.
- Toot And Nail.
- I chanced there to meet her perfection!
- eGals on high.
- I chanced there to rap of her perfection.
- Coffee Comedian, you tell a joke.
- Draft Funk.
- Draught Funk.
- All Foamy Babies.
- Dis Gus Ting.
- Virgil Smite Sandwich.
- Virgil's Might Sandwich.
- Poor Crystal Lynn.
- Attention McCumbo.
- Dr. Dugh Moore.
- Two Log Night.
- Three Log Knight.
- What Time Is It? It's Tend To Sever Time.
- What Time Is It? It's Tend To Seven Time.
- Cherry Cay People.
- Cherry Ski People.
- Sherrie's Key People.
- What Is The First Historical Mention Of (The Concept Of) Infinity?
- The Collected Wisdom Of Crowds.
- Wasted Pennys On The Ground.
- Stink Freud.
- Inside The NDA.
- Progressing Backwards.
- Sofa Man!
- Recliner Man!
- DNA Trophy Hunting.
- Beet Cops.
- Inner Resting.
- Kananga Wrangler.
- Midnight At The "Oh Hey" Sis.
- San And Sandra Doone.
- Steve And Sandy Doom.
- No Line To Dry.
- No Lime To Fry.
- The Steed Bonnet.
- No Thyme To Fry.
- Eider Way.
- The Eider Way Down.
- Taco Bita Sea.
- Who Has The Most Lonely Lumber? Juan!
- Hand Stan A Taser!
- "Too Clever" By Alf Starmann.
- Ammo Rexia.
- Justin Tynes.
- Rita The Lovely Assistant And Her Magic Juan.
- The New Wage Band.
- It Takes A Pillage To Raze A Town!
- Justin D. Nicker Tynes.
- Where Do Pea Rocks Hide?
- She Broke My App Forever!
- Remember, When You're Running Late, Call Justin Tynes Speedy Taxi!
- Justin's Tines.
- Untamed Memories.
- Sometimes I Sips And Thinks, And Sometimes I Just Sip.
- Rad Lion.
- Rat Lion.
- Dis Welcome Mat.
- Micewell Forde.
- Minimum Rage Requirements.
- Instant Bonsai Seeds.
- Quarry Time.
- Teenage Waistline.
- Beer Neck Ladies.
- Myth Encounters Of The Tird Kind.
- Myth Encounters Of The Turd Kind.
- You might be the most informed person on earth concerning a matter and yet still be largely ignorant concerning that very same matter.
- Das Like Water Off 'e Back, 'e Gern TaDuck School!
- Phil's Harmonica Orchestra.
- I was Right By Mistake.
- Maths Student Turns In Paper: Stimulating An Epidermins. Get's An F. Turns Out It Was Supposed To Be: Simulating An Epidemic.
- Is Ray Light?
- The Great Bee Yonder.
- Insta Bam.
- Stranger By The Stile.
- Quarantingle.
- Geeze Burgle.
- Mini Wawa.
- Bibi Wawa.
- Vanilla Mink.
- Doon Lok.
- The Bucking Ham Rodeo.
- The Last It Man.
- The Lost It Man.
- The Last Hick Man.
- The Lost Hick Man.
- The Lastic Man.
- Alas And Alac Suh.
- Alsa And Alec Suh.
- A Lass And Alexa.
- Large And Wealthy.
- Mystalogical.
- Wind Kill Factor.
- My, Myself, And Why.
- My, Myself And A.I.
- The Astral Dance.
- The Astral Dane.
- Is that horse purring? Yes, but it's a donkey. I've got a headache.
- Is The War On Z On?
- Bed, Bath, And Beyond Say...
- Thyme Lax Photography.
- I Formembered You Yesterday.
- Driving With Undue Care And Attention.
- Which Way Does Bazzy Lean?
- Solid Arid Tea.
- Naked Fools, Or Morons With Less On.
- If It Ain't Juan Ting, It's 'E Bruddah! And 'E Bruddah Name Sam!
- System Of Opine.
- Morning Misfits.
- Fairer Weight Ice.
- Farah Weighs Ice.
- Wild Bill's Hiccups.
- Wild Bill's Hookups.
- See Da Plankin.
- Quarantooned.
- Quarantuned.
- The Simple Rule With A Million Complicated Exceptions.
- What Do You Do When Your Whole Upside Is Down?
- He Was Recently Inducted Into The Conductors Hall Of Fame.
- So Sire, Tea?
- Out Island Egg Supporters.
- The Love Family: Mr. And Mrs. Love And Their Kids Forrest, Bertram, Sandy, and Vertral.
- The Randomites.
- World's Strongest Band.
- Men Without Pants.
- Hats Without Pants.
- Random Wax.
- Cay Keys.
- Key Cays.
- Pasta Fryin.
- Mayor DuWell.
- Moringa Lorry.
- Mango Judy.
- Claw Rocks.
- Handle It Hanna Litt.
- Handel Lit Hanna Litt.
- Asleep At The Feel.
- Watch Wilson Pick It.
- Long Island Rolle In Bey.
- Indy Needs Ya.
- Indie Needs Ya.
- Reiach, Ted.
- Lil Wan Bones.
- Rickshaw Rolle.
- Romeo Wine.
- Tipsy Tussle.
- Other People's Monkeys.
- Sonic Ignorance.
- Wish Sticks.
- Three Dodge Night.
- Three Dodge Nights.
- Three Dodge Knight.
- Three Dodge Knights.
- Juan 103, The Hot Juan.
- Look In Their Ice.
- Murder Most Novel.
- Man See, Pillow See.
- Postmortem Jukebox.
- It Was Miss Price Ice House Till It Melt.
- The 19 Naughties Versus The 20 Naughties.
- A Sharp Flat.
- The Sharpest Flat Guy Around.
- What Did William Pen?
- The Billy Pen. (Versus The Nanny Pen.)
- Carmen Rita.
- Wish Negator.
- Octalpuss: feline with dna such that it has only 8 lives.
- Fox See Lady.
- FoxSea Lady.
- See Fox Lady.
- Sea Fox Lady.
- Income Pete.
- In Comes Pete.
- Citizen Jane.
- Living Science.
- Ski Tar.
- I Named My Massive Rotti Juan 85.
- The Lone And Whiney Toad.
- He Found It Easy To Out Want Reality.
- Heavy Metal Jerry Curls.
- A Traitor To The Jaws. (A Loose Tooth.)
- Just Because It's The Best You Can Do, Doesn't Mean It's Perfect.
- Young People Make Young Mistakes, Old People Make Old Mistakes.
- I Just Saw A Snake IN The Grass. No Lie, Relax Sir!
- Bruce More Or Less.
- Bruce Moore Or Less.
- Goat Dancing Tonight.
- Murder By Big.
- Throw Away Music.
- A Better Way To Stress.
- Justified Pesticide.
- Booner Fide.
- Boomer Fide.
- OK Booner!
- Imaginary Louvers.
- Gerrit Alt.
- Juan With Everything.
- Uptown Abby.
- Verdi Girl.
- Manute! Ya Late!
- Rebellious Jeans.
- Rebellious Genes.
- Practiced In The Art Of Reception.
- Practiced In The Art Of Rejection.
- The Fallacy Of The No Cost Life.
- Mock Skeeter Bite.
- I just reached the end of the internet, there's a little dive there called Centimeans that serves great burgers.
- Just Another Gringa Named Louise.
- No One Says How Anymore.
- No One Says Wow Anymore.
- No One Says Cow Anymore.
- No One Says Sow Anymore.
- No One Says Plough Anymore.
- I Showered With A Centipede.
- Mike Rowe's Phone.
- Mike Rowe's Micro Phone.
- Mike Rowe's Micro Phone.
- Mike Rowe's Micro Microphone.
- There's No Place Like Groan.
- A Little Night Rain.
- Name some great songs that are never / seldom covered and some guesses as to why this might be so.
- Will Elton Morris Has A Cache.
- Dusty Wine.
- Adam's Antics.
- Nots Berry Smart.
- Knots Berry Smart.
- Vee da People.
- José's Canned Saki.
- Fiction Without Villains.
- Iso Dupes.
- Iso Dopes.
- Unsprung, He Rows.
- Cornwall Aces.
- Killermon Gyro.
- The Misappropriation of Adam Henry.
- Tired Of Loving Life.
- I killed The Same Roach Twice This Morning!
- Myths Understood.
- Myth Understood.
- Ask The Next Question...
- Ambien Light.
- Uther Reginald Bain.
- Thyme Longer Than Trope.
- An Ink Lined Plain.
- An Ink Lined Flame.
- The Moody Booze.
- The Moody Boozer.
- The Dandy Lions.
- You Can't Read Fast Enough.
- Gravy Tea.
- Joy Thieves.
- Sardinium.
- Underwater Gunslinger.
- Kith Work.
- Condo Mints.
- Condo Mince.
- What If Half The Time, The Unintended Consequences Are Actually Intended?
- Zerology: The Study Of Nothing. 1 approach: constantly learning more and more about less and less until you know everything about nothing.
- World Class Pro Crass Tin Ator.
- World Class Pro Crass Tin Hater.
- The Mad Hater.
- Heuristics And No Reason.
- The Fair Game.
- The Fare Game.
- The Fear Game.
- Pendulum Teller.
- Portal Potty.
- Thrice Slaughter House.
- Pool Cats.
- Hop Load To The Hinternet!
- She Cooked Some Mean Indie Victuals, Daily For Her Dangerous Man.
- Wish You Were Mined.
- Debt Stabs For Cooties.
- Better Ron, Better Ron, Better Clyde, Better Ron And Clyde.
- The Magic Solution.
- The Visual Musician.
- Bettuh, Ronn, And Hyde.
- Both Sides Now: Essays on both sides of an issue by a single author.
- Pure Dairy League.
- Misunderstandings: It's What We Do!
- The Hedge Of Knights.
- Shouting Is Doubting.
- Dudes From The Hedge.
- Drove All Night To Get Stuckeys.
- Freezer Spiders.
- The Far Whimper.
- Uda Mann.
- Ida Mann.
- Restaurant Food Fight: Game against other diners for discounts / rewards.
- Bain Town Beauty Queen.
- Bozine Beauty Queen.
- Plied Her With Cider.
- Bluff N Stuff.
- Gone Wander Land.
- Gone Wonder Land.
- Digital Grifters.
- Pay to send me an email system.
- Weather As Weapon.
- Frank Laine and Mary Street get married and later have roads named after each of them: Frank Laine Lane and Mary Street-Laine Street.
- Pat Mack's Iffy Show.
- Richard Rolle.
- Participatory Entertainment Industries.
- Goode And Happenz.
- Amazon Man.
- Paint Your Dragon.
- Candi Rapper.
- Fanda Banda.
- Amanavel.
- Hand Stan A Tiger.
- What Did Jasper Tame?
- Is Happy Tight?
- Who Is Happy Tight?
- What Is Happy Tight?
- Where Is Happy Tight?
- Why Is Happy Tight?
- When Is Happy Tight?
- How Is Happy Tight?
- Instant Carmen.
- Donnie Brooks.
- Dusky Rogues.
- Kempy Downs.
- Breaking Brad.
- Baking Bad.
- Bodyweight Racing.
- What Happens When You Burn Cash?
- What Happens When You Grind Gold To A Fine Powder And Spread It On The Deep Ocean?
- Tax Returns (And Personal Balance Sheets And Profit And Loss Statements (Income Statements)) Of Professors.
- Horseback Raiding Lessons.
- Cast Iron Skill Set.
- Pink, Skye, And Knight: Ship's Chandlers.
- After Image Art.
- After All Is Said And Done, Call On Fred N. Dunn.
- Froggy Dogs.
- Deadlift Shrimp.
- Country Swap Incorporated.
- Famous In Small Places.
- Pan Da Do Island.
- Deadly Calm Bat.
- You Never Consider The Roach.
- Knowingly bringing a "bad" case to establish a bad precedent.
- Cohort Interest rates.
- Sweeter Than Wild.
- Sports Fan Bots.
- The Affect Effect.
- Aluminimum.
- Viva's Lost Wages.
- Viva's Last Wages.
- California Kate.
- Finnish Ed.
- Fon Don't.
- Phon Don't.
- Phon Du.
- Identical Twins, One Born In Canada, One In The U.S.A.
- Slow Ham Roll.
- Growth In Other Dimensions.
- Remote Control Grenades.
- πd Chess: Give Yourself That Little Irrational Edge Over Those Playing Standard 3d Chess!
- Sick Ada.
- Hyde Rated.
- Hide Rated.
- Tin Lizard.
- Indie Finition.
- Indie Finitum.
- Niell Sudoku.
- The Rain At The End Of The Funnel.
- The Crane At The End Of The Chunnel.
- The Smell Of Debt.
- ABL: Always Besting Losers.
- ABL: Always Beating Losers.
- Sounds About Wrong.
- Parti Zan.
- Party Zan.
- Parti Sand.
- Party Sand.
- Head Lice On The Byway.
- E. Turtle O'Shea.
- Gunn And Roses.
- Gum And Roses.
- Beverly Dale.
- Mostly OK.
- Largely Adequate.
- Halfway Exceptional.
- 7 Days 1 Knight.
- A Dam Ant.
- Harbour Howe.
- Harbour How.
- Heastie, Lee.
- Carmen In The Air Tonight.
- Internal Yute Stem.
- Post Hop Ergo Proper Hop.
- So, what you'r esaying is that it's all Bodmin's fault? Yes, absolutely!... Well, moor or less.
- Low Levels Of Bodmin.
- Assisted Ball - regular basketball where an assist counts as a point.
- Wordy Girl.
- The Cost of Change.
- The Paris Cedar Mall.
- Spry Date.
- Di 8 An Exercise.
- Di Ate An Exercise.
- Ocean Anacondas.
- Authors And Entrepreneurs.
- A Cue Stick Guitar.
- Sugar Band Express.
- Climb Down Upon It.
- Beyond Sea.
- Beyond See.
- See Beyond.
- See Beyond Sea.
- Sea Beyond.
- They Think Fads Are Progress.
- They Think Change Is Progress.
- Blank Are Good. (A Quiet Thought Experiment.)
- The History Of Walls.
- Foot Pole Industries.
- What Box Heavy Virtual Industries.
- Unca Engine Check And Aunty Body Test.
- Arcane Saw.
- Our Cane Saw.
- Valley Date.
- Mountain Date.
- Desi Belle.
- Stratedy.
- Louigi's Anna.
- A Farewell To Farms.
- A Full Well OF Farms.
- Carmen Gee Ya Love.
- Half Way To Nowhere.
- Dis Pan Sensation.
- Sweet Emma Lee.
- The Billy Pro Tempkin.
- Brew To A Chill.
- He Was Happy With His Pain.
- Juan Bourbon, Juan Scot, Juan Cerveza.
- Every Time A New Law Is Passed, The Rich Get Richer.
- The Rich Are Not Who You Think They Are.
- A Touch Of Crass.
- Fuller Monkeys.
- Insomniapp.
- Ernest Hummingbird.
- South Bound Twain.
- South Bound Rain.
- Art For The Islands.
- Doctor Jackson's Brown Eyed Girls.
- Hottywood.
- Juice Box Hero.
- Juice Box Gyro.
- Serving Berlin.
- Tree Level Deep.
- Who Does That!
- Toots Sweet.
- Toote Suite.
- Solid Gas.
- Cro Mance.
- Crow Mance.
- Cro Mango.
- Post Hope Ergo Proper Hop.
- Wearing The Funk.
- Delayed Bratification.
- Brat Bad, Brat Worser, Brat Worst.
- Cruising In Fresh, Local Rides with Fresh, Local Music.
- Newts Versus Salamanders.
- A Whole New Moo.
- Nomads For The Win!
- Juicy More Than I!
- D'You See More Than I?
- Stevie Rave On!
- Space Petunities.
- Space Petunias.
- Stingy Ray Juan.
- He woke up screaming in terror just as his car left the ground and entered the airspace above the crystal blue waters of the bay. Long seconds later, just a hair over 2.23 in fact, I did say long and not many, his car left that airspace and entered the liquid world of the bay proper...
- Calm, Pro Misers.
- Except For Love.
- Percussionism.
- Beam Of Night.
- Night Ray.
- Monkeys Packing Marzipan.
- Big Newts.
- Pig Newts.
- Big Newtons.
- Pig Newtons.
- Enema Territory.
- Swiss Time.
- Swiss Thyme.
- Where 'e 'lutra Bey?
- Where 'e 'lutra Bag?
- Mistaking Change For Progress.
- American Dan And Chiquita Rosita.
- Weave(spin) the web you want to set(prowl)...
- A New York State Of Fine/Wine/Whine/Mine.
- Teller Communication System.
- Spandex Belly.
- Be The Charge You Want To Attract.
- Be The Charge You Want To Repel.
- The Keys To My Settee.
- Da Big Axe.
- Ron de Voos (The "S" is silent.)
- Wast Quantities.
- P.O. UnBoxing.
- Can Of Biscotti.
- Can A Biscotti.
- Average White Brand, Jigsaws for the whole family!
- Average, Whyte, and Bland.
- Little Ship Of Hours.
- Little Shop of Hours.
- Little Ship of Oars.
- Little Shop Of Oars.
- Below the line: That's Where The Sum is!
- Loss of Tenure Betting market.
- The Marsh Hand.
- Wiktum Of Love.
- Wilson's Spigots.
- But We Is Stencible.
- Band Name: Treading Water.
- Tsunamiami.
- Da Bat Rum.
- Erg Ninja.
- Who will react to The Reactors?
- Poco Harum.
- Ignore Amos.
- Telsa John.
- Ring Ma Bell.
- Farmer John Cheese.
- Teenage Crazy.
- Tundra Crack.
- Mathological.
- Handball Bryan.
- Hardball Bryan.
- Kumsa Cropper.
- Damp Trisket.
- Bird Crimes.
- Band Name: Standin Wave.
- Band Name: Standen Wave.
- Band Name: Tryta Wave.
- Band Name: Trynta Wave.
- Front Door Buzzard.
- Praising New Mexico.
- Adder Byte Hand.
- Stoneface Reactions Ink.
- Boney Hem.
- Boney Hen.
- Boney Him.
- Billy Conch Taker.
- It's not that you're not welcome, it's just that you're not invited.
- I stole it better.
- Mustard Blue Lady.
- How many gentle rations does it take to sperl a like bull?
- Children On The Toad.
- Emotional Support Rock. *
- Janey Say Coiff.
- URCA Nomics.
- Erga Nomics.
- How To Shave An Ice.
- We Didn't Start The Dryer.
- Scale (1-10) Voting.
- Yes/No Voting.
- Who Let The Frogs Out?
- Hu Let The Frogs Out.
- Reprobate And Switch.
- Six-gun Pacifist.
- Gun Toting Pacifist.
- The Last Good Bug.
- Mango Tango Kalories.
- Simul Tenacious.
- Sir Raymond Of Hope.
- Disco Lazy.
- Florida Garcia.
- Flake News.
- Canned Ice.
- Badder Bing.
- Badder Boom.
- Perfect Mistake.
- Mistaken Perfection.
- Da Tird Man.
- Tri Cord Order.
- Bogcast.
- Curio Settee.
- Sega Bye.
- Sega Buy.
- Azure Bye Jam.
- Better Silence.
- Red Bug Cells.
- Red Bug Sells.
- Red Bug Smells.
- Lauda Silence.
- Natural By Nature.
- Sophisticated By Nature.
- The Other Side Of Mid Mic.
- Is The United Nations Democratic?
- Is Any Political Party Democratic?
- The Perfect Curve Of Sadness.
- The Pluperfect Curve Of Sadness.
- A Dress Too Far.
- Address Too Far.
- I Put A Cell On You.
- I Put A Sell On You.
- I Put A Shell On You.
- I Put A Smell On You.
- I Put A Bell On You.
- Successful Failure(s).
- Educational Record Lottery.
- Enough Equality.
- Essential Equality.
- It's Always The Third Act.
- Tom Hal, Space Auditor.
- Hal Thomas, Space Auditor.
- Bee On Dee Light.
- Bee On Dee Right.
- Half And Have.
- Whose Welcome? Who's Welcome.
- Welcome Home Carter.
- Body Okra.
- Phenom N' Al.
- Phenom en Al.
- Andre And Iggy's Dollars.
- Celluloid Sextant Sea.
- Death Comes A Falling.
- Debt Comes A Falling.
- Debt Comes A Calling.
- Alan Pachinko.
- My Can O' Pee.
- My Can O' Peas.
- Wholesale Trivia.
- Hero Gyro.
- Spiral Gyro.
- Jimmy's Buckler.
- Sprintium.
- Ike Andy.
- Ike Andes.
- Documentally.
- Gum Show.
- When I'm 46.
- A Day With The Wife.
- Five Faddah Tea.
- The Kero Scene.
- The Kero Seam.
- The Three Dorigos.
- The Well-Tempered Ruffian / Rake.
- The Dis-Tempered Ruffian / Rake.
- Dream Weaver (New Drink - come up with the story.)
- Dark Side Of The Tune.
- Flow Rider's Georgia Lime.
- Moss Key Doe / Dough / Though.
- Moss Cay Doe / Dough / Though.
- First Order Thinking.
- First Order Thinkers.
- Lycra Moss Fire.
- I Met Myself There When I was Younger.
- I Just Want To Be Where I've Been.
- Rhythmic Blue Rails Of Happiness.
- Natural Born Chooser.
- Natural Born Snoozer.
- Tin Ferl Wallets.
- A Short History Of Limes.
- Mac Davis Group.
- Mac Davis Bunch.
- New Loser.
- First Time Loser.
- Behind Enema Lines.
- Nacho Enema.
- Nacho Beeswax.
- Virateria.
- Dream Science.
- Snap Chap.
- Postcocious.
- Deck And A Sail Man.
- Words To Pen.
- The man In Tights.
- Bess, part Of The Day.
- Vow of poverty politics.
- Evidence Erasure Inc.
- Evidence Erasure Ink Inc.
- Ink Evidence Erasure Inc.
- Case A Case A Dillas.
- Case A Case A Dillies.
- The And Of The Month.
- The Girl With The 2 Tattoo.
- The Eithernet: Choices.
- A Damp History Of Mist.
- Lost In The Myths Of Thyme.
- Thunder Taker.
- Tunda Takah.
- Stationary Agility.
- Agile Stability.
- The Smartest Way To Hop.
- Berlin N' Earl.
- Goode And Howe.
- Goode And Fawlty.
- Goode And Fynes: Haberdashers To The Stars.
- Sharp Dressed Ham.
- Allwell And Goode.
- We've come a long way in a reverse direction.
- Urbane Legends.
- The Vote Against The Incumbent Party.
- The Vote Out The Incumbent Party.
- The Wizard Of Odds.
- E.T.N. Jones.
- Robert's Plant.
- Richard Spudd.
- Richard Tater.
- Your Offer Your Honour.
- Mob Barley.
- The Barley Mob.
- Hall, Wells, And Goode.
- Is That The Hen I See?
- ΩTree (Do as two symbols.)
- Ant On Knee.
- Jimmy Spliff.
- Do You Speak Spinich?
- Gum N' Hoses.
- Four And Twenty Five.
- Another Possibility Club.
- No Look Bake Crabs.
- I sat with Sharon, but I did not sit with Dorothy.
- I shopped with Sharon, but I did not shop with Dorothy.
- Donkey Alternates Between Purring And Growling.
- Fate Book.
- Baga Vonde.
- Cardio Cullinary Theory.
- Along Came A Slider.
- Robert Roberts, Peter Peters, Frank Franke, Kim Kim, Young Jung, Lil Jung, etc. (Double Names)
- Mike Pardi.
- Clayton Moore Mining Industries.
- Reckulous.
- Regression To The meme.
- Bafoolery.
- Happy Burpday.
- Happy Barfday.
- Bangor Man.
- Indy Street.
- Warlords In Space.
- Warlords In Tight Places.
- Gray / Grey Nada.
- Oskalate: To Moo Back in Fort.
- Overheard Under A Tree: The Answer Is Always More Fertilizer.
- Living In Tomorrow's Yesterday.
- Brotherhood Of The Hurricane.
- Clock Just Tick - U Late!
- Miss Terry Jones.
- Glen Glenn, Alan Alan (Allen), Edward Edwards, Will Wills, Thomas Thomas, Stanley Stanley, John Johns, Joss Joss, Will Wills, William Williams, Sam Sams. (See 2803) (Double Names)
- The Converse Eight Club.
- Yes Or No Voting.
- Yes And No Voting.
- June Summer Winters.
- E. Ed Bahd.
- I Can Bunsen Burner.
- Hold The Lime.
- Imaginary Infinity.
- Infinite Imagination.
- Time Traders.
- Total Lime.
- Two Seconds And A First.
- Beauty Is In The Iris Of The Bee Holder.
- If I Name It Twice, That Shall Suffice.
- Three Seconds And A Turd.
- Brazilliance.
- Litter Gate.
- Renquisha.
- Facts Machine.
- Myth Helmet.
- Groan Up.
- Syrup Dishes.
- Quantum Bregity.
- Artis And Brad.
- Da Allawe Club.
- Last 3.
- Last Tree.
- Always A Litre.
- Insta Gator: Just Add Water.
- Mad Bird Edumacation.
- Old Folks Smoking Pike And Chalking.
- Is Benny Fit.
- The May Orcas.
- The May Okras.
- Race Car Drier.
- Homogeneous Diversity.
- A Short History Of Pith.
- A Pith In Time.
- Engine Earring Economy.
- Theatre Of The Abscond.
- Jonas Jones, World's Most Famous Joneser.
- Yoon Lie.
- Vinnie's Barber Reno.
- Johnny Lever.
- Mamba Mary?
- Alfred The SoSo.
- Alfred The Average.
- Static Fur Test.
- Justin Case.
- Hair Farce One.
- Young Key.
- Young Cay.
- Dung Cay.
- The Large And Windy Toad.
- When Annie's Mules Attack.
- Her Juan Desire.
- Her Juan's Desire.
- The Best Juan Of The Mall.
- The Biggest Juan Of All.
- Nomadia. / Nomadistan. / Nomadtenango.
- Air Farce Juan.
- Chair Farce Juan.
- Free Range Follicles.
- Scent Of Mental Fools.
- Physical Fools.
- Chagall's Me.
- Country Robes.
- AA Bottom/.
- AZ Middle.
- Ninjeon.
- Fragrant 2!
- I Saw The Sight.
- I Saw The Like.
- Rune Nation.
- Trequila.
- Trekuila.
- Do Andrew's Dream In Eclectic Sleep?
- Porta Prince.
- Porta Prints.
- Icronic Lee.
- Knotty Boy.
- 3 Buchet.
- Third And Somewhere.
- Shaker Berry Pi.
- Shaker Berry π.
- New Roe Sturgeon.
- May Day Monks.
- Ice On Da Phone.
- Noughterize: Noughterize(x)=0
- Naughterize: Destroy Completely.
- The Grub, The Bag, And The Snugly.
- Cape Ability.
- Ivan Cronic Lee.
- Croc Star.
- I come back, to me shack, and to bed I go.
- I come back, to me shack, down in Tobago.
- Local Time App/Watch.
- Living The Walk Off Life.
- Dat Storm Name Weather.
- Just Us Pour Two Yo!
- Just Us Pour To Go!
- Wide Ankle Video Productions.
- How To Ruin Today Without Fixing Tomorrow: Worry!
- Billy Goat Rounding Circles.
- Gumma One Small Couple Ice.
- Not My 40!
- Hank Boulder.
- Tom Scott Manley.
- Look Ma, No Fans.
- Ducks 2 Ducks.
- Ducks In The Wind.
- Bugatti And Coke.
- What Zap?
- Engine Apples.
- Smooth Like Sand Paper.
- Half Cut Circle. (See Dec 06/2020 sheet for graphic.)
- Emergent Sea.
- Emergent See.
- Feelin Gumbo.
- Suede Blue Guys.
- Singu Larry's Tees.
- Singu Larry Teas.
- Trickanery.
- Charmin Billy.
- Blu Izen.
- Viber Optics.
- Tentacle Gree.
- Sunset Blue.
- Night Raid Orange.
- Aliens And Dames.
- Fold This Papaer In Half Then Stop, AKA Crease And Desist.
- Mikes Le Garret Bounce.
- The Guardberdians
- The Guardbirdians.
- The Yardbirdians.
- Not Complaining, Just Explaining.
- I Hondastand You.
- Them's Good Eating Ants Right There.
- Peking Words Of Wisdom.
- Merry The Mudder.
- Murder By Contagion.
- Instant Chaos, Just Add Slaughter.
- Constance Lee.
- Gypsy Mothra.
- Strategic Mistakes. (Mistakes made on purpose as a part of strategy.)
- Sky Luke Warmer.
- Silver Tina.
- Argent Tina.
- Pick a sport, pick 2 players whose names or nicknames rhyme and who play the same position: discuss who is the better player of the two.
- Murray, Sir Triplicate.
- Muddy Sir Triplicate.
- Deja Boo.
- The Colossus Of Rodeo.
- Lettuce Bee Friends.
- Culture Al.
- Jaro The Assassin.
- Rose Alley.
- Rosa Lee.
- Judy Parlour.
- She Red Eh?
- Blazing Shadows.
- Your A Bettor Men Then Eye!
- Durango Saw Us.
- Cooty Grast. (Cootie?)
- Country Rogues.
- Country Toads.
- Dat Bee Long Now!
- Morris Options, aka "Mo"...
- Fred Is Ted.
- Freddy's Ted.
- Freddy's Shed.
- You, Yourself, And Why?
- Cheetoe And Daddy G!
- Who's Joe Daddi?
- Whose Joe Daddi?
- Fall Soap.
- What Fall Soap?
- That's An Option, But Not A Solution.
- The Speed Of Knight.
- How Does It Squeal?
- How Does It Squeeze?
- Far Beyond / Past The Edge Of Acceptable.
- Stronger Dan, Dirt.
- Where Dead Eye Put It?
- Tell Me, What Dead Eye See?
- Gumma Summa Dat Fall Soap! What Fall Soap?
- John Mana Can Row.
- Each Juan She Passes Has Eyes.
- Every Juan In The World.
- Big Old Jed, Headliner.
- Dimorphous Repose.
- Johnny Solong.
- Soda Y.
- Diver Tickle Itis.
- Anna Is Tease Ya!
- The Sea Moss Cow Club.
- You Can't Package Art.
- Chartruce: noun: a colour that is slightly wrong somehow | event: the official end of the BBQ wars.
- Dual Dueling Hawks.
- Stealing Their World One Improvement At A Time.
- Don't you wish your boyfriend was a Scot like me?
- Gramma Lee.
- Marina Bird
- Marina Byrd.
- Nut Butter Jones.
- Nuttin Butter Jones.
- Board Axe.
- Boar Axe.
- Bore Axe.
- Boer Axe.
- Leader Of The Banned.
- Battle Of The Dans.
- 48 hors dloeuvres.
- Fronds With Bendy Bits.
- Big Dog: Father Of Bites.
- I'm Your Vandy Man.
- The Or Net.
- Icy Hop.
- Tawny Mulligan.
- Creeda Soak Lumber.
- Pic / Pick Bull: Livestock Auction.
- Hen To Hen Hencryption.
- Flash Eating Bacteria.
- Flash Heating Bacteria.
- Rodeo In Joliette, Sam Song Had / Is A Rider.
- Boss Mam.
- Abaco Debra.
- Abacodabra.
- Alpha Burgher.
- Walk In Fall.
- No Fun Intended.
- No Fun In Ten Did.
- No One In Ten Did.
- No One Intended.
- Loan Me Some Sad Money: Blue Notes / Marlins.
- When it Come To Love, He Is One Bush Mechanic.
- Tia Maria At 3.
- Cafe Con.
- Cafe Con La Derecha.
- Time To Get My Ask In Gear: The Salesman's Lament.
- French dude decides to name the parts of his body after famous people. Named his mouth Enrico Fermi.
- Facimitate: Facilitate the Imitation of something or someone.
- Untrained Memory.
- Untrained Melody.
- Terror Bull.
- Buying Large.
- Unlimitless.
- Gorilla Blues.
- Oatmeal Raising Cookies.
- Watta Hamma.
- Loco Motif.
- Navadie.
- 3 Twinds Walk Into A Bar.
- Lost On The Frond.
- Last On The Frond.
- End Of Vinyl Message.
- The Dark Side Of June.
- Annie Bruddah.
- Annie Breddah.
- Unit E.
- Unit T.
- Improvicea.
- Improvicieum.
- Improveum.
- Chancellater.
- Hypnocritical.
- Whose Necks?
- 99 Lead Balloons.
- 99 Lead Baboons.
- Trevor P.
- The Guy Dance Counselor.
- Philly Man Druze.
- And I Ate An Entangled Frittata.
- Doctor Zoom I Presume.
- Cuda Tat: Tattoo of a Barracuda.
- No Wanda, I'm Hungry.
- No Wanda! I'm Hungary.
- Mixpronounce.
- Debt In Paradise.
- Moisture Eyes-ing: AKA Crying.
- You started out with nothing and you doubled it in no time flat.
- That's Amar Hey?
- That's Amar Eh?
- Alter Bond: Glue Changer.
- Alter Blond.
- Rasta P.
- Rester P.
- Jester P.
- Cus Dem Auto.
- Cuss Dem Auto.
- Flying Pan Ham.
- Arthur Write Us!
- South Paul.
- Oprytunity.
- Hop Date.
- Bart Ender.
- Weepy Hen.
- Joke Itch.
- Logjik.
- A Man Swirl.
- Innie Quality.
- Evitable.
- Slo Dirt!
- Fern Country.
- Cess LaVie. (Pronounced vy...)
- Neon Musk.
- Neon Music.
- Dark Patter.
- Laughing Right Running Water.
- Solid Harry / 'arry / Ari - Tea / Teas / Tease.
- Zorro took his gal to dinner: This is known as a Masked Man Date.
- What is a tito? And why do they come in pairs?
- What is a tito and why throw them around?
- You say those Neon Knights are tight on Broadmoor.
You say they're drinking way too much a beer! - Who / What / Where / Why / When / How Dunnit?
- Banana Ham Prince. (Oops, see 1241)
- Jumping Through Tomorrow. SciFi where you can jump through tomorrow to the day after and see random bits of tomorrow on the way.
- Back To The End.
- Telephone Time Travel Inc.
- Some people have talent all the time, I have ideas... occasionally.
- Lost Buoys.
- Last Buoys.
- Raw Material Rentals.
- Aqua Fur.
- Sunnaaht.
- Milk Toast And Toe Jam.
- Milk Toes And Toe Jam.
- Baking Bread.
- Breaking Brad.
- Breaking Brads.
- Fallen Archies.
- Jude, Where's The Bar?
- Barefoot Logos: That's All We Do!
- Heartache! Passiton!
- A Toy F-Ski, Another Toy F-Ski: Dos Toy F-Skis.
- Coe And Co.
- Term Oil.
- Mick's Take.
- Waxy Nation.
- gone 2 see, gone 2 sea, (last a play on extasy but the starting 2 should not be gone...)
- You can't have your fake and sell it too!
- Chew Tube. (que/queue/cue/show/blue/grew/foo/new/glue/brew/etc)
- Dat Smell Like One Old, Raggy Shark Knee!
- Emma Nations: Countries with citizen(s) named Emma.
- Old Brown Toad / Old Round Toad.
- Oyez Como Moi, Cuandismo. (Believe Mo.)
- Pretty Fried For A Bright Guy!
- Googgle ice.
- Pap Toe Biz Malt.
- Headi Ya Mah!
- Burger Knave.
- Burger Jack.
- The Joke Blokes.
- Ottery.
- Aughtery.
- Now Is Da Winter A Dis Continent.
- Now Is Da Winner A Dis Continent.
- Stop Loss Bums.
- Hey Yawl, Good Ketch!
- The Ice Habit.
- The Eyes Habit.
- Cinematocracy.
- Rawganic.
- The Tacks Man.
- Living In A World Of Hoops.
- Living In A World Of Coops.
- Parquet Lounger.
- Fer-de-lance and Isabella: The unlikely take of a girl and her snake.
- Odour Of A Broken Fart.
- Odour Of A Broken Harp.
- Okra And A Broken Heart.
- I Feel Munch Better.
- Halibut Dan.
- Kim Not Calm.
- Umber Ella.
- Plastic Max.
- The Rainy Adventures of Umber Ella And Plastic Max!
- Ethel Eat.
- Moody And Grace.
- The Quick And The Bread.
- Blu Cash Mundy.
- Blu Cash-Mundy.
- Co-mean, co-median, co-mode.
- Hour Gone Lazr.
- Independent Stinker.
- San Antonio Rows.
- San Antonio Hose.
- San Antonio Grows.
- Ted At Last.
- High Ballers.
- Three Little Curds: Message From A Tuffet.
- Haig Sellit Sandwich.
- Evie "Ripple" Jester.
- Spernt Ewe Ally.
- How Much Did Jay Bill Us?
- Your Dark Ex Knight.
- Your Dark Ex Night.
- Supplying Da Man.
- The Team Of Eddy Seymour And Dan Yu.
- Her Suit Of Grape-ness.
- Her Soup of greatness.
- Booty And The Cheese.
- How To Speak Horn or Honking In The Bahamas.
- How To Roberts. (Generic Surname.)
- The Secret To Robertsing.
- Lessons I've Learned. (The hard Way / Easy Way / Etc.)
- Reasonable Dunce.
- Dark Nader.
- Inventive Aliens.
- Bobbing Carol.
- Russell's Brand.
- Gill Tea.
- Rock Sand.
- Cracker Boom.
- Ex Injection.
- Older Than Dirt.
- Daily Dollars: credit to acct at start of each day, can be spent but not saved.
- Specific Jim.
- Specific Gym.
- Who can? Not sure who can but Miss Mae may.
- Who can can Khan? Miss Mae may.
- Chris Brews Hard.
- Knucks: Rules, Strategy and Tactics.
- 2 for 1 snail.
- A Berg's Eye View.
- A Case Of Twos.
- A Case Of Toos.
- A Case Of Tos.
- I So Late.
- I Sew Late.
- Eye So Late.
- ISO Late.
- Vocabulary Gap.
- The California Why Hen.
- The Washington Why Rooster.
- The West Coast Why Chickens.
- Mean Ewe And Happy Ram.
- Lamar Lamarr versus Jackson Jackson.
- Radio Not.
- Radio Knot.
- Radio Naught.
- General Nature.
- Stipe Hill.
- Blue Sky Blues.
- Is Ella Mental?
- Fruit Sand Vegetables.
- Fruit Stand Vegetables.
- Electric Vehicle with small fixed and large, swapable, rentable, expandable battery packs.
- I like my mind like I like my bed: Made Up!
- I only have ice for beer.
- Who assigns meaning to a hit song's lyrics?
- Bull Skit: Bovine Theatre.
- H2O/Swimming.
- Running/MT.
- Wear/Bikini.
- Sinister/Tones.
- Tones/Blue.
- Heading/So.
- Feeling/Whelmed.
- We Shall/Come.
- Toe/Strong.
- Toe/Dangerous.
- Please Department.
- Thanks Bureau.
- Lauda With Chowder.
- Structural Instigators.
- Concentrated Corruption.
- Broom With A Clue.
- Her Beans Have Banks.
- Da Drill Is Gone...
- I Know You're Not But So Am I!
- Alf Now, Alf Later, Alf Red.
- Dem Tree Mossy Tears.
- One Farmer Lee.
- A Smaller Infinity.
- A Lesser Infinity.
- 3, 2, Juan!
- A Larger Zero.
- A Greater Nothing.
- If It Makes Dollars, It Makes Sense.
- Frat Boy Gym.
- Slat Boy Tim.
- Dark Ride Of The Dune.
- Dark Slide Of The Dune.
- Violet, Lady Fair.
- Ducks On A Bender.
- Piece And Plenty.
- Peas And Twenty.
- International Association Of Door Bangers And Paper Hangers.
- Borderline Perfect.
- Border Lime.
- Hydro Gin.
- Hydro Gin: Shockingly Good.
- Carbon Nano Doobs.
- Carbon Nano Doobies.
- Lil Peace.
- Lil Peas.
- Stinky Boid.
- Mostly Flawless.
- Sarah Knave.
- Inneract.
- Inneracting.
- For Lack Of A Better Curve.
- The American Mime.
- I Feel Certain I've Tried To Remember This Before.
- I Feel Certain I've Tried To Forget This Before.
- The Bubbler Brigade.
- Betting Market For Diff: New Law: Stated vs Actual Consequences.
- Happy Mudders Day.
- Dead Limes.
- Dead Limes And Commitments.
- Overrated And Under Appreciated.
- Rap Race.
- Wrap Race.
- At The Corner Of Young And Dunn.
- Nicholas Pearl.
- Pearl Nicholas.
- Nick 1 Pearl 2.
- Become A Part Of The Solution: Dissolve Yourself...
- Gallic Dread.
- Ellen Jackson.
- I Am Ehoh.
- Untamed Memory.
- Crypticism.
- Zevon Monn Knighted Yesterday By King John The Good.
- Good Naroo.
- Meet Alice Boldin At The Bowling Alley.
- The Right To Prepare.
- I See Edmund, I See Lance...
- Green Planting Flour.
- Green Planting Flower.
- Dilbert Leaves Home To Go Meet Eddie On The Dark Side Of The Far Side Where He Develops Pink Eye Of The Tiger.
- Whose Glue Dis Is? | Pouts: Das He Glue. | Sucks Teeth: You Cold Now!
- Don't Cry For Me Rog And Tina!
- Come Spy For me Rog And Tina.
- The Good, The Bed, And The Hugly.
- The Good, The Bed, And The Snugly.
- Way Back Whenner. (Whener?)
- Cotillionaire.
- Marinara Trench.
- Soca Ways.
- Canned Ale.
- Organic Fugues.
- Continental Games.
- Critic Sized.
- Chique Filet.
- Judy Two Lips.
- Register Of Dangerous Research.
- How Much Does A Soca Weigh?
- It ain't easy till it's over.
- It ain't over till it's easy.
- Nude Jumbo Shrimp: oxymoron with less on.
- Hick Of A Good Time.
- Ghost Froggy: Phantom Of The Hopra.
- Killing your enemy via search results.
- Roughing The Pasta.
- Gal Wants To Marry Nate.
- Better Dan's Burgers.
- Bowling For Hours.
- Spandex Parfait.
- Virtually Simultaneous.
- Sir Valence.
- Hoptamist: Frog with a sunny disposition.
- He started with no good choices and they continued to dwindle.
- Unstockable: Item that flies off the shelf.
- The Plenty Gone.
- Crow Is Me.
- The Equation Of Life!
- Cocaine Hippo Versus Piranas.
- Country Ignorant.
- Will introducing a UBI (living wage level) result in a new nomadic culture?
- 10 Pin Wrasslin.
- Inga Land.
- M.C. Nail.
- M.C. Nobody.
- Tennessee Frisky.
- Rehearsed Improv.
- Dis Solution.
- Misapplied Rules.
- Misapplied Rules Of Thumb.
- Tim Ferl.
- Microfoam.
- The man in the zinc.
- Mike Rowe sell your light?
- Mike Lowe sell your light?
- A Long History of Mostly Nothing.
- The Translating House.
- Ironically Iconic.
- Iconically Ironic.
- Cost of living contour map.
- Wet goat don't know how dry goat feel.
- Hal, Lucy, Nate, and Jeddie shun reality.
- How old is that lever?
- Put your Mistrust in Me.
- Each and every something.
- Each and every someday.
- The Extra Invisible Tax.
- Another Crick In The Fall. (Creek?)
- New song game: P1: submit lists of artists| P2: submit "story" made of parts of lines of lyrics from songs from artists in P1's list. (In order is better)
- Mission to Marzipan.
- Plot Cakes. (Plotcakes.)
- Mister Meener.
- Misty Meener.
- Glimpses Of Gin.
- The J is silent Bob.
- It is designed to be broken.
- Viral Vectors.
- Restless Egg Syndrome.
- Contusion has its costs.
- P1: I'll believe that when bacon! | P2: ??? | P1: You know, when pigs fry.
- Piers Pierce.
- Dashing Trudy Snow.
- Sleight Of Mind.
- Carolima Beans.
- Carolina Beams.
- Termites And Contusions Applied.
- Dead Limes And Comicments.
- Who da bell ring for?
- A Whiter Shade of Ale.
- A Wider Shade Of Ale.
- Other People's Texas.
- Crab Walken.
- Primal Steam.
- Primal Stream.
- Feast Brook.
- Feast Book.
- Ezra Light.
- Beet Dreams And Boo Genes.
- Indoor Drive In Movie Theatre.
- Ozzy Man Diaz: Mexican Family Moves Down Under.
- Spray Pal.
- Cram de la cram.
- Three Curds and the Spook: a ghost story.
- Hard Polka.
- Heavy Metal Polka.
- She goes hunting in her sleep.
- She goes running in her sleep.
- Larry Berg and his brother Ice and his other brother Larry.
- Shandy Towns. (Towns where the pubs can only serve shandys.
- Lake Punch A Train.
- Tour de Chance.
- Eggs Before Duty.
- A Litter Of Cola.
- When Hairy Met Sally.
- Ace Venn Diagram.
- Close without shaving.
- Clothes without shaving.
- Clothes but no cigar.
- Stop biting insects!
- Percy buys Shelley.
- Fleece 'em Plenty.
- Baldy Moore.
- Leg Zeppelin.
- Lima Bean Stoop.
- Whole Lotta Mosey.
- Whole Lotta Monet.
- Hamster Dam.
- Blind Date Cinema.
- Legends Of More.
- Age And Bacon.
- The Fringe Eye Tuk.
- The Come Back Inn.
- The Weepy Hen.
- Skillionaire.
- Izzy Dunn.
- Juicy More Then I?
- Juicy > <(o)>?
- Juan Hit Wanda.
- Lead Zipline.
- Our Kind Of Nothing.
- The right type of zero.
- The right type of infinity.
- The right kind of infinity.
- Land before Lime. (Limes.)
- Bread Hop Chimmy Papers.
- das Amazin.
- das Wild.
- das Proper.
- Reasonable Grout.
- Reasonable Pout.
- Param Eaters.
- Baracuda Tattoos.
- Paracuda Tattoos.
- The Truth About Potcakes.
- The Secret Lives Of Potcakes.
- Potcakes By The Dozen.
- Rocker Billy's Tea.
- Rocker Billy Teas.
- Twin Brothers: Zy and Art Deco.
- Richard Tate aka Dick Tater.
- Woody Chopin
- Chopin Woods
- After The Revolution.
- Anik dotes on evidence.
- The middle of the middle.
- The middle of the centre.
- The middle of the center.
- Is nothing something?
- The Comically Hick.
- The Comically Hip.
- The Comically Hit.
- The Comically Tripped.
- Open Hat Surgery.
- Bad Mood Rising.
- Spies With Little Eyes.
- Edward Edwards.
- Edward Ward.
- Ward Ward.
- Ward Edwards.
- What if Claude named his daughter Sarah?
- Famous Apple Dog From The Middle East.
- High Wire Racing. (New international sport?)
- Gene Banking.
- Toote And Naill. (Toote and Niall?)
- The Penultimate Jones.
- Banana Hand Royalty.
- Never Again Music.
- Grant Grant.
- Grant Grant's grant.
- Who sank the zinc sink?
- What sank the zinc sink?
- Where the zinc sink sank.
- Where did the zinc sink sink?
- Why the zinc sink sank.
- Why did the sinc sink sink?
- When the zinc sink sank.
- When did the zinc sink sink?
- How the zinc sink sank.
- How did the zinc sink sink?
- The Furst Of Forth.
- The Fault Of July.
- The Fault Of You Lie.
- A Betting Market On Campaign Promises.
- He Know A Ting Or Two Bout Tings And Numbahs.
- Power pecked: Rooster Got A Robo Hen...
- Arial is Not My Type!
- The Good, The Gooder, And The Goodest!
- To End Tanking: Last team in each conference has a 1/x (say 1/4) chance of being forced to be sold to new owners via auction.
- Chilly Ray Gunn.
- The Smell Of A Heart Breaking.
- Verbal Rasslin. Stain Design. (Speaking and writing.)
- Current records versus historical by current country and age to historical world (and olympic) records.
- Society For The Elimination Of Adjectives. (Especially those that can be used for comparisons. All?)
- Arty Fecal Gravity.
- Artsy Fecal Gravity.
- Coaching Ella.
- Conch Freeda.
- Is digital "human-only" cash possible?
- Baseball Fundraising: Every Pitcher Tells A Story, Donate!
- The goop, the brad and the snuggly.
- People Versus Themselves.
- No Otherwhere To Go.
- System Of A Dune.
- All The Right Flaws.
- Fud Processor.
- Bud Eye Do!
- Insta-Touk: Just Add Water.
- The Earl Of Avocado.
- The Earl Of Advogato.
- Mudrat Sushi, Two Cam Sham.
- Benjamin de Neitzsche.
- Thought: Recall voting should be as easy as or easier than main election voting.
- Tony, Orlando, And Dawn. (3 people.)
- Miss de Meenah.
- BritCoin.
- Hopper Rater.
- Beware Werebee!
- Posh Terry Tea.
- Slow Social.
- Petri Attic: culture above the ceiling.
- Gapspeed: rushed selfie haircut: He sportin gapspeed!
- What if you mis-insult someone?
- Walk In Videos: Pass By Videos: Turn Around Videos.
- Str8 out da can! "Good" Eats!
- Tokin Brown.
- Atlas Unshrugged.
- Atlas Unplugged.
- Stan Key.
- Gully Blue.
- Luggy Llama.
- Rainy Rainey. Sunny Rainey. Windy Rainey. Stormy Rainey.
- Off Ward.
- Blu Green.
- Rebus Videos: Rebus puzzles spread over time.
- Larry the Luggy Llama versus Alfred the Assertive Alpaca.
- I Reddit on Facebook!
- Whatever Boats Your Float!
- Gabardine Soup.
- 16 Tumms.
- Tug Life.
- Do Tank. (D. Tank?)
- Dark Annette.
- Darker Net.
- The Bent Side Of The Spoon.
- The End Of An Error.
- The End Is An Eror.
- The Free Toe Band 'E Toe!
- We Didn't Bake The Fryer!
- Buy One Get One Freak!
- Belly Button Lint Paper. (Of the Stars?)
- Turbot Time.
- Mortology.
- Mortangle.
- Ejection Day.
- The Colour Of Manic.
- Under Cover Of Manic.
- How Much Nothing Is Too Much?
- Learn Patience in 30 Years. A simplified, easy, beginners guide!
- Poutine And The Starfish.
- Willie Meeta and Betty Wont.
- Hollywood has a big problem with/for casting non-X actors in X roles. (Iterate through various values for X.)
- Other cultures and other countries have their own and often different rules of thumb.
- Exhilariding.
- Slow Rushed.
- Escalator to havana.
- Misosippi.
- Database-> Law Id : Law Title/Name : Text/link : Number of People Charged : Number of People Convicted
- The Reaper Cushions.
- He See Money.
- E. Sea Money.
- Edward Charles Monet.
- Zhark's Quarks. Zhark's Dark Quarks.
- Ham Bition Takes A Tumble.
- Jenna Ricks Device.
- Jenna-Rick Devices.
- Something Changes Everything.
- Buttle Limes.
- Issa Bowe.
- The Mam Show.
- Walking Felix.
- Silicone Sam.
- Wybe Xhosa.
- No law Without Working Code Where Applicable.
- Raisin Awareness Week.
- Raisin Arizona, population 2048 (or 2223?)
- Thoman Jones From Beijing China: AKA: Pekin Tom.
- The Punching Judy Show: Today's Episode: Judy auditions for a beverage company.
- That may not explain the trends in the data but it explains some of the cases.
- The Pungent Pun Gent. (Is a fun gent.)
- Cut The Crepe.
- Mean White Band.
- Mode White Band.
- Art At Work.
- Ethel Edit Co.
- Whole Sailors.
- The Barking Rock.
- Mango Terry.
- Can I Ask You A Stupid Question? Apparently...
- Rail Tunnels To The Ports.
- Can you buy an "object", cut/rip/disassemble it into sub pieces/parts and sell those pieces... legally? Modify pieces before selling?
- Nurse Yes / Therapist Maybe / Orderly Perhaps.
- What animal "takes" the most blows in the Bahamas? (Bees!)
- Bent Side Of The Spoon.
- Bark Side Of The Spoon.
- L.I.T. Lacking In Talent.
- The Chemistry Of Romance. (Dopamine + ?)
- O Water Knight! Water Lady, Water Knight.
- The Assurance Market and Assurance Insurance.
- The Associated Rumour Factory.
- Tan Catcher.
- Tom Catcher.
- Tar Catcher.
- The Duchess Of Dookie.
- Stairway To Having.
- Blazing Shadows.
- Turner Brown.
- Berl Fudge.
- Mirror, Mirror, On The Stand, Who's The Most Fair In The Land?
- The Fastest Roach In The West.
- Crab Maga - The fighting style of the Soldier Crab (and other crabs.)
- Registry of homes on county or state lines or national borders.
- Poetry Junkie - he never met a verse / rhyme he didn't like.
- Debt Wish.
- Fishin Lyin.
- Fish And Lyin.
- Trading Whoppers.
- Dead Metal.
- Dead Leopard.
- Snack Chat.
- Snack Chap.
- A Wealth Of Poor Joes.
- A Fright Of Gaulins.
- Jack Barry Nymble.
- A Darker Shade Of Kale. (Greener)
- He Dived Off The Doving Board.
- He Dove Off The Boring Board.
- Major Preppers Deadly Fart Club Band.
- Man Of Constant Borrow.
- Rock The Cash Bar.
- Insufficient Excess.
- Ragin Okra.
- Lenny Skin Ed.
- Taco Whyle.
- Lonesome Or Bust.
- Eastern Fandom Time.
- Two Hit Wonders.
- Pink Cattle Lack.
- Pink Cattle ACK.
- Pink Cattle Act.
- Toad A Villa.
- Modern Tribal Life. Contiguous vs. Distributed Tribes...
- A Better Quality Nothing.
- Nap King Kole.
- Fresh Antiquities.
- Latest Oldies.
- Young Elders.
- Time Lapse / Change Maps Of Property Ownership (including owner's net worth.) and Crime Stats & Property Values.
- Anti Gravy Tea.
- Big Inch.
- Nuketron.
- Marlin Benjamin.
- Tua Day.
- Colin Oscar Pinder.
- Moses Banks Sydes.
- The Most Disinterested Man In The World.
- BPNN - Bullet Point News Network.
- Tua Daze.
- Manuel Petty.
- Dueling Banknotes.
- Rat Battles.
- My Fall To The Top.
- My Plunge To The Top.
- Routine Poutine. Poutine Routine.
- Step aside Hangry, Fangry just showed up and he's really Fangry. (Fake Angry.)
- Really Fake.
- Echo And The Burning Men.
- Echo of a Burning Man.
- Crime In A Bottle.
- A Few Good Benjamins.
- Dueling Ponchos.
- Dueling Panchos.
- Nassabamas.
- (TB)^2(TB)^2B.
- Mavis Culpepper.
- Auto Untune.
- Auto Detune.
- Missle Tote.
- Otto The Tune.
- Otto The Tuner.
- Iowa Man.
- Generic Trademark.
- Uniquely Generic.
- ? Smith, Forged In ?
- Baby Dal - Subcontinental Infant Food.
- Horton Cole, master plumber.
- Asteroid mining crypto coins.
- The Best Kind Of Nothing.
- A Better No One.
- Gapspeed Gyal.
- Eclectic Heel.
- Fink Ployd.
- Staticfactual.
- Statusfactual.
- C-Leb - C level celebrity.
- Proposal - online newspapers must be under version control available to the public. (Published only is fine.)
- What if Jessie's girl was Stacy's mom?
- De Liver delived de liver.
- We need to find a solution to this problem! And by we, I mean we!
- Loogie Crisp.
- Mullet Master.
- Diluted Water.
- The Diluted Water Cookbook.
- The Time Zoners.
- Dat Dude is Time Zone!
- Dat Dude Is Time Zoned Right Out!
- The Grape Pretender.
- Progressive Pricing At The Pub - the first cup is the cheapest.
- The Neuralink Murders.
- The "UnTravel" Channel - dedicated to uncalled travels in basketball.
- Booger Baker.
- Quorum Team.
- Quorum Teen.
- Minor Swell.
- Not much to tell.
- Not much to dell.
- Asset backed political promises & other wrinkles.
- Blockchain & smart contract political promises.
- Fact Check: (noun) Alternate Opinion. (verb) to express an alternate opinion.
- The gift that keeps on taking.
- 50 rare, interesting History photos from the Future.
- How to spot a Hippo quick.
- Bahamas! Don't Land In She Park!
- Proposed law - Leaders can only invest in complete market index funds. Discuss.
- Born Late.
- Epic Epoch.
- That's A Lot For A Little Lot!
- Non-voluntary Suicide.
- Children Are The Future, Therefore The Future Is Here!
- The Real Truth About Fake News!
- The Reel Truth About Fake News!
- Near Debt Experience!
- Bahama Hem Press.
- Bahama Ham Press.
- Game Eats.
- Sir Ginalot.
- Sir Genalot.
- Funny Or Dry
- Ripping Off An A.I.
- Novel with a "relay race" of protagonists. (Short Time Frame, not decades.
- Too Good To Be A Hit.
- Achoo Puncher.
- Achoo Pincher.
- Achoo Pinscher.
- Tweyecess.
- Beautifaux.
- Demo Crack.
- Victim Hoodie.
- Wictim Hoodie.
- Neighbour Hoodie / Neighbor Hoodie.
- How Far Is Then?
- How Far Is They?
- Ari Hemp.
- Ari Hem.
- Ari Hen.
- You're ruining your art to protect your income.
- A World Of Winners.
- New Style - cut a young, fulle head of hair to look like a toupee.
- Best "rich" song by a "broke" writer/artist. (Broke since birth/never rich.)
- Best "broke" song by a "rich artist/writer. (Rich since birth/never broke.)
- The chicken crossed to the third side of the road.
- She tiptoed noisily to the bathroom at midnight.
- Labour Board.
- How to avoid the Labour Bored Trap!
- Pasta And Presents.
- Pasta And Presence.
- Significant Otter.
- Culprit Media.
- Vhat 'e neem his?
- How To Pour Zingers!
- Noon to Free.
- Where there's a Will there's a Fay.
- Adventures of Juan TuTree.
- Just In Time Doh!
- I've Eaten My Last Regret!
- Thought - all (?business?) taxes in capital city double the rate of anywhere else in the country. So long as the capital is in the top X (?10?) of business cities in the country?
- Shooter The Loon!
- Obi City.
- Obi Sitter.
- Obi Jay.
- Oh! Be Jay!
- Elvish Costello.
- Elvish Press Lee.
- Nessie Scary.
- Nestle Scary.
- Argumentative Chords.
- I So Metric!
- I Sew Metric.
- Jello Brick Road.
- El Ton Juan.
- Tessa Driver.
- Main Stream Medium.
- War And Sap.
- More Than One Way To Skim A Flat.
- Fry And The Celly Foam.
- Life Thrives On Inequality.
- Life Requires Inequality.
- Theft By Complexity.
- The Gauntlet - (Athletic?) Challenge Game.
- How Much Did Gary Grant?
- That's Disgusting! But Is It True Though?
- There Is A Whole Industry Designed To Make The Newly Rich Poor Again.
- Sounds Serious (Ominous Even) - The Page (Book) That Sipped Blood.
What Had Happen Was - I Got A Paper Cut. - SSOE - My Blade Tasted Blood! WHHW - I Cut My Hand Trying To Cut An Apple.
- Ideas ≈ Virtual DNA? (Social DNA?)
- Adjectives Of Feeling.
- One Of The Best Ways To Get Someone To Believe A Lie You Tell Them Is To Tell That Lie To Them In A Way That Makes You Look Bad. (Discuss.)
- Crypto Gnome Icon. - Combo Garden Statue and Hardware Crypto Wallet.
- Monocled Busy Bodies.
- The Doxxed Of Society.
- Rug Ed's Carpet Emporium.
- An Average Medium.
- Fauxjito.
- Remoan Itching.
- Misleading Facts.
- Can Two Or More Nations Peacably Live On The Same Land?
- Dry Water. All The Dry Water You Want! Free! Just Pay Delivery!
- The Honest Truth.
- De Wellup Mints.
- De Wellup Mince.
- Peter Morse, AKA Pete Moss.
- Message Of The Dude.
- Red Sceppling. (Scepplin?)
- Kin Chasm.
- A Saline Boat.
- Roger Rogers.
- Hailey Haley.
- Sarah Vesa.
- Grayve Roberts.
- Mouth See Tongue.
- Wok Lobster.
- Calendrical.
- Carmen And The Scene.
- Carmen On The Scene.
- Searching His Whole Life For An Immortal Phrase.
- Searching His Whole Life For An Immortal Melody.
- Searching His Whole Life For An Immortal Harmony.
- Searching His Whole Life For An Immortal Tune.
- Nowhere To Go That Ain't Far Away.
- The Don Mask Regions.
- The Don't Ask Regions.
- Give teams with better records better draft picks, give those with worse records higher salary caps.
- He's a cad Amy!
- Marginal Eyes.
- Margin Eyes.
- Margarine Eyes.
- Virginal Eyes.
- De Moral Eyes.
- Sioux City Queue. (Que.)
- Happy Burp Day!
- A Particle Without Mass.
- How Much Does Light Weigh?
- How to succed in a big way without manipulating others.
- Sportin & Supportin.
- Delapidated - see decapitated and imagine the rest.
- Luken Johns.
- Noirtist.
- Noirtech.
- Sharky Malarkey.
- Lil Missy Rebel.
- Shucks Brad!
- Prepare To Dye!
- Were Ball.
- Vin Dictive.
- Vin Dictate.
- Car Lenders.
- Facts in Black, Opinions in Blue.
- The Wasted Rum.
- You can't pass a law that will prevent people from breaking the law.
- New Bids On The Dock.
- New Birds On The Dock.
- Those who say money does not grow on trees never heard of Hedge Money!
- The Vigil Aunties.
- The Broke Era.
- A Long History Of Practically Nothing.
- A Long Future Of Practically Nothing.
- Sir Stained's Abilities.
- Vincent Richard Tate.
- Things that can be funged.
- My friends Really and Truly.
- Sir Wellin Truly.
- Truly Truly.
- Ezzy Tate.
- Dream Pig.
- Russel Maniac.
- True or False? Every team in a league can have a winning culture.
- The Long Short Wars.
- The Short Long Wars.
- The Young Man And The Bee.
- The Family wasn't more deadly per se. They just killed a larger percentage of those they attacked. Unintentionally of course.
- Pieces of Hate.
- Bustle Memory.
- Sheena Niggans.
- The Chess Diet.
- A Community Of One.
- Longa and Louda, da brudders Dahn.
- You may have a right to try in places you don't have a right to succeed.
- Closed Sandals.
- Gnu Men.
- AntiLific.
- Back Space Boys.
- Margie Raine. Marge Raine.
- Naughts and Draughts.
- Horse With No Shame.
- Large Girl In A Small Hat.
- Diluted Distilled Water, made with only the freshest ingredients.
- Refined Water.
- Artificial Rain Water.
- Dat Dan Moore he can chew.
- More Moves Than A Hot Tomato.
- Name That Tomb.
- Epic Rolle.
- Teano Clarke.
- Tiny Danger.
- Packer Lies.
- Daydream Achiever.
- A Last Tickle.
- A Last Tickle Romance.
- Eardley Eardley.
- Whine And Please Party.
- The Giddy Hop - New dance crazy! Sweeping the Nation!
- An Innocent Strife.
- Toe Fu - fighting with just the toes.
- The Three Toe Bandito!
- 60 ways to blow your cover.
- What Papa Rat See?
- Little old lady named Faster Deena.
- For want of a moment.
- For want of a motion.
- Coco Mo Coosies.
- Coosie Capers.
- Coosie Me Please.
- The trader, the homebody, the gormand, the stoic, the dramatist/melodramatic.
- Can I get a weakness?
- Dey don't call him Llama Foot Jones fa nuttin ya know!
- Dye Some Kites.
- Depressed? Deep Rest!
- Cafe Diem.
- Combruction Manual.
- Slo Stone Mic.
- Breathe In The Ethernet.
- Private Amy.
- Affordable Arrogance.
- Cecil LaVie.
- The Capalist.
- Weeder Sheeple.
- Blair Blair. (Double Names)
- Dat Fella Need A Bus!
- Biscuit, Biscuit, Lend Me Your Brush!
- Izzy Mow, joined as a private but worked his way to the top.
- History of nail clipping, or, how nails were clipped before clippers were invented.
- Happy ever asked her.
- The Farthing Glass.
- The Farthing Grass.
- The Truth is in the Shoulding.
- The Big Bong Theory.
- The Last Time. (Club.)
- How many "Four Horsemen" were there?
- Da Big Bestest Book Of Bartender Moves.
- Leaded Mixology.
- Copper Ed's Road.
- It's all over but the for gooding.
- Lizarding.
- Castor Roll.
- Castor Role.
- Castor Rolle.
- LuCastor Rolle.
- Why did the biddie cross the road?
- Making progress towards demolishing the building.
- The Adventures Of Derring, or, What Derring Do!
- All the best jokes have already been told!
- The All Ready Bean.
- Dead Pan Reactions.
- Working For The We Can.
- Working For The Wee Can.
- One two tree, getta sana pee.
- The Some Time State.
- The Mystery Meet.
- Awl and Sun Dry.
- Unnatural Predators.
- Paul Paul, Foster Foster, Grant Grant, River Rivers, Ryan Ryan (Double Names)
- The Battle of Somewhen.
- The King of Saying Nothing.
- The Master of Nothing.
- Dating Ice Age Women.
- Mr. Plonk and the Gasparilla Circus.
- Elect me leader and I will RAIZE your standard of living!
- Let the Boy Wander. (Buoy)
- Smart contracts? How about smart laws?
- A time of inner scents.
- Laid low by love.
- OVP: Only Valuable Player.
- The Power to Wealth Ratio / Power to Income Ratio.
- Dry Mud.
- Granular Mud.
- Fake Estate.
- Fakety.
- Poker Man Joe.
- Ginger Beard.
- Road Pennies.
- Rogue Pennies.
- I Am Weekend Poor.
- The Shrimp just paid off his last loan.
- Company Value Per Employee.
- The Art Of Consternatiom.
- Poker Ban Joe.
- Tainted Tane.
- Linoleum TNT.
- Linoleum C4.
- Key Man Brock.
- Cue Rater.
- Queue Rater.
- Queue Raider.
- Wrestle Island.
- Catatonic Tales.
- Prod Cast.
- Small Tings.
- Jenna Jenner.
- Enoch Enoch.
- Melon Tusk.
- Jolly Pardon.
- Jolly Partin.
- Jelly Pardon.
- Jelly Partin.
- Mr. Eclectic.
- The Peep Holes Champion.
- Desert Pirate.
- Ronaldo and Alberto Duran.
- Gravity is not a Farce.
- Quantum Cluck.
- Mat Duel.
- Matt Duel.
- Underwear for Left Handed Men.
- Salt Wife: Lot's Lot.
- Blunt Old Vegans.
- Things To Consider When Selling Out.
- The Sell Out Check List.
- Whichineva Means You!
- Tyronical.
- Today Men.
- Hunting Large.
- Very Fawny.
- Emotion Sender.
- Emotion Sander.
- Next And Butter.
- Juan Knocked Over The Coopers' Next.
- Door Dashians. (Dashiums?)
- Nuke Dukem.
- Shaving Grace.
- Sidekick Powers.
- Comfydental.
- Ony Lil Tumbalence.
- Red Bull Rovers.
- Red Bull Nomads.
- Follow The Mummy.
- Bigger Dan University.
- The Glass Is Always Cleaner. (On the other side of the pain.)
- All The Right Angles.
- Burgers Only Cookout: Patty Party.
- Play Thompson.
- Right Moon, Wrong Shine.
- Ellis Dee.
- Can humans design a complex (or even simple) system without it having perverse incentives?
- Meaningless Dribble.
- Unified Diversity.
- Diverse Unity.
- Diversified Unity.
- Dugout Institute Of Higher Yearning.
- It's people all the way down.
- The Fifth Alto Mint.
- Pick A Package.
- Picker Package.
- The Fongo Kid.
- Two Faced Book.
- #VeeTree
- Pratt Fall.
- 242-700-2000
- Followaiting.
- Seagullians.
- Perceptual Motion.
- Live Backed Or Fried.
- Live Backed Or Fry.
- That Don Chick.
- Uuie Louis and The Newbs.
- King Of The Fall.
- Without Further I Do.
- Petty In Pink.
- Ryan's Private Savings.
- A Breezy Stillness.
- A Windy Calm.
- A Quick Eternity.
- A Quickternity.
- The Green Merry.
- The Green Hairy.
- The Power To Hate Ratio.
- Peaces Of Hate.
- Viscous Mercury.
- Law Lore / Lore Law.
- Car Du Lac. / Car De Lac.
- Can Du Lac. / Can De Lac.
- Post Punch Plans.
- Pink Void.
- The Flab Four.
- Out Rhonda Katz.
- Village Robe.
- Lies On Mars.
- Lawn Crime.
- Lawn Order.
- Lawn Odour.
- The Sound Of Lice.
- The Beet Boys.
- Rat Bat Dancer, Night Time Prancer.
- Mr. And Mrs. Tate And Their Son Levi.
- Peckish Pump.
- Apartment 2.0
- The Battle Of The Bans.
- The Lawn Moors.
- Juan And Dunn.
- (Double Names) Ervin Ervin. Cash Cash. Carl Karl. Carlton Carlton.
- Yugi Small.
- Dreamt Regret.
- Some Like It Not.
- Laid Back Perfectionist.
- Proposed new journo standard: Headline writers initials must accompany headline.
- Keifer O'Keefe. Kelly Kelly.
- Calm Rad.
- Safely Resisting or Dangerously Complying.
- England Scott.
- Pistle Point Abaco.
- Grassy Flats Andros.
- Rebuttal Bay Eleuthera.
- Brew Zillion.
- Newt Newton.
- Erryting Wictor touch sperls.
- Plaster/Bandaid on a non-wound - Token owie.
- The Guns Of Rebuttal Bay.
- Mean Stream Media.
- The Transferator - Device that can transfer any thing of value (IQ points, good looks, health, etc.) from one person to another.
- What do they call you on the inside? Dude. Just dude? Right, just dude. Righteous dude? Nope, just dude.
- The Wink Wink Loophole - AKA The Honourable Men/Caesar/Mark Antony Loophole.
- Applied Reaction Theory.
- The Nude Cookbook. (Newt?)
- A Muled Job. A Muled Effort.
- Oh Leander!
- Free The Feet!
- The Free Foot Club.
- Freshmanic.
- Fabrika Jones.
- Famous Bahamian Sayings / Famous Sayings By Bahamians / Sayings By Famous Bahamians.
- Home Town Heroes.
- A Walled Anarchy.
- Grab Some At Grabbers.
- That Don't Depress Me Much.
- That Don't Repress Me Much.
- That Don't Distress Me Much.
- NGOScopy.
- Emprathy.
- Empra Tea.
- Accitental.
- Dave Ahoy.
- Ed Ahoy.
- Genie Logical Research.
- Today's Rights: Pure democratic vote to see what rights everyone gets until tomorrow.
- Man sentenced to 20 years in prison for breathing or something else.
- Please use your zoom voice.
- Comfortably Shunned.
- Bro Ken Used Cars.
- Bro Ken Life Coaching.
- No True Mullet.
- Dark Sunlight.
- Posse Billy Teas.
- Peek Rose.
- Peak Rose.
- Guana Water.
- Turtle Tea.
- He sat down and quietly wrote out a list of all his troubles.
- Can I get a list of currently approved questions for this topic please?
- Kiss From A Roach.
- High class suits, low class walls.
- A short and tearful guide to X.
- The Discount Pack - AKA - Wolves in Cheap Clothing.
- Legal in one country, illegal in another.
- Sereena Tea.
- Tribal Nepotism.
- Malangerers.
- Hanging With The Hannas.
- Bim Bam Karoka Night.
- Bim Bam Karoka Knight.
- The Late Ricky Mortis.
- The Sanguine Philosopher.
- A Good Knight With A Bad Reputation.
- You Smell Like Raw Wine.
- You Smell Like Young Wine.
- 11 Herbs In Crisis.
- Summer Logic.
- Maynard Maynard.
- Viper Optic.
- Viper Uptic.
- Fully Rechooseable.
- On Societies And Regression Towards The Mean.
- When Progress Isn't.
- A Concise Smashed Zoology.
- A Short 2-D Zoology.
- Ratchet Minded People.
- Pendulum Minded People.
- Beauty Hidden In Ugliness.
- Long Distance Encounters With Nearby People.
- A Thirt Of Infinity.
- A Third Of Eternity.
- Martin Martin.
- Windshine.
- Sunchimes.
- Mr. Woe Betide.
- Vintalogical: the arguements you lay out from deep in your cups.
- Emperor Pine: leader of the Tree World.
- More nothing than you can stand.
- In the Salt Moonlight.
- Hash Tag Women.
- Hash Brown Women.
- Lovett or Liszt it?
- Mondell Mondale.
- Gabriel Gabriel.
- Porcine Dreams, Bovine Plans.
- The Last Knight In Town.
- Their Last Knight In Towne.
- Chain Your Lips To Me Baby.
- Penny Penny.
- Seymour Seymour.
- To Presemble.
- Manufactured Content / Contentment.
- Menufactured.
- Manufractured.
- Four Terror Bikes.
- Bobby Takins.
- The Partial Prince.
- The speed of emotion.
- You can't srart with nothing.
- At the speed of Like.
- The speed of pounds.
- Give me libraries or give me debts.
- The land of the freebies.
- Daily dose of Danny.
- Sarah Moonie.
- Robe Traffic.
- Baking Brads.
- Fiducians.
- Stupendity.
- Office Spice.
- The Non Restaurant.
- The Virtual Non Restaurant.
- Cow Chip Scoopers.
- The Repurposed Brain.
- Bitter Relaxing.
- Wonder Drawers.
- Sinder Eva.
- Love In Triplicate.
- Winslow Home Aloneah.
- Obscure Celebrity.
- The Most Famous Person No One Has Heard Of.
- The Freedom Of Nothing.
- When Kids Play With Kids.
- You're Skimpy At Best.
- Fake Working Husbands Of Miami.
- The Great Amazing.
- The Great Amazini.
- Shamtainment.
- Shamtertainment.
- Night Of The Samba Conch.
- The Ballad Of A Dollar.
- The Ballad Of A Doler.
- Cartoonery.
- Never June.
- Never September.
- Shoal Sister.
- The because Way.
- Ship Cargo.
- Chip Cargo.
- City Jim and The Birds.
- Creek Dance Clean Water Removal.
- Can Story exist without Stereotypes?
- Neon Lives, Nobel Wives.
- Vegan Zombies.
- Fly With The He Gulls.
- The After Maths.
- Rage Quip.
- Silent Quipping.
- 17 Cents and a Moment.
- The Buzzy Bit.
- The Fuzzy Bit.
- The Buzzy Fit.
- Electricity Breeders.
- Chubby Wombat.
- When The Chip Hits The Fran.
- Red Bells Ringing.
- Stinky Diamonds.
- SIP2Shore.
- Take Another Step Or Two.
- Measurements Of Modern Music.
- Prankinsense.
- Banker Edward Cash, AKA Interest Ed.
- Keep Your Pouter Dry.
- Listen! I know we're doing our best, but we can do better!
- Esso Tumeric Knowledge.
- Ordinarily Extraordinary Plane.
- Coco Vin.
- Fact Or Friction?
- Fict Or Fraction?
- Blind Fakes.
- Almost To Texas.
- Almost To Taxes.
- Time Wine.
- Delicious Compliance.
- Little Rubber Band.
- Little Rover Band.
- Little Rover Man.
- Greeez McDanial enters ring howling "Wahoooo!" - Tagline: "I'm double trouble and I'm triple EZ!" - "At what?" - "You'll find out!"
- New World Odour.
- New Word Order.
- New Word Odour.
- Tongue Twister Challenge.
- Schemery.
- Power Ranchers.
- TheSide Hassle.
- Truth For Sale.
- A Positive Step In The Wrong Direction.
- The Ghost Of Disco Pier.
- Unclaimed Memory.
- Beer, good for what Ales You!
- Cover Comedian.
- Cornbread, Foil, and Me! (Ferl)
- Smoke And A Walker.
- A Collusion Of Ideas.
- The Last Man In Nassau.
- Beverly Hills Crop.
- Big Ed Bob.
- Agnisticator.
- Elon John.
- Disco Neck.
- Foozball Knights Of Armenia.
- Famous But Little Known.
- Roker Foot Dressing.
- 4 Anon Blondes Channel.
- Ravers And The Last Quark.
- Nikies At The Opera.
- Wrestle Blower.
- Vinter Wonderman.
- Herbert Herbert.
- Vinter On Demand.
- Felonoius Dunk.
- Every Dame Is A New Dame.
- Rich Eyes 'Em!
- Alone Time With Friends.
- The Physics Of Forever.
- The Best Manning Show.
- The Best Manning Company.
- Fade To Whacked.
- What A Man Just Discovered In His Nose Terrifies The Whole World. (ear/navel)
- Das 'Lutra Van Dread!
- No One Axe Me Fa Nuttin!
- Tuesday Munday.
- 'E Head Een Good. (Short Video Series)
- My Name Is Foil. (Ferl)
- The Mad Rush In.
- Nuclear Vinter. (Nuculer Vinter.)
- Vamoose In Your Caboose!
- Mildly Viral!
- Mission Implausible.
- Mission Impassable.
- Nothing Compares To Blue.
- Thug Club! (Product / Group)
- Cultural Manicured Bush Money. (Hedge Money)
- We Ga Miserate Together.
- Together We Shall Miserate.
- East South Central High.
- Family Fugue.
- I jumped Up But It Wasn't You!
- Dallas Austin.
- Dallas In Austin.
- Austin In Dallas.
- SQL Justice For All.
- Sequel Justice For All.
- Sequel Just Us 4 Awls.
- Pinch Charming.
- Quiet Dying.
- Quiet Quoting.
- Quiet Dating.
- Après Mangé.
- Faux Pho.
- Faux Foe.
- Fired From A Barrel Store.
- The Boon Yard.
- The Boone Yard.
- Teddy Fender Bass.
- How Far Is Pho?
- Gail Gayle, Taylor Taylor, James James, Harvey Harvey, Henry Henry, Leonard Leonard, John John. Clark Clarke. Peyton Payton. Patricia Patricia. Harry Harry. Rudolph Rudolph. David David. Anthony Anthony. Tony Toney. Woodrow Woods. Woody Woods. Duncan Dunkley. Duncan Duncan. Alfred Alfred. Scott Scott. Ricardo Ricardo. Adam Adams. Samuel Samuels. (Double Names)
- You Only Live Twice The First Time.
- Diludium π (pi)
- Young Ackee.
- Lil Ackee.
- Department Of Juries Prune Dance.
- Master Pascal Goodecode.
- By: Hy Gatta, Illustrated: V. Sobahd.
- The Last Midnight.
- Sock Doc.
- Taco Sushi / Sushi Tacos.
- When Down Home Is Uptown.
- Fish And Chicks.
- A Unique Pairing Of Three People.
- I don't have a good solution, but I do have a stupid improvement.
- Just Like Smite On Lice.
- Who left their clogs out?
- The Tunny Fish Taco.
- She taught a cricket to write!
- Sark Industries.
- Dawn Repairman. When dawn breaks regularly where you live, call us!
- Earl's Dupe.
- Caption Jack.
- Executing... Exec-uting. The actions done by an executive.
- Execyating!
- ____ Ranch Institute. (Dude, Tube, Tude, Brood.)
- It is bad luck to not be superstitious.
- Chief Oxidation Officer at Rusty Nail Industries.
- Caveman Clubs International. Kaveman Klubs International.
- Jerry And The Poison Girls.
- Sheside Shutters.
- High Octane Grifter.
- My Cousin Skinny.
- In Between The Duck And The Knight.
- Brits And Cheese.
- Silk Rogues.
- Faithers.
- Bug Club.
- Nassau Port Autority. Also clearing Sherries and Maderias.
- Don't ever presume to tell someone what to do or not do.
- Dragons and Dragoons.
- No Comfy For Bold Men.
- The Volume Replacement Commission.
- The Iron Mongrel.
- Pizza Delivery Boise.
- Quinn walks into a pub and asks if anyone has seen Al. Bartender says "Al gone Quinn."
- The Stars Of June.
- Chapeau Lafite.
- Shenomi Wells.
- Debate And tackle Shop.
- Debate And Tackle Training Centre.
- Systematic Art.
- Systemic Art.
- Once he started up his "what if" generator, things went downhill fast.
- The Lois and Clarks Expedition.
- The Lois in Clarks Expedition.
- Do undercover police officers wear body cams?
- Political Nomadics.
- Subway / Submarine Insurance.
- Raptor Rangers / Raptor Riders.
- Routine Poutine.
- Poutine Routine.
- Encouraging Weights.
- An Acre Of Wine.
- We're Not Wordy!
- First Amoung Sequels.
- A Gentle Breeze From Georgia.
- Onnli Joe King.
- Breaking Beds.
- Breaking Breads.
- Breakin Beads.
- Sigh Ops.
- Experting Since 1911.
- Chicklet and The Farm.
- Chicklet and The Fan.
- Chap GPZ.
- Some Juan Like Hugh.
- Where is Where?
- What if you live in an RV and get put under house arrest?
- Real Time Romeo.
- Lubritic.
- Brad Nailor.
- Juan's Place. Wacation Willas! Good to Stay In Juan's Place!
- Juanita -> No relation to Eddie. (Juarita?)
- The Hamlet Manoeuvre.
- Low Rez, Medium Rez, High Rez, Wah Rez.
- The Ghostly Pelvis.
- No Sniffs, Hands, or Butts.
- Everything I dupe, I dupe it for you.
- Woody Driver. (name)
- That Mungo Jerry Stomp!
- You have the most beautiful eyes this side of next week.
- Chocolate Chick Cookies.
- Molly's Hat Trick.
- Brad Pitt? Dem holes is tiny! Dem tiny holes een no pit!
- Den I hear dem talkin Brad Paisley! Who eva heard bout paisley nails?
- Ode To Billy Joel.
- House built with moon, mars, asteroid, comet rocks.
- Into The Bisquick.
- A Wrong Way From Oklahoma.
- Must Be This Tall To Ride The Pine.
- When learning your A B C's, it is important that you mind your P's and Q's and take care to dot all your I's and cross all your T's.
- Mango Journey.
- Mango Jerry. Mango Gerry.
- Riki Pedia. (Rikki, Ricky, Rickey)
- The Do Club.
- Shax General Purpose Tings.
- Da Wiki Dance.
- Da Wiki Dance We Do.
- Bored Of The Things.
- Board Of The Things.
- Fritz Fritz. Maxwell Maxwell. Dirk Dirk. Lee leigh. Samuel Samuel. (Double Names)
- Yellow Cub Marine.
- Crisco Syd.
- Area 42. Group 42. Agent 42. Mystery 42. etc. 42.
- The Book of Names.
- Single Loser Mode.
- Shingle User Mode.
- A Better Meta Moonshot.
- Part Time Stupid, Full Time Slick!
- Mood Ring Over Miami.
- Gum Road.
- Gum Rogue.
- Gun Rogue.
- Atta Dent.
- Ada Dent.
- Babon Of Hope.
- Buy Tree Get Juan Free!
- Gunny Bare.
- Fam Duel.
- Priney Lobster.
- Lake December.
- Lake Spring.
- Harriet Lamb.
- Festus Wolf(e).
- The Duke Of Dutchies.
- Wanna Bagel. Juan A. Bagel.
- Wing It vs. Ad Lib.
- Nomad Hermit.
- Nomadic Hermit.
- The Moaning Hour.
- Six West Virginia.
- Nandway.
- Justin Case: Luggage Detective.
- Nap Stick. Dirt Nap Stick.
- Intentionally Blank Marketing.
- Blank Canvas Book.
- Digital Day Labourer.
- BS Creative, Trading, And Indutry Empire Limited.
- Like and Recommend Web Site and Engine.
- Da Lutra Two Step.
- How To Kill Dead Rats.
- The Business Hen.
- Naughty Turner Teas.
- Naughty Turn A Tease.
- Pour Me A Clue. Pour Me A Cold Clue.
- Indelible Illusions.
- A 10 Foot Pole. The Kraków Giant.
- A Fist Of Beethoven.
- Mocha Chic.
- Spandex Ballet.
- Heavy On The Outside.
- Light On The Upside.
- Black Velvet And A Country Mile.
- Tribal Digital Nomads.
- Chief Burgher In Paradise.
- Progressively Conservative.
- Conservatively Progressive.
- Tampa Proof.
- Land Ho.
- Stan Beside Me.
- Harmeet Gideon.
- Tampa Toote.
- Jetset's Gensets.
- Hippy Titus.
- Eagle Woman.
- Mo Anka.
- A Sea Hanker.
- A.C. Hankerin.
- Emotional Logic.
- The Miyys With Fingerprints.
- The Candid Eight.
- Our Man Hammer.
- Send Tree 21.
- An Inconvienent Booth.
- An Inconvienent Tooth.
- A Sunshine Education.
- Freon John's Cold Shoulder Club.
- Brighton Early.
- Brighton Eardley.
- Lan Antonio.
- Chopin's Landing.
- Rubber Shoal.
- Soda Major.
- Hackmosphere.
- Artful Codger.
- A Shining Arthur Back In The Past.
- A Shining Arthur Bach In The Past.
- Looking better than a feeling, feeling better than a note.
- Reason Ebble Price.
- The Merchant Maureen.
- Emotional Rex Cue.
- Rum For Your Life!
- It is what it ain't!
- Lost in a world of endless make believe, he is suddenly confronted with the harsh reality of calories.
- Don't gimme no limes and keep your hens to yourself!
- Chopin's Wood.
- The Wheels Of Feel.
- Broke Music.
- The Sigogglin Seagillian.
- De Whyte Yokels.
- Muay Thai Quinn.
- Muay Thai Twins.
- Mai Tai Quinn.
- Mai Tai Twins.
- The Butter Did It!
- Sweet Delta V.
- Sweet Georgia T.
- Elbow Easterns.
- Macaroni Easterns.
- Old Giza.
- Ludacrosity.
- Fast Life Blues.
- Pegracorn Herding Camp.
- Spelling Bee For The Deaf.
- Pegracorn Flying Association.
- Pegracorn Galactic.
- Sleight of Tongue.
- Mystery Chic.
- Kumquat May / Cumquat May.
- Racing driver famous for overtaking in the turns. Nicknamed The Apext Predator.
- ________ will be the real cause of any Future Idiocracy.
- One Day And A Crime.
- One Day At A Crime.
- Rum With A Few.
- My bruddah way you is?
- Sans Salad - Conch Salad Sans Conch!
- Unapoplectic.
- Blues Cruise.
- Prodcasting.
- Zweat.
- Department Of Weights And Measures - Peck Detectives.
- Is It Possible To Know Everything About Nothing?
- Is It Possible To Know Everything About Anything?
- Real Numbers Are Blind.
- The hActive hAbaconian!
- The "Making It Bix In X!" series. eg. X=shrimp, microscopes, etc.
- A Well Oiled Non-Functioning System.
- Come A Chameleon.
- Do Lizard People Show Up On IR?
- U-Neek Shirts. (Apparel, Items.)
- Splaycation.
- Spaycation.
- Straycation.
- The Vac Scene.
- Chictoc.
- Dangerous And Defective.
- Is Stan Bull Of A Man?
- Secret Mistakes.
- Failure Is Not An Action.
- Wayne On The Woof.
- Perforation J.
- Suboptimal Genius.
- Eupherina.
- The Magnificant.
- Master Cates.
- Big Karna.
- Carpet Surgeon.
- Extraction - Action, Thriller based around a Dental Office.
- Recipaucity.
- Recipravity.
- Az Dust Storm Starter Kits.
- 100% Cotton, 10% Polyester. I give 110% and I Insist that my clothes do too!
- My Machette A Mio.
- Passing Out Ceremony. (Lots of fainting here.)
- The Tyranny Of The Settled.
- Mutable Groups v.s Immutable Groups.
- On The Creation Of Treadmills.
- On The Proliferation Of Treadmills.
- Blame It On The Boston Oval.
- Titanic Relocation Project.
- Ettah Gormet.
- Dive Talkin!
- Fear Of Moving Out.
- Fear Of Moving Over.
- Fear Of Mean Orangatantgs.
- Fear Of Muddy Ovaltine.
- Fear Of Moving Oranges.
- Breeze Hunters.
- The Laughing Instinct.
- Miss Nouning.
- Fear Of Moving Over.
- Terminal Velocity - how fast you can run in airports.
- Life After Debt.
- That's So This Morning!
- Game Of Phones.
- Timing On A Curve.
- Good things made by committee.
- When Lorraine washes your jeans you'll know.
- High Quality Energy.
- Chip Storm.
- Uniformly Diverse.
- The Girl From Echinacea.
- A Theory Of Wind. (As in Up.)
- The No Shin Zone.
- The Notion Zone.
- Fight For Free? Dumb!
- Social Proof - Argumentum Ad Populum?
- The Green Curtain.
- The Handbook Of Alien Crafts.
- Nine Minuted To Lonely.
- The Baffle Em Option.
- Striptagic Thinking.
- Excess Moderation.
- Ancient Worriers.
- Break-In Records.
- Muggy Bun.
- Soggy Cracker.
- Half And Half Running Water.
- A Surfeit Of Moderation.
- Ancient Modernism.
- Ancient Post Modernism.
- Think Before You Wink!
- Extratain Us!
- Presidential Rum.
- Stan On The Rum.
- Real Danger.
- Reel Danger.
- The Sound Of Free Gum.
- The Sound Of Free Guns.
- Weird Albuquerque.
- World's Strongest Fan.
- Bald Egg And Pigeon Toe.
- The gift would not fit in the box because it was too large.
- The gift did not fill the box because it was too large.
- Bakers Can't Be Choosers.
- Unmentionable By Name.
- Farce Sighted.
- Opportunity to exceed.
- WATT the Hick.
- Dallas Houston.
- Shenia Bain.
- Alf And Alf Productions.
- Till Terry Dak Come Home.
- Dak Terry get catch wid e hand in da till.
- Boomer Has It.
- iFoam.
- Tin Lizzard.
- Tim Lizzard.
- Slim Dunk.
- Smooth Grain.
- Cold Hard Grain.
- August August. River Rivers. Elliott Elliott. Evan Evans. Felix Felix. Tracy Tracy. Francis Francis. Henry O'Henry. Neal O'Neal. Stirling Stirling. Philip Philips. Todd Todd. Drew Drew. Andrew Andrews. Andre Andre.(Double Names)
- Tuesday Munday.
- The Future Of Success Is Wow!
- Onions, peel 'em and weep!
- Bad Bret.
- Bret Rude.
- The Well Known Stranger.
- World Famous For Being Anonymous.
- Making The Plastered Scene.
- I Saw The Goats Of Elvis.
- I Saw The Ghostly Pelvis.
- The Question Factory.
- Ing A Rum Swims Like A Peng A Win Doo!
- Whiter Spade Of Shale.
- Department Of Absolute Madness.
- Keepin Da Fakes.
- Legend Dairy.
- Booze War Z.
- Write Or Die.
- Wink Or Die.
- Munchie Indiana.
- The Sunday Side Of The Street.
- The SOmeday Side Of The Street.
- Tick Talk- The Bloodsucker Show.
- Placebonic Concentrator.
- Hava Cadava - Cuban Mortician gets to Fl and becomes a magician.
- Try Sara's Tops.
- Redneck Rackets.
- Redneck Androids.
- Greeters - AKA, The Hi Team.
- Stuck In The Chroma Zone.
- He's not a Munster, he's just a little Offfff.
- Band Of The Bund.
- Band Of The Bundt.
- Prepper Rating.
- Prepper Raiding.
- American Hair Lines.
- Rumour Hazzett. (Hazzitt.)
- Savings And Loam.
- Sayings And Loan.
- Maker Bayfield.
- Sarah Monet.
- Expect Butter.
- Stars In Jars.
- Seep Geeks.
- Gate Creeper.
- Seven Bridgets Rogue.
- Seven Bridgets Robes.
- Hard Work And Sunshine.
- A Well Bodied Nobody.
- Dapper Mac.
- The Deadly Benahza Bean.
- Luke Warm And The Boys.
- Mantality.
- BroTalks.
- BroToks.
- Pod Casper.
- Tidal Life.
- Rock Soft.
- Sweet Luggy Woman.
- Can I Get A Whiplash?
- Society for the Agitation of the Pedantic.
- The Too Sooners.
- The Two Soomers.
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how unique are you?
- Take See Driver.
- Tack Sea Driver.
- Mister Joe Key.
- Niagara Fell.
- Version Gator X.
- Ashey Rolle.
- True Grip.
- True Grep.
- Fake Rain.
- Fake Waves.
- The Catalitic Conversion Blues.
- Where Ego, Id like to Know.
- Grapeful Bread - couldn't wait for the raisins.
- Pirate Air Force.
- Scallywag Army.
- Watchaching.
- Listener Of Whys.
- Listener Of Wise. / Wize.
- Let me fry that again.
- Just fry that again!
- Fry that again you bad!
- Buck An Ear Navy.
- Cooler Men.
- ZOG Industries.
- Hope And Carry.
- Free Conundrums.
- Agreedus.
- Satchquest.
- Hawk Heady.
- Juan Delamore.
- Juan de l'Amore.
- Consistently Inconsistent.
- Inconsistently Consistent.
- Jonathan Newman aka Johnny Come Lately.
- Somebody's Gotta Dupe It.
- Is your gut instinct to blame the seller or the buyer?
- Annual International John B. Sail Competition.
- On a scale of Φ to π, how unique are you?
- He knows more about ignorance than any other person ever.
- The Man From Fiction.
- Hippo Critters.
- The Cabillionaire Club. The Kabillionaire Klub.
- Hippo Quitters.
- Good things come to those who freight.
- Dark Aqua.
- Hedda Rolle.
- Rollie Rolle.
- Edsel Rolle.
- Artificial Reality.
- MoTeesha.
- Cold Leads.
- Holodek Inn.
- Bestie Boyz.
- Last Poison Golden Girls.
- Last Poison Gold And Girls.
- The Rainey Desert.
- Inground Pools By Mail.
- Can Polar Bears Climb Trees?
- Movement Is Progress.
- Progress Back.
- Progress Is Impossible.
- He Died In Her Living Room.
- The Canine Shake.
- Wherever You Are, You're Not There.
- Giteology Law, Organizational Geneology.
- View From The Spot.
- Into The Bisque, Quick!
- Into The Bisquick.
- The Digital Archeology Project.
- Stranded: Jack of all trades or expert in 1 area and dense in others?
- Lawyers' Dozen.
- Mister Mirage.
- The Partiverse.
- The Pettiverse.
- The Yap Club.
- Consultants Of Swing.
- More Than Appealing.
- Rage Rover.
- The What If Group.
- Half The Distance To The Dole.
- Da Bestest Deam Bookby Rhonda Narmbuz.
- The Back Of The Envelope Society.
- Johnny And His Electronic Gentle Raider.
- A Roast Attack Plant.
- Thought Loner.
- Thought Loaners.
- Van Cougar.
- Coot Spa.
- Cody Chrome.
- Big Finity.
- Stretchnology.
- Spanktacular.
- Vintage Celery.
- Git Models & Data.
- Lousy and Frowzy.
- E=mcHammer.
- Degrees Available, The Courses for the Degree, The Syllabuses for each Course.
- Creeditch Wastewater Removal.
- Water Drag It Is! Get It On! (Elemental Spinner for the four Elements.)
- Grapeful Shed.
- Corrodium.
- Imagine You're Crazy.
- Faux Model Jacket.
- The Dock Side Of The Street.
- The Gist Of Everything. (Wiki?)
- Quip Sand.
- Legal Geography over Time.
- Bionda Blu.
- Nomadic Fandom.
- Quick! Hold Fast!
- Balti Less Ray Bahnz.
- Twin Sisters: Ruby and Emerald Gates.
- The Tyranny Of Abundance.
- VW Feature.
- One Sided Numbers.
- The Axis Of Equal.
- Uniform Diversity.
- Diverse Uniformity.
- Quip Send.
- Lately In Red.
- Lady Enraged.
- Jester Tom.
- Mo Bendy.
- Bass Wipes.
- Terra Man.
- Terra Bull.
- Making Scents.
- Making Cents.
- Paper Losses.
- Smooth Waves.
- Ladies And Journeymen, Donate Your Fears.
- Ladies And Journeymen, Give Me Your Tears.
- 1st. And Droll.
- 1st. And Troll.
- Natural Foozeball Layabout.
- Lass Wages.
- Close Without Shaving.
- F. Stop Fitzwilliams.
- The Tale Of The Take.
- Hawkeye Musk.
- Abnormally Nominal.
- The Vader Way Dunk.
- Hope Ya Man Come Back.
- Wanna Vite
- Luggy Mambas.
- Corey Ellis.
- D.C. Boys.
- Lord Of The Rungs. (Rugs.)
- Places To Haggle (.com)
- 101 Ways To Spell A Sir Gillean.
- Just Dupe It!
- Father Of Abide.
- Farther Than Abide.
- N.N.B. (logo for Never Been Better)
- The Impatient Patient.
- The Boomer Rang.
- Cream Of Moshroom Soup.
- Wuss Con Sin.
- Bubba Bondo (School Of Diving)
- "If yopu can't give consent, you can't have intent." (T/F?)
- Crab 'n Go!
- The Roaving Rocks.
- Phase Book.
- Mackerel Mourning.
- The Stone Of Density.
- The Scone Of Density.
- The Scone Of Destiny.
- The New Man Blues.
- Into The Mist Quick!
- Mister Sippy's Rivers.
- Intermingled Peace or Bordered Peace?
- The Snake And The Fratman.
- City Of Likes.
- There's More Than One Way To Slam A Bam!
- Peck Shop Gals. (Loose Goods By The Peck.)
- Feta Con Cheese.
- Mitch Again!
- The Near End.
- Parlez Tricks.
- Old Light.
- Fusician.
- All Excess Pass.
- Illuminotsee.
- Jackal Of Trades.
- Jack Rapid.
- Black Roach.
- The Private Lime.
- The Prince Of June.
- The Institute Of June.
- The Institute Of Jane.
- When all is said and done, more is said than done. (T/F?)
- When all is said and done, all is said and done.
- The Elephant In The Shroom.
- The Strategic Benefit Of Crying Wolf.
- Ignorance Is Brisk.
- Portis Array.
- The Cob Father.
- The Cod Father.
- The Gob Father.
- The Nordi Gal.
- Cataract Injection.
- The P.M. Store, selling Hopium, Copium, and Time, but never enough.
- Alternate Universe Videos.
- Trailer Spark.
- Halfway To Nowhere Again.
- K.O. Spectate.
- Vague Praise.
- Garbardine Radio.
- Foot Fingers.
- Fasting Slowly.
- Slowly Fasting.
- Slowing Quickly.
- Slowing Fast.
- The Last Good Buy.
- The Last Good Guy.
- You would not be you if you were not you!
- No Iodine In Paradise.
- Dive Into Loneliness.
- It's An Equation.
- There's An Equation For That.
- How To Be Fresh.
- Tune Of The Unknown Slacker.
- The Sheep Detective.
- Marine Five.
- Dixie Cliques.
- Dixie Quips.
- Dixie Chiq.
- Bush McComic.
- Deep Slacking.
- Blister Yeast.
- Fresh Cope.
- Chicken Stoop.
- Coastal RICO.
- Pod Cats.
- Red Screen Of Debt.
- Red Scream Of Debt.
- Uptime Girl.
- Downtime Man.
- She's Always Winning Every Which Way But Lose.
- Don't Cry For Me Agent Tina.
- Come Spy For Me Agent Tina.
- What Stops You From Starting?
- Toomer, Rick.
- What A Birder.
- Dumb And Brag Street.
- I Saw The Crime.
- The Dead Head Detective.
- Is You Speakin Techmalogically Or Techmoronically?
- You Say You Want A Regulation.
- Alabi Shop / Wholesale / Distributors / Industries.
- Your question, as stated, assumes facts not in evidence. Do you care to correct the defect?
- When Posh Comes To Shove.
- Bowen Harrow.
- I Count To Prime.
- The Lumber King.
- The Charge Of The Like Brigade.
- George George. Rowan Rowan. Major Major. Minor Minor. Earl Earle. Rece Rees. Douglas Douglas. May May. Perry Perry. Cameron Cameron. Ivy Ivy. Norman Norman. Aaron Aaron. Carter Carter. Bradley Bradley. Riley Riley. Riley O'Riley. Cooper Cooper. Simon Simon. Samuel Samuel. Roy Roy. Roger Rogers. Craig Craig. Wheelock Wheelock. Ruby Ruby. (Double Names)
- Rowin Rowan. Surfin Rowan.
- Salty Monkey.
- Willbe Dunn.
- Willoughby Dunn.
- Big Max.
- Cereal Digital.
- The Whizzer Of Odds.
- How to want what you got after you've gotten what you wanted.
- An Avasting Man.
- An Ever Avasting Man.
- The Avasting Crew.
- The Avasting Boys.
- A Vast Man.
- The Better Country Club. (A club for people interesting in improving their country.)
- The Fate Polite.
- The Fete Polite.
- The Fait Polite.
- The Fake Polite.
- Frothy Coffee.
- Chronium.
- Violinens.
- Orlando Zone.
- Anyone Can Be Art.
- Ice 'N Berg's Refrigeration.
- Ice 'N Berg, Naval Architects.
- Ice 'N Berg, Navel Architects.
- No Ham No Fowl.
- Ice 'N Berg Uncertainty Industrties / Group.
- Act Leets.
- Pesto Mystic.
- Miss Givens.
- Power Slack.
- The Tude.
- You get what you knead said the baker.
- Most Favoured Nation Club.
- The global distribution of renewable energy (wealth)...
- Society for the simplification of modern life.
- Overton Window Relocation Services / Consultants.
- Item A. Jones.
- My daily eating app -> pics to service that classifies.
- Algorithm Bypass Site.
- Can Buddy Hack It?
- Wine and Fool Festival.
- County Lists. Sports & More.
- The Brit and a few assorted reasons for his superiority.
- Independence Date.
- A Dozen Hangry Dudes.
- Dirty Jogs.
- Earl Fields.
- Only Vans.
- Tot Leader.
- Pine Time.
- Chateau Beyond.
- Self Truth Meters. *
- Hut 2 Whistle Time.
- Indoor Weather Stadiums. *
- The Right Place, Time, Wave, Board, Skill.
- Starting 2 at Once: Bear and Bull. *
- Selling (What) If Tickets. *
- The Peaceful Rebel.
- Great Cultures/Peoples/Nations that have never conquered lands or other peoples.
- Large Ish Tics.
- Largesse Ticks.
- High Speed Stationary.
- One Man's Finished Product Is Another Man's Raw Materials.
- A Clip Tour.
- Bosun Higgs.
- The Futile Crescent. Pheasant. Peasant.
- Stan Lee Stanley.
- A Fully Automatic Knife.
- A Salt Knife.
- Dorm Life As A Service. *
- Mr. Goodranch.
- Jolly Wrenchers.
- The TLA Factory.
- Wifi In Space.
- Money Bald.
- Spelled Flower.
- Socal Social.
- J.J. Jr. aka TripleJ.
- Age And Bacon.
- Frosty Centers.
- Frothy Centers.
- Queen X.
- Bad Boyd.
- Da Counter Crows.
- Teenage Waistband.
- Teenage Waste Band.
- Promise Bonds. Make a promise to the public. Put up a bond that will pay out if you break it.
- Nunu Noone. Nunu Noone's New New Tunes.
- What percentage of so called "unintended" consequences are in fact intended but unstated? What about intended but denied.
- Manny's Petty Boys.
- It's the people who get things wrong that bring change...
- Big Lee Little.
- Big Lee Small.
- The best society ever? The best large scale society ever?
- Roberts' Wealth Wisdom.
- Familiar Rarity. Famiaiararity.
- The Forty Euro Version.
- Big Bowl Week With Radio Joe.
- We can be zeros.
- Sidewalks by the yard.
- The International Tourist Culture.
- The History Of Fighting Words.
- Theriches are in the ditches.
- Salt Pans On Mars.
- Haiku format, haiku tension. 3 in 5,7,5.
- I'm getting merry in the morning.
- You don't know what you've lost. Or what your ancestors lost.
- If you've got the grumpy monkey, I've got the twine.
- Some people want to shock the world.
- The Ignorant Magician or Would You Like To Disappear?
- A farewell to farms.
- TunStats Trophies?
- Physical Insult.
- Problem Displacement.
- Steppe Children.
- Nuclear Nomads.
- The Year Of The Cap.
- Private Island Audio / Music.
- Beta Days. He dreams of beta days ahead.
- Privacy Habits Of Nomads.
- Seven Bridgettes Robed.
- Severne Bridges Rowed.
- Tabletop Drama. Telephone Drama.
- Hair Plugs For Wen.
- Enough Rain To Drown A Shark.
- Beans Are Good For The Art. Has Beens Too.
- Pale Writer : Ghostly Ink.
- Chief Of Defectives.
- I am not writing this down.
- I am not typing this up.
- Off The Market, Possibly Non-Existant.
- Music To Mince Words By.
- Nation Versus Country: Nomadic.
- Get Off My Loan.
- Vice Versatile.
- The Pay Cheque Swap Club.
- Knee Cay.
- Self Made Money.
- Whine And FUD Festival.
- A Whiter Shade Of Shale.
- Bay Of Fungi.
- Hey Dude.
- Destination Roof.
- Destination Root.
- State Limes.
- Mun Cay Zuncle. (Mun Key Zuncle.)
- Sup Scribe?
- Deep Twist.
- Marching Georgia Peaches.
- Brand On A Bun.
- The Wyatt Album.
- Planning A Rewarding Journey.
- Planning A Rewarding Tourney.
- How Much Did The Sub Weigh?
- Lake Beer or Beer Lake.
- Miss Tumeric Uh.
- The Gapes Of Rome.
- The Grapes Of Rhone.
- When Brokes Attack.
- Less Damage Than A Flash Flood?
- A Fate Worse Than Debt.
- Hocus Focus.
- Juan And Don.
- Bed Dancing.
- Silencing Bolden.
- Adam Sandbar.
- Pianic.
- Euro 10.
- Valleybillies.
- Ve Slack.
- Newmerkins.
- Tomorrow Sugar.
- Meek Loafers.
- Nervous Anna.
- Koalafiend.
- May Rees.
- Cash Landing.
- Cache Landing.
- Bird Control.
- The Duck Side Of The Moon.
- The Duck Side Of Morn.
- The Duck Side Of the Move.
- Knight In The Shack.
- The Coper Beach Club.
- Coper Cabanas For Rent.
- In pursuit of sappiness.
- The Chef Of Pulis. / Polis.
- A large man with large, happy tights.
- Local Anti Static.
- Ant Burn Icer.
- Dapeople tru da corner say vote reb bull cause he does gee ya tings.
- Joe Rob 'e ma!
- Walk The Foothall. Walk The Fastball.
- John E. Whiplash.
- Are Your Eggs Peerienced?
- The Ignorant Instructor.
- Long Yard Logical.
- Pokey Doke-eed Honho Ware.
- The Fall Of Autumn.
- Talking About Talk.
- Talking About The Talkers.
- Welcome To The Momories.
- How You Akin Kanakin?
- Tiny Dangler.
- The New Man Zone.
- Audience Of Juan.
- Fred Smoothmoon.
- Gym P. Tiega.
- Act Your Rage.
- Life School.
- Biddie Jo.
- Conch Shell Lover.
- The Can't Guru.
- The Phases Of Fowl.
- Wild And Crazy Investments.
- Miss Thunder Stood.
- Education harms Some Poeple.
- While I'm 64.
- Liv, A Poodle.
- Wanting Help Without Advice.
- Self Service Vending Machines. (Restock themselves.)
- Young Ian.
- Cat Parks.
- Wenda Rolle.
- Venda Rolle.
- Blank Ops.
- Writing To The Future.
- All X do/think Y. You are an X but do not do/think Y.
- More Impact After Death.
- United Corn Party aka UCP aka Unicorn Party.
- Lettuce I've Written.
- 'E say 'e wan retriculate as a wood mason.
- Keeping The Fade.
- The Mad Dashers Club.
- Peak Eating.
- Contract To Get At Proof.
- Ronnie Da Tird.
- The Juan Wing Dove.
- Hidden By Time And Inattention.
- The Hunky Honky.
- Heleets and Sheleets.
- Unified Duality.
- Attic Monkeys.
- AIs at War.
- You're So Sane.
- The Founder Of The Times.
- A Vertical Solution To A Horizontal Problem.
- Nought The Only One.
- Naught The Only Juan.
- What Are The Three States That Matter?
- The Pint Of No Return.
- The Point Of No Deposit.
- Expert At Losing Stuff.
- Neofirced Party Law.
- The Great Cluwising.
- Weekend Poor.
- Weekend Pour.
- Hope Dashing.
- A Ghost Writer For Ghost Writers.
- Ab Sumo. A Tale Of Hidden Six Packs.
- Lickey The Description.
- No Holds Bart. Unconventional Wrestler.
- Sitt And Reed, Lawyers.
- The Wasabi Wolf.
- A Swish Dunk.
- Rhythm And Booze.
- Competing Chaos.
- Charlie Chaos.
- More Than Verbs.
- Ageing Backing.
- Ape Laws.
- Beck Beck. Curtis Curtis. Lee. Lee. Vaughn Vaughn. (Double Names)
- Protocol Heros.
- The Buzzard Beater.
- Git Dictionary and Law.
- LED Zipline.
- Fa Las Avers.
- Fructose Intelligent.
- Lactose Intelligent.
- Rested Rants - Woke Up Angry.
- Strengthen Your Forgetter.
- If you make me choose one, I'll choose the other!
- Trestle Mania.
- Trestle Maniac.
- Thunder Rated.
- Perros Of The Sea.
- Reds At Work.
- Wren At Work.
- The Butterfly Ninja.
- Give Him A Smile And He'll Take A Mile.
- Give Him A Smile And He'll Take An Inch.
- The Left Hand Band.
- Breedist.
- Hop Town.
- Hop Town Girl.
- (Double Names) Arthur Arthur. Betty Betts. Wayne Wayne. Morgan Morgan. Truman Truman. Chandler Chandler. West West. Brian Brian. Mitchell Mitchell. Howard Howard. Hunter Hunter. Hunter Hunt. Leo Leo. Reece Reece. Reece Rees. Bruce Bruce. Woodrow Wood.
- Two Ton Carmen.
- Depot ision.
- The Aft Davits.
- The Last Sandwich.
- The Wry Banana.
- My Running Behind.
- Going Underground.
- The Art Of Appearing Broke.
- Refried Green Tomatoes.
- Band At The Bayou.
- Sarah And The Dippity Doos.
- Supplying Da Man.
- Innis Edwards.
- Surviving Da Man.
- Manifest Density.
- Prank Factory.
- Sea Goo.
- Community Nomadics.
- Dock Foot.
- Doc Foote.
- Ace In The Hole, Pet Defective.
- Juan And Don. Unique Planners.
- Plumb Out Of Plums.
- Match A Sketch Books. Business Idea.
- Overton Window Engineering.
- Rupee Tuesday.
- Useful Idioms.
- Tick for Tat.
- Tic for Tat.
- The Calm Again Kid.
- The Savvy Savant.
- Doctor Fly And The Zippers!
- A Band On -> Band Moved ON.
- I Like Big Bots.
- Making The Karo Scene.
- First Child but not the Oldest Child.
- Real Things.
- Reel Things.
- (Double Names) Lester Lester. Wilson Wilson. William Williams. Ronald Ronald. Harrison Harrison. Spence Spence. Joseph Joseph. Leyton Leyton. Barry Barry. Frederick Fredericks. Glen Glenn. Marie Moree. Brian O'Brian. Haines Haines. Gaines Gaines. Spenser Spenser. Connor O'Connor. Connor Connor. Lamar Lamarr. Otto Ott.
- Mango Jelly.
- Mungo Jelly.
- Robbing Hoods.
- Golden Nugent.
- When you have only 5 terrible options and there is no excuse for either.
- Common Denumerator.
- Houses Of The Homely.
- Homes For The Homely.
- The Problems Are Built Into The Solutions.
- General Choch's Tractor.
- Rumainiac.
- Rumainiac.
- Rumainer.
- Knights Of The Brown Fable.
- Idea: Bluetooth SLAM PHONE.
- Idea: Bluetooth AI Operator Phone.
- It's Vibe O'Clock.
- Robot Worlds.
- Play It As It Cries.
- 4 Bets And A Wager.
- Without Further I Do.
- Cod Magic.
- Contusion Rolle.
- The Fault Of July.
- High Heels On A Low Budget.
- Safe And Defective.
- Kitchen Tamer.
- Coder Chrome! ***
- Psy Goats.
- Joe NameIt.
- John's Coal Train.
- Fishin Chicks.
- Consumer Side Contracts. (Expressed differently elsewhere.) [of Adhesion?]
- A.I. And I.Q.
- AI With adjust to match IQ.
- Who Will Protect The Protectors?
- Who Will Check The Checkers?
- Who Will Mind The Minders?
- What Are The Advantages Of A World Without Progress?
- How Much Are The Tickets To The Free Concert?
- But At The End Of The Day, The Day Ends.
- Li Sing.
- I have not yet begun to bite.
- Displain.
- Adjust Capital Gains Taxes For Inflation / Cost Of Living Increases.
- Steph And Steph Shephens.
- Round Tuit Boyz.
- More Than A Feeding.
- Frolic Acid.
- Vague News.
- The Mangy Monger: Potcake who sells iron items.
- Think And Lose Weight.
- Mini Man.
- Lonely Together.
- A Band With No Reason.
- All The Good Spots Are Taken.
- It Works Until It Doesn't.
- A Group E. Kind Of Love.
- Federal Department Of Instigation.
- The Sequel Iza.
- Blue Screen Of Debt.
- That's Nuts - A Nut Store.
- The Mythical Crab.
- The Mistical Crab.
- The Terazzo Twins.
- The T-Shirt Rag.
- Alex and Ross Sag Time Band.
- Alex and Ross Slag Time Band.
- A Circle With 4 Corners.
- Tuck Shop Rules.
- Low Key Dokie.
- The Swedish Tatoo.
- Dump and Dumper.
- We The Sheeple.
- Larry Of Aribica.
- A Worthless Man Is Hard To Find.
- Vertchill Payne.
- Alternatives, Choices, Or Options. Take Your Pick.
- NFL - 3 and out scores a point for the defence.
- Stabbard Lee.
- Starboard Lee.
- Stafford Lee.
- I've got my problems, but 99 isn't one of them!
- Gated In America.
- The Nudge Wars.
- Fast Gar.
- Gully Bandit.
- Your Deluded By You're Delusions. (Have At It!)
- Stray! Just A Little Bit Longer.
- Bestimate.
- Pet Peaves / Peevz / Peavz / Peevez.
- Rage Against The Marines.
- I'm Not Complaining, I'm Explaining.
- Bob And The Mike.
- NFL team weight cap as well as salary cap.
- NBA team height capas well as salary cap.
- The FUD Pyramid.
- Everyone Never Says That!
- Whole Lotta Roachie.
- Exit Stenchial.
- Don't Squeeze The Van Gogh!
- Egonomics.
- Golden Slumbirds.
- Fake Newbs.
- Kid Rolle.
- When Leaders Led.
- When Lenders Lend.
- Fakefully Yours.
- Kind Of A Brag.
- Albert Ross, Albatross Flight School.
- Lesley Morely. (Leslie Morely.)
- Third And Gaol.
- Conspiracy Realist.
- Oppo Raider.
- Groupers In The Heart.
- Gone Zaggin.
- Gone Ziggin.
- eeleeb(d)
- Mars Has Talents.
- The Daily Hoax.
- Ray's Ad Words.
- Nobody The Great.
- The Outhouse (Nightclub / Bar)
- The Trust Equation.
- The Trust Building Equation.
- The Dark Might.
- Wendy Raine (comes...)
- Lying Questions.
- Is there any tax that does not (even indirectly) raise the cost of goods and services?
- Passing Jacks -> like blackjack (21) but jacks get passed clockwise (perhaps just face up jacks.)
- House Odours Association.
- Coffee Scented Cologne.
- Order Of The Lonely Farts.
- Real Clever Parlour Tricks.
- Society Of Succinct Writers: We're Not Wordy!
- Shining Object Factory.
- Orfice Jobs.
- Non-Resident Immagrant.
- The Three Biddie Problem.
- The Three Boogie Problem.
- The Three Booty Problem.
- Noseeum Water.
- Prank / Novelty Pocket Squares.
- Thoughts on the haddin and dropping of aitches.
- Don't Think And Drive!
- Time Shavers.
- Pesto Misum.
- Pesto Mission.
- Abbey Crumble and Flinch.
- The Mastery Of Mystery.
- Dan Sells Washington.
- Candid Karma.
- Lead Zapper.
- Princess McBride.
- Guana Gal, named Daisy.
- Bug Wiser.
- Bug Wizzer.
- Untoasted Toast.
- Adwise And Content.
- Scabotaged.
- Welcome To The Bungle.
- Philly Gunboats.
- Filet Gunboats.
- Pot Casting.
- The Roan Wolf.
- A Low Per Diem Diet.
- From She To Shining She.
- Whap Speed.
- Fear Market Value.
- Fair Margate Value.
- Resist The Mainsail.
- Antillectual.
- Hugh Crane.
- One Man Think Tank.
- Hollywood Exes.
- Hollywood Excess.
- Alias Smith And Earl.
- Lois Numbers.
- Oligarching Around.
- Create "The Most Valuable Unit" Award.
- Dry Sea Gal.
- Hugh Crane.